Chapter 6 - Telling Everyone

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"Twins? Fraternal twins? You're kidding me right?" Brandon was about to pass out.

"Don't worry! As your friend and doctor, I will be here throughout your whole pregnancy, Callie. Twins are just as messy and full of trouble as one child is." Alison assured.

I for one was exited for twins! I would have my little girl, and Brandon would have his little boy. I do see as it'll be more of a challenge, especially financially, but it's not like we don't have support. We have family, or really his family, to help us through.

On our way out, Stef and Alison made plans for another family dinner, Brandon walked with fear in his eyes, and Scarlett bounced up and down, hugging me and yelling about the twins.

We decided to drive back to the house, and tell the rest of the remaining family there.

The drive home was probably one of the most annoying experiences to ever endure. Jude was poking me, Mariana was yelling please, Scarlett was jumping up and down in her seat saying, "Happy, happy, happy, happy….", while Brandon and Stef we're keeping a down low on the twin situation.

"Could all of you just take a break? Have a little patience!" I yell. These pregnancy hormones we're really taking over my life.

With that, everyone had settled down; until we got through the door of our house.

"Everyone, give Callie a break and go and sit on the couch!" Stef was about to blow her top. Everyone was being so hectic and couldn't calm down.

Brandon and I stood in front of everyone, ready to let the bomb drop.

"Well, it looks like we're having twins. One boy and one girl." Brandon smiled wide. Maybe he was happier than I thought he was.

"Cool! I'll have a nephew to play with!" Jude laughed.

"And I'll have someone to dress up in pretty dresses! Woo hoo!" Mariana cheered.

Jesus wasn't too impressed; he just wanted to get out of the 'estrogen filled room'.

"So, let's celebrate!" Lena said coherently.

Taitlyn, with a happy Sophia on her hip, and Alison rushed to the kitchen to help make dinner while Stef and Lena followed, Scarlett went with Mariana to chat about the new additions to the family, Jesus went up to his room and Jude and Chance decided to play in the backyard.

Brandon and I just sat there, embracing each other, thinking about our obstacles we had yet to face.


"Why are the names the absolute hardest part of having a child?" Brandon argued.

"I don't know. But we're halfway through this, and I want to decorate the nursery as soon as we get into that new house, which is in like two months, and I want the twins' names on the walls." I announced.

"Yes, that's a must. But we need to figure these names out, and I want to figure them out tonight."

We started to brainstorm names, forgetting the list we already had and starting fresh.

"Lennon! Our favorite Beatle!" Brandon suggested.

"Ehh, I like that for a girl, but I think it's a little too, I don't know, out there." I speculated. "Abigail. It's simple and plain."

"No, that's too plain Jane." Brandon accused.

"Declan, Fiona, Imogen, Eli." I suggested.

"No. Definite no. I want our kids to have names that aren't really common, but not too uncommon; and names that actually mean something."

I shrugged at his answer and kept thinking.

"Well, for boy's, my top names are Easton, Noah and Ezra." Brandon concluded.

"I love them! But, Noah is really common…" I said.

"Yeah, how about Easton? Ezra seems too girly to me." Brandon confessed.

"It's perfect. Little Easton Michael Foster." I tear up.

"That's amazing babe. Don't cry, we still have our little girl to name."

We lay on the bed with my head on his chest, thinking of the perfect name for our little angel. Our other little angel.

"How about names related to music? Like music notes and stuff." Brandon asked.

"That's awesome! Got any?"

"I've got tons! Eleanor, Caroline, Grace, Layla, Harmony, Melody, Aria, Lyric, Aaliyah, Madonna-"

"We are not naming our child Madonna." I laughed.

Brandon giggled. "Well, did you like any?"

"I love Aria. That's perfect."

"Then Aria it is. Got a middle name for her?" Brandon asked.

"Hmm… I like Leighton, and Marie is Scarlett's middle name."

"Why do you want to name our child after Scarlett?"

I shrugged. "She's really helped me these past weeks and this pregnancy. She knows how it goes because of her Moms' experiences. Scarlett's a good person."

"I don't think we should. I like Leighton, Kate, and Marie for middle names though. I think Aria should have two middle names as opposed to one since her name is so short."

"That's a good idea. But I like Aria Kate Marie Foster. But putting Kate and Marie together just seem weird because all three names are short."

Brandon agreed. "I love Aria Marie or Aria Leighton. It's your choice babe. I don't mind either one."

"Aria Marie Foster. Our perfect little girl, hopefully she loves music." I smile.

Brandon giggled and kissed my cheek.

"She will. I can feel it."


When the Brennan's went home around eleven, Jude and Jesus we're already in bed.

I walked into Mariana and I's room to find her just about to turn out the lights.

"Everyone loves the names you picked out for the twins." Mariana smiled.

"Really? You think so?" I asked.

She nodded and put her book on the nightstand.

"What are the middle names? You never told us them." Mariana was curious.

"Umm, Easton Michael and Aria Marie. I think they sound nice." I gloated.

Mariana nodded. "Goodnight."

"Night." I smiled as the lights were turned off.

I was about to lie down to go to sleep when I saw my phone light up and vibrate.

It was a picture of our family and the Brennan's in the dining room eating dinner.

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