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lauren's pov

After a few struggles of getting me out of the room, Camila and I finally got out. I took a look around as I place my hand on top of Camila's that was on my arm to have more stability when I walk down the hall. I feel her hand become warmer as I tighten my grip slightly. Her grip tightens as well, I glance over to her and see her cheeks tinted a light pink. 

"You okay, Camila?" I ask softly as she quickly meets my gaze, a small slight smile creeping up onto her mouth before nodding just a little bit.

"Yup, never better." She says in a soft mumble before looking back forward almost like she was avoiding my gaze. I look back forward as well, seeing Caitlyn waiting at the end of the hall with a wheelchair in front of her. We walk up closer to her and she begins to roll the wheelchair closer to me which causes Camila to stop abruptly causing me to stop as well. 

"Looks like you'll need one of these to get out of here," Caitlyn says with a bright smile before motioning to the wheelchair before her. I glanced over to Camila, then back to Caitlyn noticing the similar features between the two which had me in slight awe. 

"I think she can handle herself, she's a tough one," Camila says before I could even respond to the nurse myself.

"Ms.Jauregui can answer for herself."

"Ms.Jauregui can walk just fine," Camila mocks Caitlyn before tightening her grip on my arm once more. Can you guys feel how confused I am? Why is Camila being like this? I snap back to be met by Camila and Caitlyn starring at each other, I can feel the heavy tension beginning to form around us. I gulped softly before speaking up.

"Thank you Caitlyn, but I think I'll walk. I need to get used to my feet and legs again anyways," I say in a light polite voice before offering her a small smile. I hear a quiet chuckle leave Camila before we begin to walk away from Caitlyn, leaving her behind. In my peripheral view seeing a slight grin on Camila's lips causing me to laugh quietly.

We reach the elevator. Camila using her knuckle to press the arrow pointing down, there was a ding and the elevator doors began to open. We got inside and she used her knuckle once again to press the floor with a star on it and I watched as the elevator doors began to close. I leaned myself against the railing inside of the elevator as Camila still keeps a soft grip on my arm. There was a silence for a little bit, before I began to speak up once again. 

"Camila, how did I meet you?" I ask as I turn my head once more to look at the girl beside me. She smiles a little bit before meeting my gaze.

"That's a long story," She says before looking back at the elevator buttons in front of her.

"I have time," I say jokingly before just laughs.

"Alright, alright. Well, it started back in high school..."


"Heads up!" Camila heard from behind her as she head turned around only to see a flying football about to hit her right in the face. She was stuck frozen, the football inches away from her face before she sees a hand catch the ball right before it could knock her down.

"Watch where you throw this thing!" She heard a raspy voice yell before she sees the football being hurled back to the group of boys who she's guessing that threw the ball in her direction. Camila begins to silently thank the mysterious person who just saved her from being hit in the face, the young Cuban turns to be met by green eyes. 

"You're lucky I saw that soft serve! You've had a massive bruise on your forehead," The older girl said. Camila laughed softly at the reference of soft serve, knowing that Camila was a sophomore. The older girl a Junior.

"Thank you for your service," Camila replies with another laugh leaving her lips. The older girl smiles brightly as she waves off Camila nonchalantly.

"It's no problem, no one would wanna get hit in the face by a football," She says with a smile still on her lips, "I'm Lauren by the way."

"Camila," The younger Cuban replies with a grin. 


"...And that's how we became friends!" Camila says with a soft laugh before, I smile gently.

"So I saved your face basically and you repaying me was becoming my friend?" I ask jokingly and she just nods. "Sounds legitimate." She responds with laughter once again, causing my smile to widen even more. With that the elevator doors began to open, I gripped onto Camila's arm once again as she held mine. Helping me walk to the exit, only to be met by the three other girls waiting in an SUV. 

"Ready to go home, Lo?" Dinah asks with a slight smile. I nod my head glancing over at all of the girls.

"Of course I am."


well here it is, finally an update on this story. i know that this has been such a long wait so i am debating on making this shorter than i orignally thought. we'll see, and i know that there has been a lot of drama revolving around camren so yikers. bUT ANYWHOO i hope y'all have a good day and i hope y'all keep on living on. i love you guys a whole bunch. (comments and feedbacks appreciated, y'all keep me going)


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