Warblers of All Ages

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The three of us went to the airport. Since Clark drove to the precinct, he dragged me to his car we drove to the airport with Trent following behind. Which ended up being a good thing.

It slipped my mind that Wes was also coming to Central City. But thankfully I wasn't the only one to surprisingly find not two but five men in Dalton Uniform...and a girl?

"Woah." Clark commented. "Please tell me that David didn't start to cross dress."

The girl just gave Clark a look that had effectively shut him up.

"Wow I haven't seen anyone shut Clark off like that." Nick commented. "Good job, Jane."

"But seriously, I didn't expect so many of you to come." I said. "My apartment isn't that big."

"Don't worry, Bas. We all managed to get a hotel room in last minute." Jeff said. "I know we all jumped on this."

"You think?" I asked. "How..."

"First, the introductions though." Wes said. "This is Jane Hayward. She was the last to audition as a Warbler, and the first girl ever to Audition."

"Wait, you went to Dalton?" Trent asked

"My dad sued Dalton for discrimination." She said offhanded. "I used to attend a none performing public school. And my dad and uncles were alumni of Dalton. So they wanted me to go there to."

"You do know that Dalton has a Sister school right?"

"I don't think it occurred to my dad until the end of the school year." Jane said. "But it was fine I guess. After we got over the part that the Warbler Council started a Sexist Empire."

"Wait what?"

Skylar rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Austin had a bit of an effect on the voting after her audition."

"I knew I didn't like that kid." I said looking at Thad pointedly, who raised his hands in defense.

"I didn't think he was that bad. He seemed like a nice kid. He reminded me of you actually, a very opinionated and passionate kid."

"He seemed more like Nick to me."

"So Introductions?" Jane asked.

"Oh, Right." Clark chirped. "I'm Clark Stephens. This sunshine-y Warbler is Trent Nixon. And the tall broody Warbler is Sebastian Smythe if he's not his broody self he's Barry Allen."

"I'm not that bad."

"Anymore." Thad said. "Sebastian was downright scary sometimes. But Barry is a lot more approachable."

"Wait, I'm confused." She said. "Does he have a Multiple Personality Disorder."

We all chuckled at that. "Nothing like that."

She looked at me confused.

"When I was in Dalton, I was under the name Sebastian Smythe. But I was born under the name Barry Allen."


"It's a long story." I said. "Something that we could discuss somewhere else."

"But, what do I call you?"

I chuckled "Just call me Barry."

"Come on, we've got a lot of catching up to do."


Thad, Skylar and Jane rode with Clark and I while Wes and Niff rode with Trent. After dropping off their things in their hotel room and Thad's at my apartment, Clark lead us all to Jitters. When we all got our orders, Wes started the conversation.

"Why am I not surprised that you brought us to a coffee shop?" Wes asked

"Because, Jitters has the best coffee in Central City." Clark said. "And Barry's crush. Mfft"

I covered his mouth with my hand. I smiled at the other guys and whispered a quick shut up in Clark's ear.

"I thought that Sebastian was gay."

"And where did you hear that?"

Jane shrugged. "I did my research."

Thad chuckled. "Well, Sebastian, Barry's Alter ego, was a flirt. But since we went to an all boy's school. We all thought he was just heteroflexible. But Barry is straight."

"We defy the laws of stereotypes." I said. "Where the straight guy is best friends with the gay guy."

"I thought that was Blaine and Sam." Nick said. "Remember the Trophy incident."

"We were besties before they were." Thad said.

"But I wouldn't use the term bestie." I said. "He was my roommate for a whole year. And no one knows me inside and out like Thad."

"And Barry knows me the same way."

"I didn't think the older Warblers were much more entertaining and hospitable than the Warblers when I was at Dalton."

"That's because both Head Warblers ruled the group with an Iron fist." Skylar explained which caused a dark look from Wes and me. "Just like that. I wasn't as harsh. So the meetings were always more organized."

"I wasn't that bad." Wes and I said simultaneously. Which caused them to chuckle.

"No, you weren't." Nick said. "Not as much as Hunter though."

"Hunter was downright scary." Skylar agreed. "Especially when he was in his roid rages. But if he wasn't, he was just very intimidating."

"Only, Barry managed to see the good in him. But Barry sees the best in everyone."

"Probably how I got stabbed." I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"What was with that anyways?" Wes asked. "I was meaning to ask about that since Niff mentioned it."

"Well, you know that my foster dad is a cop." I said. "So the summer before Senior year, I went to the precinct and helped with a case. The case was about a woman being killed leaving a little girl behind. I guess it hit a little close to home, and I wanted to help the little girl cope with it."

"What he didn't realize however," Clark said. "Was that the little girl was not only a psychopath, but also a killer."

"And I've got the scar to prove it."

"Anyways, topic change. So Barry I've been meaning to ask you something." Jeff said perching his head on his hands and his elbows on the table. "Since you got back from the coma. I want to know, do you still got it?"

"Come again?"

"Can you still sing and dance like you used to." Jeff clarified. "We all know that Sebastian was a talented performer. After so long in science courses and working with the police. I wondered if you still got it."

"I am insulted by that question." I said playfully. "Why do you doubt my abilities?"

"Well, Sebastian hasn't shown his face in a while." Clark said with a smile. "And I know just the place where you could prove it."


Clark dragged us to the park in Central City. The same park that Joe had attempted to teach me how to fight.

Somewhere in the park was a stage. It wasn't as big as one you'd find in a concert. Only a bit smaller than the usual stage we used for Show Choir competitions.

"We had a large college party here just the other day." Clark explained. "It was one of our projects. And we still haven't taken off the stage. No one is using it..."

"This is great!" Thad exclaimed as he climbed the stage. He looked across the park. "You could see the whole park from here. I haven't been on a stage like this since Sectionals."

"Well, Warblers aren't meant to be caged right?" Nick said exchanging a look with Jeff and Clark and the three of them climbed the stage. "Come on, guys."

Skylar chased after them, while Wes and Trent followed at a slower pace though excitement was evident in their faces. I was about to follow them when I noticed Jane's reluctance.

"I think I should stay here." she said. "I'm not exactly..."

"Just because the younger group didn't accept you in your audition doesn't mean that the older bunch doesn't." I said. "I was in contact with Skylar when you auditioned and he told me himself, you're good. You are a Warbler. It doesn't as long as you wear that uniform proudly and sang with all your heart. It doesn't matter whether you're a boy or a girl. You're one of us. And we never leave anyone behind."

I offered her my hand which she took and I lead her to the stage where the others were waiting.

"So, Jeff." I said. "You prompted us here. You start what song?"

"I know just the perfect song." Jeff said giving Jane a smile.

He started the Acapella of a familiar song. The other boys smiled and followed. I took Jane's hand and sang.

Hey... everybody loses it,
Everybody wants to throw it all away sometimes
And hey... yeah I know what you're going through
Don't let it get the best of you, you'll make it out alive

Thad wraps his arm around Jane's shoulders and lead her to a spot beside him. Then I noticed that we were starting to gather a crowd.

People like us, we've gotta stick together
Keep your head up, nothing lasts forever
Here's to the damned, to the lost and forgotten
It's hard to get high when you're living on the bottom

I took the lead then we danced the familiar steps from back in our Warbler days.

Oh whoa oh oh whoa oh
We are all misfits living in a world on fire
Oh whoa oh oh whoa oh
Sing it for the people like us, the people like us

Skylar sang the next part while clipping on a lapel mic that Clark had tossed him after seeing the crowd gather. Clark started up the sound system. He was encouraging Jane to sing
Hey, this is not a funeral
It's a revolution, after all your tears have turned to rage
Just wait, everything will be okay
Even when you're feeling like it's going down in flames

Jane had a smile on her face as her voice rang around the park. Which captivated the whole crowd as they started to cheer.

People like us, we've gotta stick together
Keep your head up nothing lasts forever
Here's to the damned, to the lost and forgotten
It's hard to get high when you're living on the bottom

Clark finally joined us and we were all jumping and dancing on the stage.

Oh whoa oh oh whoa oh
We are all misfits living in a world on fire
Oh whoa oh oh whoa oh
Sing it for the people like us, the people like us

Oh whoa oh oh whoa oh
You've just gotta turn it up loud when the flames get higher
Oh whoa oh oh whoa oh
Sing it for the people like us, the people like us

Jane's voice was phenomenal. It reminded me of Santana's voice. It was strong and has an impact. Once she got comfortable performing with us she looked like she was enjoying herself.

They can't do nothing to you, they can't do nothing to me
This is the life that we choose, this is the life that we bleed
So throw your fists in the air, come out, come out if you dare
Tonight we're gonna change forever

Everybody loses it, everybody wants to throw it all away sometimes

We stood in the signature Warbler waiting pose with our hands behind our backs as I sang the refrain.

People like us, we've gotta stick together
Keep your head up nothing lasts forever
Here's to the damned, to the lost and forgotten
It's hard to get high when you're living on the bottom

We were all jumping and dancing again and so were the crowd who looked like they were enjoying themselves as much as we were.

Oh whoa oh oh whoa oh
We are all misfits living in a world on fire
Oh whoa oh oh whoa oh
Sing it for the people like us, the people like us

Oh whoa oh oh whoa oh
You've just got to turn it up loud when the flames get higher
Oh whoa oh oh whoa oh
Sing it for the people like us, the people like us

The people from the park who stood to watch were all clapping and cheering. We gave a bow and gathered together. Jeff patted me in the back.

"Wow, Seb, you still got it."

"Of course." I said grabbing his head under my arm and messing his hair. "Now you know not to doubt my serious skills."

"Hey!" he said finally getting out of my grip. "Don't mess with the hair.

We all laughed as he started to redo his messed up hair. That was spiking all over the sides.

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