~The Dawn (Newt)~

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This is one of the first kisses you can pick between, the other one is earlier in the book if you already read past it. It will have Thomas's name in the title just so you know where to find it!

"'What's going on?' Newt asked, looking back and forth between Thomas and Aris. 'Why're you guys looking at each other like you just fell in love?'"

James Dashner, The Scorch Trials


One night, Newt found you laying out under the stars.

"Not going to sleep? We're leaving soon you know. You need the sleep." Newt's smooth accent told you. You rolled your eyes and crossed your legs, folding your arms behind your head.

"I just can't sleep." you replied.

"Come on... I'll hold you if you need me to. I know you don't like the nightmares y/n but you need to sleep." Newt pointed out.

"Yeah, I know," you yawned. "I know."

"See? Let's go to bed, it'll be all warm and cozy instead of freezing out here." Newt tried to convince you.

"But the stars are so pretty!" you complained to him.

"You're pretty too, and i'd like to see your pretty eyes close for at least a few hours," Newt argued back.

"Ugh... fine. But only because you told me to," you huffed, crossing your arms. You didn't have the energy to get up, but managed on wobbly legs to make your way to Newt.

"Let's go," you smiled at him.

"As you wish!" Newt said before bending over and picking you up, bridal style.

"Wha- Newt!" you laughed out loud. "What do you think you're doing?" you narrowed your eyes at him.

"We're going to sleep, whether you like it or not," he said. "And you're not getting out of it this time." he added.

.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙  *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .

Minho sat yawning on his little cot next to yours and Newt's. 

"You two act more and more like an old married couple everyday," Minho yawned in between his words.

Your face burned when you heard that. It was true. You and Newt had been awfully close the past few days. You pretty much spent every second with him. Though for some reason, half of your heart still felt a bit injured.

"Yeah, yeah, goodnight you slinthead," Newt said, before dragging you down into bed with him. He curled up behind you and whispered a goodnight in your ear. You turned over a bit to kiss the tip of his nose and say goodnight as well before snuggling into the warmth he provided. But despite his warmth, you were still shivering.

.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙  *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
(the rest of this chapter is Newt's first kiss with you)

You fell asleep fairly easily but woke up halfway through the night for no reason. You kissed his forehead, and admired his peaceful face for a moment. Then, you slipped out of his grasp to see the stars again.

Despite your attempts to not wake him up, which you thought you hadn't. He had followed you out of the tent.

You lay down on the smaller cliff under the stars, and when you heard some shuffling movements next to you, you got scared before a smiling Newt laid down as well.

You turned onto your shoulder and just stared at him. He looked so perfect.

"What's wrong, love?" you heard him finally speak up.

"Huh?" you said confused.

"You know, you try to hide it but I can see right through you, y/n," he stated.

You felt a rush of emotions as you stared at him. The dam was breaking the longer you stared into his brown chocolaty eyes. Him saying your name made you cave in.

"We've lost so many people to get here Newt."

"I know, but lost things have a way of turning up."

"You think they'll come back to us in some way?" you asked curiously.

"Maybe. If the stars want them to," Newt sighed, gazing back at the sky. "But what else is wrong?"

"Um... well... I've been thinking for a while and I-" you started. Newt turned to face you and the second he looked at you you had to look away. "I think... I think I'm falling in love with you, Newt," you whispered. Your heart was pounding and your cheeks were probably as red as the tomato soup you had 'eaten', though you barely touched it, last night.

"Is this what has been keeping you up?" Newt asked. A weird emotion was displayed on his features. It was soft but also longing.

"No... well- yes that too, but I thought you should know that," you rambled.

"Hey... it's okay," Newt reassured. He smiled knowing how much you thought of him and were overthinking everything. He pulled you closer to him.

You reached your hand out and caressed the side of his face, then he reached up and brushed his thumb over your lips. At this point it was obvious you were staring at each other's lips. You wanted to kiss him so badly. 

"Is this okay?" he asked. He was obviously asking if he could kiss you.

You nodded, a bit shakily. It was finally happening.

Then, he pulled you in and kissed you quickly. In that moment you had felt a wide range of emotions, but the main thing you felt was love.

You ran your thumb over his neck and leaned your forehead against his staring into his eyes. They were mystical and the little golden bits seemed to draw you in closer. He pulled you in again for a heart-melting kiss. And when you pulled away you kept your eyes closed for a few moments, unable to process the euphoria.

It was better than anything you had ever imagined. He gave you a warm smile. The sun began to crest the horizon, making way for dawn. And the two of you, laying on top of one another, were bathed in fresh golden rays of morning sun. There was no dew on the dry grass, and the rocks may not be the most comfortable, but here was the perfect spot to be at this very moment. You watched as Newt's face lit up and his hair became rays of golden light. He squinted his eyes and laughed a little at the ridiculous cliché-ness of the moment and you giggled along with him.

You were pressed against his chest on top of him and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him again and again. Each kiss brought new life to your body and you were so wrapped up in the moment that when someone cleared their throat behind you, you almost fell off of Newt.

"Good morning, lovebirds!" Minho announced.

"Ugh- good morning, shank." Newt thickly spit at him in a joking manner, he rolled his head back to rest against the dirt with an exaggerated sigh. The moment was ruined, but the two of you would forever remember it.

"No need to be harsh, I wasn't trying to interrupt your make-out sesh or anything. Just wanted to watch the beautiful sunrise. But I guess this spot's taken." Minho snickered.

"Yeah, it is, now shoo." Newt said, waving his hand at Minho. He turned back to you. "We should get up. I don't think we need any more witnesses."

"Yeah, I agree." you said, and smiled at him as you got up and dusted yourself off. You were filled with new hope for the day.

You didn't feel like a monster as much now.

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