High school reunion

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Different from Rowoon, Sohyun actually enjoyed going to reunions.  It's a place where one could reunite with old friends, and bring back old memories.  She especially missed high school.  It was the happiest time in her life.

She got off her car and went inside the diner.  A few of them had arrived.  She greeted everyone and sat down on the table.  The girl sitting opposite to her was Yuri.  She was Rowoon's number 1 fan in high school.  And of course they didn't see each other eye to eye.

To be honest, she wasn't very popular among girls, thanked to Rowoon.  Most of his admirers thought of her as enemy, you knew how girls were in high school.  She was pranked numerous times, but it wasn't like she didn't retaliate.

Speaking of admirers, one of hers just came in.  Kim Youngbin, the student union president, he was one of the popular boys in school.  He was smart, kind, warm and good in sport.  That's what most people thought of him anyway.  But she knew the real him.  He was all of the above, but he was also the kind of guy that would do whatever it takes to get what he wanted.  She almost fell for him at one point, but his aggressive approach really put her off.

The second admirers who was sitting next to Youngbin was Zuho.  He was really popular back in the days when anime boy/cosplay was on trend.  He had really sharp features on his face and his glare alone snatched half of the schoolgirl's heart.  She was really into him back then, his only shortcoming would be his personality.  Deep inside, he was a such soft baby, which was not a bad thing.  It's just not her cup of tea.

Last but not least, there was Dawon, who just came in and decided to sit next to her.  He was the one, among all the admirers, closest to becoming her boyfriend.  He had a really sweet personality, nice, approachable,  funny and caring.  There was nothing to complain about him. Until one day, he had an argument with her about Rowoon.  He asked her to pick a side....and that was it.

"Sohyun-ah, long time no see.  You look even more beautiful than I remember.  How are you?" Without warning, Dawon raised his glass in front of her.  Sohyun clinked their glasses, and took a big sip.  "I just got dumped yesterday, and I felt great!" She said jokingly.

"Does it mean that I get a chance now?" Dawon tilted his head to the side, showing off his gorgeous smile.

"Why not?" They clinked they glasses again.

Youngbin and Yuri came to join them.  "Hey, we are thinking of having another gathering  next month or so, since some of us can't make it this time.  We are thinking wine tasting, I know a place that does it.  What do you guys think?". Youngbin asked.

"Sounds good, I had never try wine tasting before, it would be interesting." Sohyun was excited about another drunk night.

"Do you think Rowoon would join?" Yuri asked.  That's the only thing mattered to her.

"Nah.....he is not an alcohol person."

"Perhaps we should do something else then.  Dawon, didn't your family own an outdoor equipment company? Why don't we organize an outdoor camping?" Yuri immediately threw out the wine tasting idea.

Dawon scratched his head. "Sounds like a lots of work....". He stared at Sohyun and said after seeing her excited face. "I will see what I can do."

"Hey Sohyun, where is Rowoon? I want to see how tall he is now, haha." Said Zuho.

Sohyun looked at her waistwatch, "He should be here soon." She frowned, she should probably get more drink before he came.

Sohyun looked at the end of the table.  She noticed that her only girl friend in high school had arrived, and was sitting quietly at the corner.  She walked over there and greeted her.  "Hey Hyeri, it's been a long time, how are you?"

Hyeri turned to her.  Wow, she looked exactly the same as she was in high school.  Not just her face, but also her hair style and how she dressed.  It was like she hadn't aged for a day.  She was wearing a pair of silver metal glasses, she had a blunt cut and slightly messy long hair.  She was still wearing the white loose blouse and blue jean like she used to be.  Even the way she sat made Sohyun feel like she was back in high school.

Hyeri fixed the position of her glasses and stood up. "Sohyun ssi, it's nice to see you again.  I am doing pretty well, how about yourself?" She was one of those quiet girls in school.  But she somehow stood out to Sohyun.  She was beautiful, she could easy beat those mean girls in class.  But she always hide her beauty under those clothes. And she was kind and helpful, but she never ask for anything in return.  And most important of all was that she wasn't into Rowoon.  That's why she liked her.

"I was just telling the guys that I got dumped last night.  Other than that I am ok." Sohyun smiled.

"Oh no.....I am really sorry to hear that. You must be heart broken." Hyeri frowned, she gently patted Sohyun's back.

"I am ok, really.  I am glad we get to see each other again.  We should hang out more often.  So tell me about you. Are you still playing violin?" Sohyun remembered Hyeri looked extra charming when she played violin.

"Yes.  I am currently working as TA in Seoul University.  I just started last week."

"Oh...then you may run into Rowoon's brother.  He is studying there as well."

"Oh, didn't he study in Berklee before?"

"Yes..... that's a story for another day.  but hey, you should come by my boutique sometimes, I want you to try on some of my new design.  I think you would look perfect on them."

"You are fashion designer now? No wonder you look so stylish." Hyeri fixed her glasses and checked out Sohyun from top to bottom.

Just as Sohyun was about to answer, Dawon came over and put his hand on her back.  "Excuse me Hyeri ssi."  He nodded at Hyeri before turning to Sohyun.  "Hey Sohyun-ah, someone would like to meet you there, come on over."

"I will talke to you later, Hyeri." Sohyun waved at Hyeri before she joined the crowd.

Hyeri sighed. "Something never changes." She took a bite at her chicken thigh because her phone rang.



Rowoon quickly parked his car on a side street and ran into the diner.  Everyone was surprised that he showed up at this hour.

Yuri stood up and covered her mouth with joy and surprise.  She ran towards to him "Rowoon ssi, you look so good!"

Rowoon side stepped her and ran straight to Sohyun, who was drinking her beer.  He grabbed her glass holding hand and growled lowly.  "Why didn't you pick up my call?"

Sohyun looked up with  her sleepy eyes, half drunk.  "What do you mean?" She took her phone out and looked. "Oh, it must have run out of battery." She smiled at him and took the beer from they holding hands, and bottomed it out.

Rowoon sat down beside her and took her empty glass away.  "That's enough, you are drunk."

"No, no, no.....Sohyun just lost, she had to drink another glass." One of the friend said.

"Right, Rowoon-ah, this game is so fun, you should join us." She took another glass and pour herself some beer.

Rowoon sighed and took that from her and finished it.

"Rowoon-ah, you can't....."

"It's fine, I am ok."

"Ok! Ok! Let's start another round!" The high school reunion had just begun.....

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