Chapter Six

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A/N:  Readers living outside of Europe may not be familiar with several of the terms spoken by the characters. Article 50, is the provision in the Lisbon Treaty signed by all 28 members of the EU. It describes the process whereby a member state gives notice to quit the EU and the procedures that follow. It cannot be revoked by a member state once it is is invoked. UK is the first member of the EU (threatening) to invoke Article 50. Article 49 is the process whereby a former member state  of the EU that left under the terms of Article 50, can apply to rejoin the EU. Complicated? Best I can do to explain it, you could try reading the treaty ....?

Some hefty negotiations ahead for you there Henry. It is presently envisaged that both countries will equally share the existing military resources in order to honour our NATO obligations that will carry over to Britannia and Albion wholly and severally without amendment. The current opinion is by voluntarily moving Trident to Barrow it will sweeten the Scottish thinking in favour of the idea.'

'Does David seriously believe he can get the Scots to agree to all this. That they can have their independence, but only if they take along London and Ulster as additional burdens.'

'It's not so much of a burden Arthur. Britannia will be seen as less of a purely Scottish arrangement. London would be a big cash cow for Britannia, but unless London remains in the EU it stands to lose most of the international financial business it conducts at present – it will almost certainly lose the business of its transactions in Euros, with a number of banks and financial enterprises relocating elsewhere in the EU to retain and discharge that business.'

Sir Arthur Moore shook his head. 'Has anybody talked to the Scots about this?'

The question caused the Cabinet Secretary some discomfort, nibbling his knuckle for a few seconds before giving his answer. 'There have been no detailed discussions as yet, however, I have engaged in a cursory discussion with my counterpart in Edinburgh. Without rendering any details of the bigger picture and on advice and instructions from the PM in Cabinet, I have indicated HMG might well decide in favour of Edinburgh regarding the solution to Scotland's Shetland problem.'

Giles Bamforth cut in. 'Shetland problem, I didn't know they had a problem with Shetland.' His words were emphasised by murmurs of surprised agreement from Moore and Armitage.

Strang drained his glass before replying. 'Shetland is a proud, locally focussed community that does not subscribe to the tartan culture of Scotland. Its people are of Nordic heritage and they consider themselves Shetlanders first and foremost, then British and not really Scottish at all. The Scottish Secretary, who is a Shetlander, advised Cabinet only last Tuesday of the general feelings of the people of those offshore islands. In the event of Scottish independence Shetland might well seek Crown Dependency status within the UK rather than joining Scotland as part of a nation independent from the UK. If you look at the map you will see that significant amounts of the oil reserves and fishing resources Scotland will need to support an independent economy lie within Shetland's waters. These resources would be denied to Scotland should Shetland obtain Crown Dependency status within the UK.'

Armitage blew out air noisily. 'And we would deny Shetland that status if Scotland agreed to take London and Ulster into its new, independent nation '


Bamforth interjected. 'Albion will have very little manufacturing or tourist infrastructure to support a modern economy. Without London's financial services, it will fail.'


Armitage came back. 'But what about the political situation and what are the steps to make it all come right in the end, with everybody back in the UK and within the EU.'

Strang clapped his hands together. The noise startled his colleagues and focussed their attention on his next words.

'Right-Ho, here's the plan. Boris Johnson is the man to lead us into a renewed, intact United Kingdom; one that is restored as a full member of EU. It will follow public protest when the 'Leave' promises are not delivered and Albion is tired of being in isolation and no better than a Third World power in the global scheme of things. We estimate this will happen within five years of Brexit. Boris can unite the party, but he must remain squeaky clean until then, it also means he cannot put his name forward for election as the next leader when David steps down.'

Sir Arthur tapped the coffee table with his fingertips. 'I don't see how he can avoid entering the contest. The world's media has blown him up as the next leader for goodness knows how long. And, when the question has been put to him directly, he has never distanced himself from the possibility of being the next leader. How can he just refrain from putting his name forwards and retain his honour and integrity in the eyes of the party faithful, many of whom will have voted for Brexit.'

'Ah Ha! Enter Michael Gove. Michael raised that very question at the last meeting of "The Four" and offered himself as a solution in the form of a sacrificial lamb. He would enter himself for election as leader having said before that he would never do so and would support Mr. Johnson as the next party leader. Thus stabbing Boris in the back by standing against him and denying the man his support and those of Michael's own band of followers, making it impracticable for Johnson to be on the ballot paper with any likelihood of success against Mrs. May.'

'Good Lord, Gove did that?'

'And I thought he was a self-centred, political opportunist and serial killer.'

'My opinion of him has just turned for the better.'

'It's true gentlemen. Michael has given Boris an honourable and viable reason not to seek election as leader at this time. There will be an election of a closet Brexiteer as leader of the party and next Prime Minister who will invoke Article 50 and take the country out of the EU. In a very short space of time the error of leaving the EU will become apparent. The economy will decline and continue to do so for the short and medium term. Jobs will be lost and living standards reduced. Of necessity Albion will seek to trade in the EU and be obliged to accept the free movement of people as a condition of trading in the single market. This was the major principle on which the 'Leavers' fought their campaign. It will be surrendered so that Albion can trade in Europe. Immigrants will arrive and the public will be in uproar; there may even be civil unrest. A general election will ensue where the electorate will clear out the referendum tarnished politicians and seek a new saviour to restore their fortunes and those of the country within the EU.'

'Boris Johnson?'

'Precisely. Lord X raised another important point. While these various negotiations are progressing, there remains a vexing problem with the Labour Party. The party is committed to staying in Europe and could be expected to raise hell and high water in and outside of Parliament before Article 50 is invoked. It can be expected to engineer a concerted effort seeking to nullify the Brexit vote so that the UK does not have to leave the EU at all. For our plan to be successful gentlemen, in ridding ourselves of those prickling issues like the continuance of UKIP, we do need to leave the EU for a short while.

Lord X came up with an ideal solution to neutralise the Labour Party's activities in this respect. He would foster a leadership challenge against Jeremy Corbyn. The party's energies and efforts would thus be distracted away from Brexit and into a meaningless leadership contention.'

'However, did he manage to do that, I wonder?'

'Nothing would surprise me about that man.'

'Perhaps he asked his deputy to handle it. The Devil himself.'

A titter of laughter eased the mounting tension in the room allowing Strang to answer Moore's question in a more light-hearted vein.

'Quite simple really Arthur. He told the Parliamentary Labour Party that there would be a general election soon after the Tories crowned their new leader and that Labour could not win with Jeremy in charge. This would result in many of them losing their seats to UKIP, Greens or Lib-Dems. The rest is ongoing history. That's about it gentlemen. Do you have any further questions before I advise the PM that he enjoys your fullest support in this vital endeavour?'

'Only one, Gilbert,' Armitage raised his empty glass. 'You did say the PM was a gambler, and this is indeed the grandfather of all gambles. I would remind you that unlimited beverages are usually available in all of the best casinos. Is there by chance any more of this Petrus?'

                                                         THE END 

                                       (of the beginning of Brexit)

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my good friend Lela Smith up there in beautiful Washington State.

The Kenny Rogers clip is dedicated to ex-Prime Minister David Cameron. Boy, there's a gambler who didn't know when to hold, but he sure did know when to fold and walk away !                    Brexit  is all down to him!

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