Really a Date

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I was back at work now and Quavo was sitting in the chair across from me. I'm surprised no one has figured it out yet because he's literally always here. We leave the building at different times even when we're both headed to the said place because I don't want all the people that are constantly following him to know where I live.

"When are you gonna actually let me take you somewhere?" he asked.

"Why are you trying so hard to get me to let you take me out on a date?" I replied.

He smiled and shrugged. "Probably because every time I ask you say no."

"So you just look at me like a challenge?" I asked smiling back.

"Come on....just once. My fans know about the baby already and it's been a couple weeks so they should be over the shock of it and more accepting. You know, if that's what you're worried about." He said.

"If I was to allow you to take me out on a date where would you take me out?" I asked him.

"It would be a surprise....why? Are you considering it?" he asked me.

"As long as I don't get too crazy. I don't want all that attention." I said to him

On Friday he came over to pick me up and he was dressed like he always was. He begging me for months to let him take me out and he isn't even dressed up.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"You look nice," he replied ignoring my question. "You ready?"

I nodded and walked out of my apartment and locked the door behind me. When we got to the parking lot I saw what had to be the biggest most loudly colored SUV I've ever seen in my life.

"You drive a highlighter green truck?" I asked him. He nodded. "So much for not drawing attention."

"Don't worry we'll be alone," he replied.

"Yeah.....okay," I replied.

We got into the car and he pulled a black piece of fabric out of his pocket. "Put this on."

"Put it on what?" I asked him.

"A blindfold." He said. "Stop asking so many questions all the time."

I put it on and sat back in the seat. The ride felt like it took forever because I was blindfolded and when the ride was over I still wasn't allowed to take the blindfold off. I was guided out of the car and into a building. I was taken all the way to a chair and made to sit down.

"So can I take the blindfold off now?" I asked him.

"Yeah go ahead." He said.

I pulled it off and looked around. He was sitting across a table from me and we were in a tunnel. I looked up and swimming over us was a giant whale shark. We were in the aquarium. I continued to look around and I noticed that there was no one else there.

"Are we here alone?" I asked.

"I told you we would be." He said. "You said you never came here right?"

"No never, but I always wanted to," I replied.

"And now you're here." He said with a smile.

I looked up and watched as the sea animals around us swam slowly in circles. It was amazing to watch; they were like birds gliding slowly above us.

"You going to eat your food?" I looked across the table and Quavo was looking across at me.

"Sorry, I told you that fish are my favorite animals," I said to him.

"Yeah, I listen." He replied. "But if you sit here and stare you're not gonna be able to see the rest of the tanks before the dolphin show starts."

I looked over at him and smiled. "You're joking?" I asked

"What?" I asked.

"We're really gonna see a dolphin show?" he nodded. "I'm high-key too excited to eat."

He laughed. "Eat your food."

I was trying to keep calm, but I just couldn't. The aquarium had penguins and I love penguins. There was an exhibit that had three beluga whales inside and when they saw us they started to swimming toward us. They would go all the way to the back of the tank, swim forward but before they hit the glass they would take a nose dive and rub their backs against the glass from up top all the way to the bottom. Once they reached the bottom they came up and swam back to the far end of the tank to do it over again.

They were entertaining but the dolphin show was amazing. "This is like the best date I've ever been on," I said to him as we headed toward the main entrance. He had only rented it out for the morning so by the time that we were leaving a line had formed and people were outside waiting to get in. we walked out of the building and almost immediately someone shouted.

"Look! Quavo!" people were screaming and shouting things at us. I glanced up from the ground was met by a bunch of phones being shoved into my face. I moved closer to him and kept my head down as he led us back to the car.

"That was crazy," I said after we got back into the car.

"You thought that was bad just imagine what would happen if they would have known we were there. We probably wouldn't have been able to leave the building." He said.

Later that night we were sitting on my sofa and I was scrolling down my Instagram feed and I started to see pictures of us together walking out of the aquarium. I didn't read any of the comments because I knew that it would be some rude shit. I set my phone down on the sofa and looked over at Quavo.

"You staying the night or are you going home?" I asked him.

He looked back at me wide-eyed. "Are you asking me to stay or do you want me to leave?" he replied.

I stood up from the sofa and started toward my room. "Honestly I don't care, but if you leave lock the door." I turned around and smiled at him and he smiled back. He got up and followed me to my room. 

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