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"The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there." - L. P. Hartley, The Go-Between.



I IMMEDIATELY RECOGNISED the strong cologne of the person. Daxon. He dragged me upstairs to one of the rooms. How come nobody is here? He was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. Once we reached the balcony, he forcefully turns me so that I'm standing face to face with him. So intimidating!

"Didn't I say you do not come here today?" He looks so pissed of right now.

"What makes you think I would listen to you?" I asked back. I know I'm adding fuel to the raging fire.

He grabbed my shoulders strenuously. "Don't ever talk to me in that tone, princess!" He said menacingly that made me gulp.

"Sorry." His eyes softened at my response and let go of my shoulders.

He sighed. "When I ask you to do something, just listen to me, okay?"

I was about to nod my head but quickly stopped from doing so, "Why should I?" Let's have some fun here.

He groaned and raked a hand through his black silky hair. "Why are you so annoying?"

"Because I am." I laughed clutching my stomach for getting the exact reaction I wanted from him. He stared at me blankly and I could say the corners of his lips slightly lifted upwards, controlling the urge to smile. "Now tell me why should I listen to you?"

His jaw clenched before speaking, "I heard the guys talking about spiking your drink tonight."

My eyes widened in shock. "WHO?"

"No idea." He replied before sitting in the armchair, pulling the headphones over his ears. Who would this be?

I walked over to another armchair beside him and took my seat. His eyes are closed and the hair ruffled in the gentle breeze. How badly I want to touch it? Then my gaze fell on the photo frame that he was hugging tightly to his chest.

"Can I see that?" I asked him but no response. Oh, yeah, he is listening to music! How stupid of me?

I thought of leaving him alone when he handed me that photo frame. I took it in my hands and analyzed that man's features who looked quite similar to Daxon but in an older version. "My dad." He said, still his eyes closed.

"You look a lot like him." I smiled.

"I miss him." He stated. I forgot that his dad died in an accident.

I knelt down next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "You can talk to me if you want, you know."

He instantly opened his eyes and pushed me away. "Get out!" He yelled at me.

"I was just---"

"GET. THE. HELL. OUT!" He said with the gritted teeth. I sighed, lifted myself off the floor, and left the room.

As I made my way to the stairs, I heard objects shattering around in another room. Like a curious cat, I peeped in through the slightly ajar door.

"This is not possible for us, Austin. Why don't you understand?" A girl with a sharp voice yelled at a guy who's the name I suppose is Austin.

Wait a minute, did she say Austin. As in, Austin McKeon?! Daxon's friend? One of the golden boys?

"Why do you care about what others are gonna think? We very well know about our feelings towards each other." A familiar voice said that confirmed it was Austin McKeon.

"Why don't you get this? This will cause a lot of chaos in the family." The girl said.

"I don't care about any of those shit," Austin replied.

"Eavesdropping is bad." A voice whispered in my ear. I put my hands over the chest.

"Shit, you scared me!" I whispered back to Brandon, who was carrying a smirk now. I pulled him away from the room, not wanting to be caught. "What the hell was that?"

"I should be asking you this question." He motioned towards the door that I was eavesdropping. My face reddened in embarrassment. Since there was no light, he couldn't see me. Thank God!

"Ha, I was asking about the little incident that happened downstairs. Why did you beat the shit out of him?"

"He was trying to force himself on you." He said.

"Why do you care?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I wanted to show my strength." He smirked. "So that, I could earn more girls' attention."

I gave him a disgusted look. "Gross."

"Only for you babe," He said.

"Don't call me that."

"Sure thing, babe!" I gave him an irritated look. "Come, let's go!"

"Excuse me? Why should I come with you?"

"I am not gonna kidnap you." He looked at me from top to bottom. "You are not worth it." I rolled my eyes. "Madison requested me to drop you back."

"Crap, I totally forgot about Madison." I said, searching for my phone to call her.

"She already left. I was asked by her to drop you." He said.

I opened the messages sent by Madison.

Madison: I tried calling you but did not pick up!

My phone is in silent.

Madison: Sorry that I had to leave because of an idiot. I asked Brandon to drop you back home. He is not bad as he looks.

I immediately texted back.

Me: No problem at all. Drive safe ;)

I put my phone back in the purse.

"Shall we go now? I have important things to attend to unlike some jobless spoilt brats."

"Hey, I'm not jobless, okay?" I fired at him.

"Then, are you accept that you are spoilt?" He asked back.

"Argh!" I groaned in frustration. "Let's just go. Mind you, drop me back safely at home. If you are planning on doing something to me, you will regret having your life!"

"I already said you are not worth stealing." He laughed.

I took a deep breath. Just tolerate for few minutes, I said myself.


Hola Hola,

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