#29 I am yours

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"Do you know where we are going?" Gaara asked, as Kurenai and Kakashi linked up with him and his brother.

"Well, we will go to Tsunade's office and pick her up as well as Sarutobi, but I don't know where Naruto and Temari will lead us after that." Kurenai answered, as the four started on their way through the village towards the Hokage's office.

"Are you ready?" Naruto's voice rang out through their apartment, bringing Temari out of her thoughts as to what their families were thinking at the moment.

"Give me a moment." She replied, quickly putting on a small genjutsu, that hid her clothes.

Stepping out, she smiled seeing her soon-to-be husband, looking at her with sparkling eyes, a black suit in place of his usual attire.

"Hello handsome." She whispered, placing a light kiss on his lips.

"We will have enough time for that later." Naruto whispered, as Temari's lips wandered to his neck. The girl could feel his breath picking up despite his words, but decided to restrain herself, giving Naruto one last peck, before smiling innocently at her fiance.

"I don't know what you mean." She stated. Naruto cleared his throat, fixing his tie again, a small smile on his lips as he took Temari's hand and led the pair out into the village, towards their unsuspecting families.

"Hi Tsunade, Sarutobi." Kakashi greeted as the group entered the large office.

"Hi guys." Tsunade replied, a small smile ever present on her lips.

"How have you been?" Kurenai asked, looking around and not seeing Naruto or Temari.

"I've been alright, I guess. I had today to look forward to." Tsunade stated, the smile never leaving her face.

"What do you know, that we don't." Gaara asked, not feeling comfortable with being left out of something.

"That we will not go to a restaurant." They heard from behind them. Turning around they saw Naruto standing there, a grin on his face.

"What do you mean?" Kankuro asked, looking at the fancy suit Naruto had picked out.

"Trust me, you will be happy with our change of plans." The blonde boy replied.

"Where is Temari?" Kurenai asked, as she worried about what her surrogate son had planned for the day.

"She is waiting outside. Actually Gaara, I think you should go and check up on her." Naruto stated with a wink. The redhead looked at him with confusion in his eyes, before he slowly made his way outside.

"Alright, tell us what is going on?" Kurenai demanded, after Naruto stepped up next to Tsunade.

"Well, I think we have tortured you long enough. Almost as long as Temari and I have waited to do this. I am sure you all remember how Temari came into the village. Let's just say that we will finally fulfill that promise we gave each other not just one but actually three times since then." Naruto replied, his smile widening as Kurenai's mouth dropped, Kakashi's eyes widened and Kankuro clasped his hands in front of his mouth.

"Gaara, help me out here." Temari called out as her brother came out of the office.

Turning around the newly appointed Kazekage, was stunned for a second looking at his sister. Temari had her hair still in her signature four pigtails, but her dress was what captured Gaara's eye. Instead of her usual shinobi clothes Temari wore a tight fitting white dress with yellow accents and a hint of black on the lower rim.

A small wave of the flowers she was holding out to him brought him out of his thoughts, as he suddenly realized that she was wearing a wedding dress. His eyes widened as he took a step back.

"No." He whispered, refusing to believe that his sister had tricked them like that.

"Yeah." She replied with a huge grin.

"Come on, help me with the flowers."

Gaara didn't know how to reply to that so he simply moved up and helped his sister to pin the flowers into her pigtails.

"Thank you." Temari whispered, as she hugged her brother.

"Will you walk me down towards Naruto? I wanted to ask father, but.." She trailed off.

"I would be happy to do so." The redhead responded with a smile.

"Rasa would have been proud." He stated, as they embraced again.

"I know." She replied, as they separated.

"So, how do I look?" The girl asked, taking a step back.

"Incredible." Gaara said, holding out his arm for her to link in.

"Think they are ready?" He asked, as they moved towards the door to Tsunade's office.

"I sure hope so, we spent enough time already, I wanna get married." Temari laughed, as she put her hand on the door, and pushed it open.

Stepping into the room, she smiled, seeing Tsunade stand in front of her desk with Naruto on her right side. Hiruzen, Kakashi and Kankuro were standing on Naruto's side, while Kurenai was standing on the opposite side, leaving space for Temari next to the Hokage.

Smiling, the two walked up to the front, Gaara handing his sister to Naruto with a court nod.

"Ready?" Naruto asked, as the two took the last two steps towards Tsunade together.

"For four years." The girl replied, as the separated again, standing on each side of Tsunade.

"We have come together to witness Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and Temari of the Sand, sealing their relationship and taking the next step forward in the bond of marriage. I believe the two have written their own vows." Tsunade stated, before taking a step back and giving the word to Naruto.

"Temari, we both knew from the first day that we would stand here no matter what. Although at that time it was a marriage contract between our two villages and we both didn't know anything about love. I still count myself incredibly lucky that your father had insisted on me and my family being there when he came to Konoha to arrange the marriage. Over the time we have known each other I have gotten to know you better than anyone in the world. You were with me through the worst times of my life and also in the best, you are the reason I became the man I am today. I still don't know what I did to deserve you, but I cannot describe how grateful I am that you are here today. I vow to stay by your side no matter the circumstance and to protect you for as long as I live. My life is yours from now until the end of time." Naruto smiled, his hands reaching out and Temari placing hers in his, a small tear escaping her eye, as she smiled back at her soon to be husband.

"Naruto, before I start, thank you for your words." Temari began, reaching up and wiping the tear away.

"When I came to Konoha I didn't know what would happen. My father had only told me that I was to be engaged to a son of one of Konoha's clans and that I would have to stay with them from that moment on. I was incredibly nervous and there was not just a little fear about who my father would choose. However when we met, you immediately knew how to make me laugh. I still remember that 'jutsu' you used to win my hand. I laughed so hard that I forgot my nervousness completely. Over the next few months, you continued to be able to just blow my insecurities away, making me truly feel at home with you and your family. While we were already promised to each other, I fell in love with you and over the years that love has only deepened. I was surprised when you asked me to marry you, since we were already set to marry, but you insisted that you would only go through with it, if I really wanted to. It was such a sweet and caring gesture, that if I would have had any doubts they would have been vaporized by it. By that time I didn't have any doubts about you and my feelings for you however so that gesture only managed to increase my love towards you.

You were with me through tough times as well, helping me through them and showing me that your word is your bond. So I will take your word for it when you say 'My life is yours' and will happily answer: My life is yours as well, from now till the end of time. I love you." Temari smiled, as Naruto beamed at her words.

"I love you too." He whispered, before they both looked at Tsunade to signal that they were finished.

"Is there anyone that wants to speak against this union? If so, speak now or stay silent for the rest of time." She quickly glanced around the room and as expected none of the attendants wanted to say anything.

"Then with the power invested by the people of Konoha I hereby declare you husband and wife. I present to you Mr and Mrs Uzumaki Namikaze. You may kiss the bride." Tsunade announced, a huge smile on her face as Naruto pulled Temari in for a long kiss, accompanied by applause from their families.

The sun was setting as the newly wed pair made their way out of the restaurant where they had celebrated their marriage. Both were tired, but incredibly happy as they calmly walked through the village. They wore a small henge over their clothes, because they didn't want anyone to know yet. Quickly picking the girl up bridal style Naruto jumped up onto the rooftops, earning a small scream from Temari, as she hadn't expected that. Arriving at the place he had intended, he let his wife down and smiled as he saw her eyes wander towards the sunset that could be watched clearly from the rooftops.

"You still find something to surprise me." She declared, as she sat down, patting the spot next to her.

"You know me." Naruto said smiling, sitting down next to her.

"But today I have something to surprise you as well." Naruto looked over to her and saw her smiling at him, one hand supporting her as she leaned back a bit, the other protectively placed over her stomach.

"No." Naruto breathed out, as he realized what she meant, a huge smile creeping up on his face.

"Yes." Temari answered, sitting upright, putting her arms around his neck.

"You are about to be a father." She whispered, as she studied Naruto's face for any emotions.

"I love you so much right now." He breathed out after a few moments, before pulling her in placing his lips on hers, the sun setting behind them.


So this concludes Whirlwind Fighters. I have to say, I didn't expect too much from the story as it was not one that I had come up with originally. But I grew into it and as I continued to work on it it grew on me. I really think that it is one of my best works as of right now. I hope you guys liked it. If you haven't checked it out, check out the book that is set before this one calle Wind Fighters, published by ajohnson1010 .

In regards to the future I will post a message on my profile, so if you want to stay up to date follow me to get a notification when I post it.

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, commenting, voting and supporting this book and myself. I wish you all a merry christmas and happy holidays and hope to see you in my other books.

Stay safe and keep happy.



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