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"Hello everyone and welcome to the first part of our president picking!" Wilbur spoke clearly into the mic waving his hands around to seem less nervous. 

"We have four running parties. POG 2020 run by Tommy and I." he spoke calmly but Tommy interrupted with a loud cheer making Wilbur glare at him angrily. 

"SWAG 2020 run by Quackity. Coconut 2020 run by Fundy and Niki and finally Schlatt 2020 run by Schlatt." everyone in the audience cheered. 

"Now for the speeches." Wilbur stepped back from the mic and next to Tommy gesturing for Quackity to move forwards. 

Everyone did their speeches trying to persuade the audience to vote them. Niki and Fundy gave the most persuasive speech about cookies and ice cream. 

"Thank you everyone for the speeches now if the lovely audience would now go to the voting box down below the stage and cast their votes." 

Everyone stood up and moved to the base of the stage, "Can we wait until it calms down?" Y/N tugged at Dream's sleeve. 

Dream smiled at her and giggled, "Yeah of corse gorgeous." blush filled her cheeks so she hid her face by looking to her right at Sapnap. 

They sat for a moment as people dispersed from the voting box, Y/N stood up and grabbed Dream's hand dragging him towards the box and writing down her vote for POG 2020 on a small piece of paper and placing it inside the box. Dream didn't vote and just watched as she placed her vote into the box. 

They walked back to their seats and sat down to listen to Wilbur, "Thank you everyone for voting, we will have them all counted and ready to reveal the new presidents on Thursday in 3 days time." 

Everyone started to leave when Tommy ran down from the stage and grabbed Tubbo's hand, dragging him down the isle and towards Y/N. Tommy grabbed her hand and pulled her forwards, "Y/N who did you vote?" he asked while he flicked his eyes from Y/N to Dream. 

"POG 2020. Obviously." she smiled at him. 

"Do you want to stay with us until the next election?" Tommy saw Dream cross his arms and tilt his mask up to show his smirk. 

"Sorry Tommy but I need to do some stuff at home." 

"Oh ok well see you soon." Tubbo waved at her as Tommy slowly released her from his hold. 

"Bye guys." She turned around and walked to Dream, linking their hands. Dream bent his knees and twisted his head to the side, kissing her lips gently. Tommy's fists closed and his face twisted to anger. 

Dream and Y/N left. 



Later that day, we were all sat in the kitchen sharpening our weapons as George cooked food when their was a loud bang from outside. "What was that?" Everyone stopped clanging the metal on metal.

 "Didn't sound like TnT." Dream stated.


"No those are quieter." I sheathed my axe to my back and walked to the door.

I looked out and froze, two figures flouting above the ground, they both had dirty blonde hair and green sparkles glistened around their hands. They each wore white masks strapped around their heads, one had the same smile as Dream's but a tong sticking out from the mouth, the other had XD neatly written on it. They both had lime green clothes draped across their body like Dream's but rather than the simple hoodie it was fancy robes with flouting golden crowns around their heads.

Dream walked out and stiffened beside me, "Hello Brother." The tall male spoke with a robotic and stiff voice. 

"B-brother." I stepped closer to Dream and my hand reached back and wrapped around the handle of my axe.

 "Oh pretty. You can't hurt us." 

"XD STOP! Your scaring her!" The smaller girl squealed with a more natural voice. 

"Why are you here?" Dream walked closer to them and stared up at the flouting pair.

"We want Y/N."

XD's robotic voice rung out and Dream jumped out placing his hand on my shoulder and pulling his sword out. XD raised his hand dramatically and the green sparkles appeared around me, my feet left the floor as Dream tried to grab me but was pushed back by something invisible. I moved over to Dream's siblings in shock as Dream yelled things at them when we vanished.


Dream POV:

I watched as XD lift his hand, green sparkles wrapped tightly around Y/N's waist and lifted her off the ground, "NO!" I grabbed her hand when I was pushed back by nothing and fell to the ground. 

I frantically stood up and raced to grab her when all three of them fell into a green mist and disappeared to somewhere. "NO!" I screamed again when Sapnap ran out and stopped next to me.

 "Where is N/N?" my head landed in my hands.


 "XD?! What do you mean XD?!" his hand grabbed the hilt of his sword.


 "Isn't that your sister? Is XD your brother?" I nodded my head and he froze staring at the space they had been.

"What do they want with her?" I shook my head and sighed shakily.

 "I don't know Sap."



We reappeared in a large room, one stain glass window stood at the end of the room with three people in it, XD, Drista and Dream all with fancy green clothing and golden crowns. The room was plain white with golden accents along the roof and the thick pillars running down the edges. Three gold and green thrones stared down the large room.

The two gods kept me flying in the same place with green mist and particles holding me like rope. They took their place on the thrones leaving one empty where Dream would normally be.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!" I yelled as I wriggled in the green mist to try and escape.

 "Don't even try and escape. It won't work." XD laughed with his robotic sounding tone as Drista lightly hit him on the arm.

 "XD stop! Your scaring them!" my fist tightened digging my nails into my palm as my heart raced faster in my chest.

"What do you want?" I spoke through gritted teeth when Drista flouted up still in a sitting position. 

She flew towards me and flipped to look at me upside down, her shoulder length hair swayed down and her crown dipped slightly as her emerald eyes stared at my features. "Pretty. Cute. Feisty. Strong. Determined. Kind. Loving." she listed some of my qualities then stopped, "Over trusting." I moved my face away from hers.

 "How do know that?" I asked. 

"I can see your memories. A list of qualities shows up and I can see you and a drunk horned man?" she twisted her head to the side.

 I dropped my head down, "How old are you?" she asked.


 "I'm 13! Well in human terms."

I turned my face back to face her when she smiled, her mouth was uncovered by her mask but the rest was hidden with a gently green glow coming from around the edge, "How olds he?" I nodded towards XD who stared at us from his throne, arms crossed. 

"319!" she answered smiling.

"Wha-" she giggled at my surprise when I looked back. "Can you let me down?" I was still hanging from the rope like mist, Drista snapped her fingers together and I fell down to the floor, catching myself quickly,

 "Oh sorry." she laughed.

I stabled myself and walked around the room while both the gods stared at me, "So why did you bring me here?" I stopped in front of Drista.

"Just wanted to make sure you would actually love Clay." she smiled at me,


"Oh yeah! Thats his real name! The one he was called when he was born until we were all given our god names." I laughed.

 "I will so annoy him with that." I looked over my shoulder at XD who had a slight smirk on his face. 

"Have you seen his face?" the robotic voice asked.

 "Yeah. He's very hot."

 Drista lightly hit my arm, "OI!" we both laughed. 

"Anyway can I go back now?" I tilted my head to the side. 

"Yeah! If you ever want to talk just yell for us!" Drista smiled and nodded her head frantically.

I heard another snap come from behind me when more green mist and particles wrapped around me and tightened my arms to my sides, "XD!" Drista yelled.

 "I want to scare Dream." his robotic laugh became slightly more natural.

 "If you want to scare him then I can let you beat me up to make him pissed." both the gods laughed and shared a glance.

 "Can we?" XD asked I nodded and all the green mist formed together and hit me in the face. Hard.

It left a deep purple mark with red around it, "Ah fuck!" both the gods hesitated, "It's fine. It will make Dream flip." they laughed again and again punched me, it left a deeper mark.

 "K XD stop! That is enough." I smiled at the girl when she looked back. 

"Let's go." XD snapped and the green mist wrapped around us.

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