Chapter 3

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I am out of the hospital. Today is my last day out of school. Dylan has moved in, and I set up the Aerobed for him in the kitchen. I am about to call Make-A-Wish, and I am incredibly nervous. I dial, and a smooth voice answers.
"Hello, This is Kathy from Make-A-Wish. How can I help you? If you want to refer someone for our Wish Granter, Jessica, press One. If you want to donate , press-" I answer.
"Hi. I'm Jennifer-Ketnys and I-" Kathy interrupts me, and says'
"Jennifer-Ketnys?! What kind of name is that?! That sounds like it is from a BOOK! People don't name their kids Ketnys!" I step up to my defense.
"Yes they do, because that is my name. And if you want to lose your job, you might as well hang up!"

Kathy says, "OK, Ketnys-" I say, "Stop calling me Katniss. Please call me Jen."
"OK, JEN. I will help you. Now what do you have?"
I say, "The N. I was clear at birth." Kathy coos in sympathy. I try not to scream into the phone.
"Now what do you want?" I almost beg and say,
"A new house in Silverleaf for my mom, my future boyfriend, and me. And a MacBook Pro, an iPhone, and a new wardrobe. Can you please get me that? Right now I live in a trailer with no running water and an outhouse. And tree people with two pocket-sized bedrooms, so my boyfriend lives in the kitchen on an air matress. Plus I want one million dollars so I can go to Savanna Day School." Kathy says, "OK. that's coming right up. And you can have a limo that you can keep"
I squeal, thank Kathy, and plan to break the news at dinner tonight.

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