~First Day In The Scorch~

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"He didn't care about the others anymore. The chaos around him seemed to siphon away his humanity, turning him into an animal. All he wanted was to survive, make it to that building, get inside. Live. Gain another day."

James Dashner, The Scorch Trials

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You ran and ran, everyone following behind you. Behind you, there were people with flashlights searching. You were scared they would find you. What would your dad do then?

A giant sand dune was in your way but you climbed it with vigor much like everyone else, desperate to get away from that inhumane place. You heard engines, motorcycles, and yelling. You guessed that your dad most likely would not stop looking for you until he found you. You laid atop a dune with the others, watching down below. Thomas laid next to you and slung his arm over your back.

"Alright, go go go, stay low, stay low!" he whispered to everyone as you army crawled down the other side of the small hill. The flashlights were getting too close for comfort. Then, after a bit of that, you got up and ran. The wind blew your hair back, and once again it became knotted. Teresa ran beside you, she looked over as Thomas told you to watch out, approaching a half-buried building. A part of the glass was shattered. There was yelling as Teresa recklessly entered the building. At this point, you were terrified. But fear was a reaction, being brave was your decision to make. And you had decided.

You ran inside seeking refuge like the others, after all you were wanted and escapees now. Minho slipped down the hill of sand after you, stumbling into you and bumping your shoulder which kicked up sand and sent you crashing to the ground. The second you landed you could feel the pain again.

"Oh my god, y/n!" Minho said in a worried tone. Thomas made it down as well picking you up from under your arms.

"Thanks, don't worry about me!" you dismissed his worried expression with a wave of your hand. Everyone should be focusing on their surroundings after all. Who knows what could be in here. Minho clicked on a flashlight, it shone down through the rafters and the metal columns.

"Where the hell are we?" Minho asked. Oh great, so nobody knew! Not like anyone would know. But this was just fantastic.

"We gotta go," Thomas said.

"No," Teresa interrupted.


"Thomas, STOP," Teresa forcefully commanded. "Tell me what's going on." Oh, you knew where this was going. You knew, but you couldn't do anything to stop it because... well, you couldn't change Teresa's mind. And the one person who could, well maybe he could, but you were oh-so jealous of it.  The one person who could wasn't trying to.

You clenched you fists to bear with the pain in your arm. You gritted your teeth and folded your arms inwards as you zoned out through their mini conversation about WCKD. Those bastards. Wait, that's a bad word y/n. Yeah right, not like they'd hear. But it's still a bad word! What are you gonna do about it. Nothing! Because you're my own brain. Wow this is kinda stupid. Why am I talking to myself? Should I say something?

When you zoned back in everyone looked so serious. "What's all the fuss about guys?" you asked. Everyone looked at you incredulously.

"Did you really miss all of that?" Newt asked in disappointment. You just pursed your lips after that. "Alright, so what's the plan," Newt says turning back to Thomas. "You do have a plan right?" Thomas looked so unsure of himself right then and there you knew you had to help.

"Um... what about- the thing my dad mentioned?" Everyone turned to look at you, hope filling their eyes as you looked down and kicked at the sand beneath your feet.

"Which part?" Aris asked, nudging your foot. You giggled a bit before beginning to explain. The looks Thomas and Newt sent Aris were deadly.

"The people, the people they said they couldn't find. The ones hiding in the mountains," you explained. What was the name? I bet Thomas or Aris knows. Hold on, I want to figure this out myself.  "The right arm guys!!!" You said unnecessarily loudly.

Thomas grinned widely at you, a strange emotion covering his face. You gripped at the hem of your shirt. Newt patted you on the back as if to say, "that's a good plan." The high ride of emotions blocked out the pain you were in.

Everyone's tension was released in a split second. Their shoulders relaxed and some of them showed a hint of a smile after all the commotion. Instead of being reluctant about trying to find these people that not even WCKD could find, everyone seemed to agree that is was the best chance of survival. The only chance.

The tension was released until Winston noticed something in the sand.

"You guys," he said motioning everyone over. "Minho, give me your light!"

"Someone's been down here."

"Or something," you added. That earned you some uneasy glances and shuddering before everyone averted their attention back to where the footsteps led. You found a door.

"Hey guys, we should hide in here," you whispered. Everyone gathered and you lifted up the door with ease.

Minho hunted the room with his flashlight and Thomas found a lamp. Teresa found another flashlight and Thomas shook out some jackets, putting one on.

"Catch," Newt said while tossing a flashlight to you.

"Everyone should split up," Thomas suggested. Seeing as everyone had a flashlight now, everyone went supply hunting in the giant building full of sand. You were going to name this building, 'The Ancient Civilization'. Due to all the stuff you guys found but not one living creature was here.

You wandered off in a separate direction from everyone, probably a bad idea on your part but when you heard footsteps behind you, you whipped around.

"Newt! You scared me!" you whisper-shouted.

"Sorry, don't go where I can't follow! It's always good to have a buddy!" he announced, justifying his actions. You smiled at him, glad to have someone with you. It made you feel a bit less uneasy about this place.

You saw a shiny metallic thing on the ground and went over to examine it. You dusted it off, and it looked almost new. A sleek, black gun. You checked if it had bullets and it for sure did.  You dusted it off and tucked it into your waistband. Looking for extra bullets, you found some scattered around the place and picked each up carefully putting them in your pockets with the bandages. Yeah, it was heavy but you felt much safer even with the extra bulk of the gun clinging to your side. It would come in handy.

"Ahh!!" You suddenly screamed. Newt ran over to you, as you stared face to face with a man sitting on a chair. A plastic bag was over his head and as you looked closer it looked like his face and body was rotting. You heard footsteps coming around the corner as a worried Minho and Thomas stopped in front of you guys. When they saw what was behind you they freaked out a bit too.

"Shit," Thomas cursed.

"Language!" you said slapping his arm. I do that too though-

"Hypocrite," Minho said, he knew you almost too well.

You laughed it off, wandering back to the others with Newt. You were a bit too shaken up to continue searching. You knelt down on the floor near Frypan as Teresa changed in the corner. Don't think I didn't catch you staring, Fry- I see you.

"What?" he asked incredulously to both you and Newt's reaction when he looked back. You uncovered an old biker jacket, it had some cool checkered patterns that were worn out on the sleeves. You also found a pair of boots that would definitely come in handy as opposed to the old shoes you were wearing at the moment. You picked up a dusty navy blue shirt and shook it off a couple of times before replacing Teresa in the corner she changed in. You pulled off your own t-shirt and looked over the giant bookcase to check the others progress in finding clothes but instead you met Newt's eyes. He turned his head away quickly and you dove into the oldish new shirt. Throwing the jacket over it and stepping out of your comfy sweatpant things and into a pair of cargo pants with tons of pockets just in case you had to carry a lot of useful materials. You remembered at the last minute to switch the bandages, bullets, and gun over to the cargo pants' pockets. When you looked over at Teresa you saw her smiling at a very old-looking photograph. It was damaged in more ways than one but you could still see the nice picture of a little blonde girl and her stuffed teddy bear.

"Where'd you go?" Teresa whispered running her thumb over the photograph as you sat next to her.

"I hope somewhere safe, somewhere far away," you said.

"Yeah, I hope so too," Teresa added. The sympathy you both felt for the little girl was a little too overwhelming and you had to get up and wipe your eyes before wandering back to Fry and Newt. Apparently it was now Newt's turn to get rid of the clothing he had been in and exchange it for a nice and dusty set topped off with a scarf. Well, he at least knew how to dress nicely. Fashion.

All the lights around you suddenly turned on. What the shuck?

You heard echoing painful screeches around you. And then you heard Thomas yelling.

"What's going on?"

"Oh shit," Newt said.

"Language!" you corrected him before yelling, "run!"

A group of, whatever those things were, chased after everyone. Newt threw a backpack to Thomas before running.

Everyone kept yelling to keep running, but you were determined to fight one off with the new weapons you had found. You stopped for a brief moment, pulling it out and aiming.

"y/n what the hell are you doing!" Newt yelled behind you.

"Saving your shuck asses," you put it bluntly and pulled the trigger. A bang reverberated throughout the building. The creature falling to the floor. And shuck, that hurt your arm. The force of the shot ricocheted through your body.

"Come on! Let's go!" you yelled right after.

"y/n, that was badass," Minho commented.

"Thanks, I know it was." You smirked and looked over at Thomas who was running beside you. He shot you and approving grin. You clenched your teeth preparing for more.

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1844 words

QOTD: What would your choice of weapon be as a super hero? (idk-)

Probably guns or some form of spear? (kinda makes me think of rising of the shield hero if anybody watches anime and recognizes that)

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