The hangout

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"See you tomorrow" Damion says with a kind grin "You too" I reply while jogging outside. I finally get home and jump straight into bed thinking I was going to fall asleep but all I can think about was Damion. How amazing it would be to one day marry him. I eventually fall asleep and wake up to my siren alarm screaming in my ear. I slap my bedside table until I hit the stop button and get up. I make breakfast, get dressed and brush my hair then I hop in the car and drive to school. Once I get to school I look at the time table hanging up in my locker. "Ooooh art!" I say to myself. The bell rings and I head to class, we had to paint an apple sitting on a plate. I'm so focused on painting I don't realise who started painting on the canvas right next to me... ZACH. I secretly look over at his painting and its AMAZING! I can't even draw that well and I'm a pretty good drawer if you ask me. "That's unbelievable" I say to Zach "T..t..thanks" He stutters. Eventually I start talking to Zach... and when I say I'm talking to Zach I mean I'M talking to Zach, he's not saying one word which I guess is ok... means I get to yap all I want, but I do know he's 100% listening... and staring straight at me with his big brown eyes. I start to blush but try to cover it. Art finishes and I head to my next class, English. As I'm walking to the class room I meet up with Maddie and Samantha. "Hiiiiii" Maddie and Samantha exclaim "Omg hiii" I exclaim back. I tell them everything about Zach and art and how he was staring right at me. "I thought you liked Damion though" Samantha says. That's when it hits me, I have to choose between Damion who I'm pretty sure likes me or Zach who doesn't even talk to me. I decided to just relax and let go of the wheel and let the world pick someone for me. "Anyways I have to go to English now" I say "Awwww okkkk" Maddie says "Byeeeee" Samantha says. I open my locker to get my English book I almost forgot when a piece of paper falls out of my locker. Its a note that reads:

Dear Eva,

I really liked your art today, It's magnificent you could really go far with that. I also loved your story you were telling me, It was so interesting to hear. Anyways here's the point I put this note in your locker   I well has a crush on you and ever since the first time you said hi to me well it was like love at first sight. If you don't like me back I completely understand I mean I am kind of ugly and annoying and quiet but yeah. Also would you maybe like to come over to my house tonight for dinner?

From Zach

I remembered seeing Zach put his bag in his locker once and knew which one was his locker so I decided to return a note:

Dear Zach,

I do also like you and I would love to go to your house tonight😊.

From Eva

I saw Zach open the note after school and start to blush. I went home and picked out my favourite pair of jeans, navy blue crew neck and navy blue Sambas and got my mum to give me a lift to his house. When I got there Zach let me in with a kiss on the hand and we went upstairs to his room. He gave me a room tour which was not anything like what I thought it would be like. It was like when he was at home he was part of a gang but at school he was the most innocent kid at school. We sat there and talked and played video games all night, surprisingly he liked the same ones as me. But it eventually got late and I had to go home. Once I got home I went straight to sleep. I slept like a baby. The next day passed and Zach was away, I didn't have his number yet though so I couldn't ask him why. I decided to go to the ice skating rink since I didn't yesterday. But when I got there Damion was paying back and forth sweating like crazy. "Damion!?" I said concerned "Are you ok?" "Eva, you said two days ago you would see me tomorrow but you weren't here yesterday" "I know I'm sorry I went to a friends house" "You terrified me Eva, I thought something bad had happened to you!" "Well I'm here now so I'm fine" Damion breathed deeply. I finally got Damion to calm down and we started skating. The time flew by and it was time for me to go home. I started packing up when Damion came up to me. "Eva, me or Zach?" I froze with shock and confusion at the same time "How do you know about Zach?" I asked "He's my ex best friend, Eva" I looked down and back up at Damion "I had no idea, what happened?" "I think you should ask him" Damion said looking stern. "I-I" I tried to talk but Damion stormed off. This isn't like Damion I thought to myself. Maybe I should choose someone who likes me and doesn't get mad at me... maybe I should choose Zach...

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