Chapter I- Back In Town

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Hello readers! I am now back with a new fanfiction and it's an Ushijima x Reader 😊

Sorry if I took long enough to return in writing since I was busy with online class especially when midterm is now a few weeks away. Online class is so tiring! 😭

This fanfic is set on 2012, and you're a first year while Ushijima is a second year... A year before Hinata and Kageyama went to Karasuno and here, they're still third years in junior high.

Also, this fanfic is probably going to be set in an alternate universe of my Sakusa x Reader fanfic... And the writing style's still the sameπŸ˜„

Oh I almost forgot, you have the Kageyama blood in you so you have black hair but (e/c) eyes... And about the height, you're 166cm in the story which is as tall as Kiyoko. But if you're uncomfortable with the idea of having this kind of height or hair color, please disregard the idea.

Anyway, this is my second fanfic and I hope you guys will enjoy the fanfic😊

Enjoy! And stay safe always! πŸ˜πŸ’•


Your POV


[March, 2011/ Miyagi Prefecture]



"It's good to be back."

I smiled to myself as I got out of the car. It's been so long since the last time I saw our old house, and we're moving back here. Also, the house is renovated and it's good as new!

Good thing that the things are already here so after organizing, I will go meet my childhood best friends later to go get some snacks while chatting.

After 7 long years I have returned to my hometown, Miyagi Prefecture. I was born and raised here until I was 8, and that's because my family and I moved to Tokyo.

But we still do visit my relatives here too once a year since my parents' always busy with work. And my childhood friends were so happy when they found out that I'm back in Miyagi.

Even though we don't see on another that much, we still stayed in touch and they haven't changed at all, always been good sports in volleyball.

Also, my cousins and I used to play volleyball together, but Miwa-nee quitted so Tobio and I continued playing together with our grandfather, Kazuyo-jii, throughout our childhood.

But then...

Kazuyo-jii is now growing old and he's now staying the hospital. Every year when my family and I return to Miyagi, Tobio and I will go to visit Kazuyo-jii and tell him about our lives with volleyball. We love him so much.

Also, he finds it entertaining whenever Tobio and I argue about the best V-League Team in Division 1. And for me, I'm always the MSBY Black Jackals fan, while Tobio's rooting for Schweiden.

Tobio and his parents live a few kilometers away while Miwa-nee is now a college student studying in a university in Tokyo. But we will visit Tobio's family tonight and have dinner with them.

"(Y/N) dear! Let's start organizing!", I heard my mom yell from inside the house as I sighed.

Moving is so tiresome...

But then this is Miyagi, my birthplace and my home.

"Coming Kaa-san!", I said as I then went inside the house and helped out.


[Timeskip/ 2:38 P.M.]

After organizing things in the house and cleaning, I am now lying down my bed, resting for a moment before I'll go meet the two.

'Ring! Ring!'

I heard my phone buzz so I opened it and looked at the message, it was from Toru.


Toru: (Y/N)-chan! We can't wait to see you!

I smiled then let out a chuckle as I then typed my reply.

Me: Me too. I'm on my way now.

Toru: Great! Iwa-chan and I are going to wait in the bench near the milk bread shop. It's my treat for our reunion!

Me: You know that I can pay for myself, right?

Toru: Yeah, but I've always been the gentleman you know πŸ˜‰

Me: Really? Yeah yeah, see you soon!

Toru: (Y/N)-chan's so mean!~ πŸ₯Ί

Toru: I'm crying right now 😭😭😭

Me: Crybaby. Heh.

Toru: Hmpph! You and Iwa-chan are meanies! πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­

Toru: Anyway, See ya!πŸ˜šπŸ’•πŸ’•


I let out a small chuckle at Toru's response... He's still the childish person as always, well for Hajime he's the trashy person as always... Poor Toru hahaha!

After chatting with Toru, I then dressed myself up in casual clothes as I then went downstairs. I put on my shoes in the entrance as my mom went out of the kitchen.

"(Y/N)? Where are you off to?", she asked as I smiled at her.

"Kaa-san, I'm going to see Toru and Hajime. I'll be back before 5:00 P.M.", I said as she let out a gasp.

"You're going to see them?! Say hi to them for me, okay? And tell them to visit here just like when you three are still kids!", my mother said as I hummed in response, now finished putting my shoes on.

"Now then, ittekimasu!", I said as my mother smiled.

"Itterashai!", I heard her say before I closed the door and started walking my way to the milk bread shop.


I kinda forgot the direction since it's been so long the last time I've been here. Geez, I should ask someone for directions.

Speaking of directions... I can't help but chuckle at the memories of reading anime memes where Zoro always ended getting lost in another anime hahaha!

But seriously, I'm not getting lost on my way there.

And so, since I kinda forgot the directions, I talked to the person who's about to pass by. It was a short boy with orange hair, he was riding a bicycle in a slow pace so I called him.

"Excuse me!", I said as the boy heard me and stopped the bike then looked at me with his big orange eyes.

"How may I help you?", he asked with a smile and I smiled nervously at him.

"I-I kinda forgot the direction to the best milk bread shop here and is it okay for you to tell me the directions?", I asked as the boy beamed a smile then nodded his head.

"No problem!", he said as I bowed my head at him.

The boy then told me the directions as he then pointed out that I should take some several turns until I'll arrive in Wakano-3 chome, where the shop is located. After he gave me the directions, I bowed at him once more.

"Thank you so much!"

"Don't mention it!", the boy said with a grin as we bowed our heads before he then to continue riding his bicycle.

Such a sweet boy.

Now that I know the directions, I started walking my way to the milk bread shop. Miyagi is really different from Tokyo but it's really peaceful here and the scenery is beautiful. I missed it.

A few minutes later, I finally arrived at the front of the milk bread shop. I scanned the area until my eyes landed on two very familiar people.

"Toru! Hajime! Long time no see!", I shouted as this gained their attention since they turned their heads at me.

The two boys' eyes widened as they stood up, but Toru was now running towards me with a very cheerful face.

"(Y/N)-CHAN! I missed you!", he yelled as he then hugged me tightly.

I let out a small chuckle as I then hugged him back.

"It's good to be back, Toru. And nice to see you again, Hajime!", I said as Hajime smiled as he then grabbed Toru's shirt from the back and shove him away.

"Don't get so clingy with her, you trash.", Hajime said as Toru stuck his tongue out at him then turned to me.

"Iwa-chan's bullying me, (Y/N)-chan.", he said with puppy eyes as I chuckled.

"Well it's because just like what he said... You're a trash.", I said with a smirk, making Toru gasp and Hajime snickering in the background.

"Excuse me?!"

"Nice one, (Y/N)!", Hajime said as we grinned at each other then did a fist-bump.

"You two have always been the partners-in-crime...", Toru huffed as we chuckled at him.

"Well now that you're here, let's buy some milk bread first before having a good long conversation!", Toru chirped as I smiled then hummed in response.

"You guys buy the bread while I'll be getting some drinks near the shop. You guys wait for me in the bench.", Hajime said as Toru and I nodded our heads.

"Iwa-chan always sounds like a mom, doesn't heβ€” Ack?!! Iwa-chan so mean!", Toru cried after Hajime hits him in the head.

"Well then I'm going now.", he said as he then went to buy some drinks.

"Now then, let's go!", Toru said as the both of us then entered the milk bread shop.


"Oikawa.", Ushijima stated as Toru's eyebrows twitched in annoyance.

"Ushijima.", Toru muttered as the two looked intensely at each other.

Somehow, things ended up getting here, Toru speaking with this big guy with dark olive-brown hair... And hey! He's more muscular than Hajime!


"What are you doing here?", Toru asked.

"To buy milk bread for my mother's visitors.", the boy answered as the two had a glaring showdown.



This is getting awkward.

After the boy called Ushijima said Toru's name, Toru glared at him as Ushijima just looked at him with a blank face.


"What do you want, Ushiwaka-chan?", Oikawa asked as Ushijima frowned a bit.

"Don't call me that.", he said as Toru stuck his tongue out at him.

"Bleh! Too bad, I can call you whatever I want!", Toru blurted as I then sighed as his childishness.

"Oikawa...", Ushijima said as Toru scrunched his face as he looked at Ushijima with annoyance.

"Say what you have to say right now so me and my friend can leave.", Toru said as Ushijima blankly looked at him.

And then, there's a moment of silence once again.




"Geez! What's your deal, Ushiwaka?", Toru said as Ushijima stayed silent for a few seconds until he finally spoke.

"I just have something to say to you."

"And that is?", Toru asked as I just looked at them conversing.


"You should've come to Shiratorizawa."




Ushijima said as I just looked at the both of them confused while Toru clicked his tongue as he then grabbed my hand.

Toru exclaimed as he then dragged me along.

But suddenly, he stopped as he then slowly turned around and pointed a finger at Ushijima. Ushijima looked at him with a brow raised and so did I.

"Also, Seijoh will beat Shiratorizawa this prelims... And we're going to the nationals. Don't you ever underestimate us, Ushiwaka.", Toru declared as I smiled at his determination.

Ushijima looked at Toru with a confused expression as Toru raised a brow at him.

"What?", Toru asked.

"Shiratorizawa will win and go to the nationals.", Ushijima said as an irk mark appeared on Toru's forehead.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Let's go, (Y/N)-chan!", Toru said as I hummed.

I looked at Ushijima for a moment as we made eye contact. I then bowed my head at him as we will now be taking our leave. Ushijima bowed back as I then turned back to Toru and the both of us walked out of the Milk Bread Shop.

After leaving the shop, Toru and I sat in a bench near the shop while waiting for Hajime. We then ate the milk breads we ordered though Toru munched on his milk bread with a grumpy face.

"That stupid big blunt fool! Who does he think he is?! Underestimating Seijoh all the time... And that non-stop invitations, so annoying!", Toru spotted as I just stared at him while eating my milk bread.

"You should've come to Shiratorizawa.You should've come to Shiratorizawa.'... Well, NEVER in a million years I want to go there!", he continued grumbling as he then munched on his second milk bread.

"Oikawa! (Y/N)-chan! Sorry to keep you waiβ€” Oh Shittykawa, why are you looking so annoyed?", Hajime has finally arrived as he looked at Toru with confusion.

"That Ushiwaka...", Toru hugged as he munched on his milk bread then looked at Hajime.

"Iwa-chan, we'll take down Ushiwaka... And go to the nationals!", Toru shouted as he stood up, but then he then started choking for he said that while eating a milk bread.

I smiled as Hajime grinned and we then let out a chuckle. I handed Toru a bottle of water as he then drank down. Hajime sat down as the two boys then talked about defeating the Ushijima guy.

Speaking of that guy...

"Say, that Ushijima goes to Shiratorizawa right?", I asked as the Toru and Hajime looked at me and nodded their heads.

"Yeah, why do you ask?", asked Hajime as I nervously smiled at them.

"You see... I'm not going to Aoba Johsai.", I said as the two boys looked at me with shocked expressions as I bowed my head.

"Sorry guys..." I said.

"What do you mean, (Y/N)-chan?", Toru asked as I then slowly lifted up my head.

"Well... Uhmm...."

"What are you trying to say, (Y/N)-chan?"


"I'm going to Shiratorizawa."




To be continued,

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