The unspoken feelings

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Nehmat's pov

Ekam's voice woke me up from the sleep , I didn't realise I was in .

" I'm sorry, I didn't realise " I said

" Its completely fine " Ekam said with a smile .

" It was a great movie , even though I have watched it many times ." Tanvi said jumping in the conversation .

" Yeah ! for the first time , I agree with her " Aarav spoke
" It was really good ! Haina Ekam " Aarav added with a teasing smile . I looked over at Ekam who was glaring at him . He looked at me and shook his head saying it's nothing ,when he saw me confused .

" Y- yes it was good " Ekam spoke looking towards aarav .

" What's cooking guys ?" Simran spoke for the first time in the conversation

" Nothing " Ekam immediately spoke

" It doesn't seem to be " Simran said narrowing her eyes at him

" Don't try to be detective miss simran doesn't suit you " Ekam said goofily

" And why does it bother you" Simran spoke back

" Enough guys ! Stop now ! " Aarav interrupted them

" Does anyone want coffee ?" I said getting up .

" Yeah !It would be good " Tanvi replied

" But I don't drink coffee " Ekam said

" Then"

" He likes tea " Simran said jumping in before Ekam could reply .

" Okay " I said going towards the kitchen

" Wait I'll help you" Ekam spoke from behind following me to the kitchen which is to the left of living area .

" Why did you come , I could have done it " I asked him entering the kitchen

" Why would you do all the work alone , You make coffee and I'll make tea" Ekam responded

" Hm..fair enough " I said after a pause .

"That I always make sure " He said winking at me . What . Did he wink . I thought gawking at him in shock .

" I know I am handsome but we are here to work so you can stare at me later ." I heard Ekam as I poured coffee into the cup while he was busy making tea with a smirk on his face .

Ekam's pov
I was going to get some water when I saw a shadow near the balcony so I went towards it only to find Nehmat sitting there against the gazing at the sky . I tapped on her shoulder making her gasp as she turned to see me .

" Oh its you " She said

"May I " I asked her if I could sit beside her and she nodded
I settled beside her maintaining a distance .

" I just love watching these stars. They are so bright " she spoke breaking the silence.

"I don't believe this " I said making her look at me
" Huh ! What do you mean " she said

" I mean last time I knew that a potato doesn't talk about stars " I said hiding my smile . Initially she seemed confused but later she figured it out as her lips curved into a smile

" You really have a way with words "she said

" You smiled na ..that was the point " I commented looking into her eyes.

" Nehmat can I ask you something " I spoke

" Hmm"

" Where are your parents , I mean you never talked about them
Her smile faded as Soon as I finished

" Its okay if you don't want to tell , don't feel forced to say " I said trying not to make her feel uneasy

" But I just want to say that if we keep our heart closed to avoid getting hurt , somewhere we are also avoiding the happiness ." I said this seeing her in the past days how she's guarding herself not letting her to enjoy her life .
She looked at me with her dark brown eyes trying to convey something I couldn't comprehend .

" Um.. actually I -I am sleepy ..bye goodnight " She said getting up and going to the living area.
There is surely something that's bothering her . I need to find out , but how.

Time skip

I woke up to the alarm . Today we did not have college so I thought to run for a few minutes in the morning that's why I got up early at 6 .a.m. which is not me usually . I started to move towards the washroom to freshen up when I saw the door of Nehmat's room open , her standing in front of the mirror , wearing her earings that were not so large .

" Hayye !" I spoke placing a hand on my heart . This was the only word I could say on seeing her . Beautiful . I think it was not loud enough for her to hear . I leaned against the doorframe admiring her when the vase on the side of door got hit with my foot resulting in it falling . Even though I held it ,Nehmat heard it as she was looking at me in shock wondering what was I doing here .

" No no its not like what you are thinking , I was ...I was jus- just passing by here " I said stuttering and ran from there .

Nehmat's pov

I saw him running like a kid does after doing a mistake . A smile formed on my lips thinking about his antics . Cute antics . If we keep our heart closed to avoid getting hurt we are also avoiding the happiness . I remembered what he said to me last night as I brushed my hair .Last night I slept peacefully after a long time and it felt good . After getting ready I went to the kitchen to make coffee for everyone else and tea for Ekam , when he stood beside me with that not so innocent face of his .

" You are making tea for me ?" He asked in surprise on seeing me preparing it . I handed him the cup .

" Hmm"

" Are you going somewhere" He questioned again taking a sip of tea . Him and his questions .

" Yes ! To Gurudwara " I replied

" Can I join you?" He asked

" Of course "

As soon as I said this he drank the tea in one go and ran downstairs which I don't know for what and I resumed my work .

After sometime he came back with a black kurta ,I think.

" Just give me 15 minutes ." He said going towards the washroom . While I shook my head side to side not believing what he's doing while a smile adorned my lips .

Time skip

I came out only to witness that everyone has woke up and all the girls chit chatting .
I walked up to them and asked - "where's Aarav ?" Him being the only one missing .

" He went for jogging " Tanvi answered earning a nod from me .

" Nehmat shall we go " I asked her

" Yeah"

" Where are you guys going early in the morning ?" Simran asked getting back to her detective self .

"Miss detective we are just going to Gurudwara , Don't cook anything in that big head of yours " I said only a get a smack from her . Ignoring any further questions from her I gave my hand to Nehmat to get up . She hesitated at first but gave in making my lips curve into a smile .

" Wait " I heard simran

" You guys are twinning " She said raising her eyebrows

" Its not intentional " I said immediately to cover up my lie .yes it is obviously intentional . Although simran didn't seem to be satisfied with my response she nodded anyway and we headed downstairs .

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With love

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