Her words

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Nehmat's pov

I waited and waited for him to come but he never came . My heart became heavy and Vision blurred with tears as I walked on the streets of Delhi tightly clutching the bouquet close to my chest . For the first time , I knew what love was and how it felt to be in love and to be loved. I wanted to tell him how much he means to me , that I feel same for him , that I love him .

Lost in the chain of my thoughts I subconsciously walked towards my apartment . Just when I was about to unlock the door , I felt a tap on my shoulder . For a moment ,my face lit up thinking it might be Ekam but when I turned to face the person, my smile started to fade as it was not the one I expected but tried to plaster one as it was Aarav and I didn't want him to know anything about this .

" Nehmat! What are you doing outside your house when the party is inside ." He asked me as he put his hands in his pockets .

Party? Oh! My birthday party , which I thought would be special as it would be my first birthday with him but I don't think he will come .
Aarav snapped his fingers in front of me to brink me back ." Y-yeah!" I answered

" I was going for the party only but who did the arrangements for it ?" I questioned in confusion

" I think you are forgetting you have us as your friends who never forget our friends' special occasions especially if its a party " Aarav joked as I gave him a small smile and I opened the door to be welcomed by a beautifully decorated area . I invited . Everyone gave me b'day wishes but my eyes searched for that one person but could not find him when I heard Aarav clear his throat beside me and said " Don't worry he will come , might be stuck somewhere " . I looked at him in surprise and he nodded knowingly .

I made my way to my room to change into a dress as insisted by Tanvi and Simran . After placing the bouquet on my table , I picked one of my black dress that reached till my ankle , although it  was not so shiny but still would go for the party .

I stood in front of the mirror in my room as I wore the pearl earrings which Ekam gifted me today, perfectly matching with my black outfit . Leaving my hear open and wearing a pair of heels , I went to join the party . As soon as I opened the door of my room ,  my eyes landed on Ekam, who wore a casual black outfit paired with his white turban  . He was already looking in my side but tore his gaze in a few seconds. Something was definitely wrong . He never behaved like that . Simran took me towards the center where the cake was placed . I thanked Simran and Tanvi for these efforts.

" Let's cut the cake " Simran Announced " Ekam! Why are you standing there ,Come " She called out Ekam who stood far from all of us. On hearing it he started to walk towards us ,his face devoid of any expression . I cut the cake on which the number '18 ' was written .

Ekam's pov

" Why are you behaving like this Ekam " I heard Aarav asking me out of nowhere

" Huh"

" What? Don't look at me like that! Do you think I can't see . Just look at her , its her b'day party and she is not even enjoying it . " He said pointing his  eyes towards Nehmat who stood with Simran and Tanvi . I know what she might be feeling but what can I do after what I saw today ?

" Just go and talk to her . Sort it out " He continued

"There is nothing left to talk now " I glanced at her once before turning my attention back to Aarav .

" See Ekam ,I don't know what happened and why are you doing all this but all I know is you have to talk to her .  You are surely missing on something . " He tried explaining his point .Before I could respond a notification flashed on my phone screen displaying 'sunshine ' . I tapped on the message that said
' Can we talk ,Ekam? I am waiting for you at the terrace . If you feel so , please come '

I looked at Aarav as he also read the message and nodded at me to go .

I reached the place where she called me to and saw her leaning against the
railing. Her face lit up and she started to walk towards me as soon as she saw me .

" Thank God you came Ekam " She smiled and my lips started to curve upwards but then everything I saw today flashed infront of my eyes .

" Ekam , I wanted to tell you something . Its something I have been holding since a few days but not anymore . You have the right to know it " She started to speak but I knew where it was going and what she wanted to say .

"Nehmat , I know what you want to tell " Her eyes widened in surprise .
" Its okay , I am happy that you are happy about your decision but why did you gave me hope if you were not sure about it " I added looking at her intently , searching for my answers in her eyes that flickered in confusion .

"What are you  saying , Ekam ? "

" You don't have to pretend Nehmat . I know that  you don't like me and its fine now.  " I said turning to go .Even though I said it was fine but it was not. My chest hurts on saying this .

" Yes , I don't like you " My heart sank at her words . I never wanted it to be like this . I gathered myself and started to walk away when I felt her arms around my torso from behind startling me and making me stop in my tracks . I was registering her sudden action when she said something , I have always wanted to hear but I couldn't believe if it was true, if it was really what I heard . The words " because I LOVE YOU" made me turn to face her who had tears in her eyes by now .

" Did I hear ,right ?Tumne vahi kaha na ,jo maine suna. Can you say that again . " I asked to confirm and she nodded with a wide smile .
I couldn't stop myself from grinning that can be named as blush . I couldn't believe I was hearing it from her .

" Ekam , I love you . I really do " She gazed into my eyes deeply waiting for my response .

" I love you , Nehmat . I can't explain how happy you made me by saying this . " I cupped her cheeks gently .
Everything was perfect when suddenly a thought crossed my mind .

" Then who was the guy in the garden where you asked me to come today , he was holding a bouquet and you also were present there. " I asked anxiously . Initially she squinted her eyes in confusion but later turned to grab something from the table . When she returned , she had the same bouquet in her hand .

" You are talking about this ?" She asked and I nodded

" It is for you " She said

" For me ??"

" Yeah ! I went to the flower shop in the morning to get these flowers since they are your favorite and I wanted them in a specific number ."

" Specific number?" I asked

"Yes. 63 of these tulips for the number of days I have known you but they didn't have it ready at that moment so I asked them to deliver it in the college itself . So the guy you saw there came to give me this bouquet only and that too for you" she explained

". And you thought the other way and that's why you didn't come  " She continued and I felt guilty of misunderstanding her

" Since the morning , I was feeling like you were avoiding me as you didn't agree to let me drive you to college but as you said you went to arrange things for me , I realize that I was wrong . "

" And you were not even wearing the earrings I gifted so I thought.." before I could complete I saw tucking her loose hair behind her ear making the same pearl earrings visible to me .

" It was because I wanted to wear it now " She smiled

" Now I realize how stupid I was . You might have arranged everything in the garden but I ruined by not coming" I said

" It would have been best either way but now this moment its the bestest " She said , her happiness clearly evident from her voice and the shine in her eyes .

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With love


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