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"Too late! Too late! I'm too late!" Valt, a boy with blue hair and brown eyes, ran through the school gate and headed straight for the school building. It wasn't the first time that he was late, so he had to hurry. "Out of the way!" Valt had his eyes on the ground and couldn't really see where he was going. "Wah!" What finally became his undoing when he thundered into someone and fell on his bottom. "Ouch!" Valt rubbed his bottom on which he had landed roughly. "Sorry...I guess I didn't see you" Valt looked up, in front of him was a red-haired girl who had probably landed rudely on her bottom too. "It's okay" She reached for the Bey next to her. "Hey, this is mine!" Valt took it from her hand, but it wasn't his bey. "Oh..." "This is my Bey, Fuerza" Valt took a closer look at the red Bey. "An attack type" "Right, Fire Fuerza is an attack type bey" She took the other Bey. "And that's an attack type too." "Ha yes. That's Victory Valtryek" She handed him the Bey and Valt exchanged Valtryek with Fuerza. Then Valt got up and helped the redhead onto her legs. "I'm Valt Aoi" "Algería Warau" "Alger-what?" Algeria laughed. "Algería. I'm not from here" "Oh, well then, welcome to the Beigoma Academy" Algería smiled. "Hey, let's go in before we get in trouble" "Yeah, good idea"

The two entered the school and Valt brought Algería to the principal's office. Valt wanted to go, but Headmaster Shinoda stopped him because Algería was in his class. She was given a timetable and discussed a few things with the principal before they both went to the classroom. On the way, Valt said that they had some arenas at school and that they absolutely had to battle. Unfortunately the lessons dragged on and it felt like years when Valt and Algería finally got to the gym. "You have to take part on the tournament" "I don't know...I'm not a great blader...Actually, I haven't been blade that long. So I don't know if it would be a good idea to take part in a tournament." "Valt, finally here too? You're not shi- Who is this beautiful girl there? " Valt grinned. "That? This is Algería Warau. She's new here and a blader" Algería shrugged off this remark with a waving hand. "I've only fighted a couple of times with an old friend, nothing more" Valt took Valtryek. "Just show me what you can do" "Valt, haven't you forgotten something?" Valt looked at the blonde. "My launcher!" Valt took it out of his pocket as well. "No damn it!" The blonde turned to Algería. "Rantaro Kiyama but you can call me Honcho" Algería smiled. "Nice to meet you" "Well, Algería. Are we fighting?" She nodded and took out Fuerza and her launcher. Honcho looked at her bey. "One type of attack" "Yeah" "Don't you think it would be better if I go up against them with Roktavor?" "You can go after me" Valt took up his position. "We'll battle each other after that" Algería faced Valt and turned her Bey to her launcher. "Well, I'll be the referee then. Ready?" "3,2,1 Let it rip" Fuerza and Valtryek landed in the arena. "Fuerza is turning counterclockwise?" "Yes, I didn't learn any other way," Valt looked at Algería. "Anyway. LosGo Valtryek, attack!" Valtryek attacked Fuerza, but Fuerza didn't seem to mind. "What?!" "Fuerza is very persistent. It's hard to throw her out of the ring with just small attacks or to burst her." "That's unbelievable" "Now, attack Fuerza!" Fuerza attacked Valtryek now.

//Her Bey is amazing ... There's no way she learned he was until recently//

"Hold on Valtryek" "Fire Strike" Fuerza shot Valtryek out of the arena. "Valtryek" Valt ran after his Bey, who was caught by someone. Valt, on the other hand, ran into that person. "Today is probably not my day..." He looked up. "Oh hello Shu" The white-haired boy handed Valt his bey. "Are you okay, Valtryek?" "What did you do that made Valtrkey fly through the air like that?" Valt saw the two children, his Siblings, behind Shu. "I battled with Algería," Valt pointed to the redhead, who must have made eye contact with Shu. Valt looked back and forth between the two. "Do you know each other?" Shu looked down at Valt. "No, it's okay" "Okay, let's go on. Honcho?" "Eh? Yes. Fuerza with a ring out finish. One point for Algería" Shu, Toko and Nika stepped closer to the arena.

//I'm surprised to see her here...Usually she is never without him...//

"What a gorgeous young lady" The blonde looked at Algería more closely. "Hey who do you think you are?" The blonde stepped back. "Don't come too close to her, do you understand me?" "I'm just interested in my fans" "You should stay away from her, is that clear or do I have to teach it to you?" "Well, I don't know this side from you but now well. I think we'll battle it out sooner or later" "Algería is not a bet!" The blonde passed them both. "Whatever" With that he disappeared. Algería continued to stand while her friend took the water bottle from her hand. "You should start to battle, then guys like him can't annoy you" "They do that one way or another...A girl at a tournament is rare" "And that's why you train with me" He took a few strong sips before tossing the closed bottle towards her . Algería caught it and looked at him "But the next national championship?" "It can wait. Besides, your training is also my training.

"Ready for battle number two?" "Yes" Toko looked at the tablet. "The name of her beyblade is Fire Fuerza. It is a type of attack that turns counterclockwise. In addition, it seems to be very robust...That's all it says there" "It doesn't matter what it says" "But Valt..." "I'll find out what I have to do. After all, this is not an official battle, so I can learn as much about Fuerza as I need" "So then. Ready? On your marks!" "3,2,1 Let it rip" Again the beys landed in the arena. "Attack Valtryek" "That didn't work earlier" "Attack harder, Valtryek" "Fire Strike, Fuerza!" The two beys met and both flew through the air, toward the ground, where Valtryek exploded before Fuerza hit the ground. "Fire Fuerza with a Burst Finish. Algería is the winner with three points" Algería took her bey. "Wow! Fuerza is amazing!" "You absolutely have to take part in the tournament" "I'll think about it" "Now it's my turn" Honcho stepped forward. "But I want to battle again" "No, Algería said it's my turn. So get away" "But I definitely want to go again!" "I don't care. It's my turn now" Algería battled Valt and Honcho for a few hours and they had fun.


"Do you think...It would be good if I also take part in the tournament?" "I honestly don't care whether you take part or not. You won't be able to beat me" Algería smiled a little. "Probably yes" She looked at her bey. "I really miss you" There was only a snort from him. "That means' I miss you too" "
"If you think so" "Will I see you before the tournament?" "Who knows" "No matter what, I'll do my best and get stronger and who knows, maybe I'll be able to defeat you" He laughed. "For that you have to get up earlier" "We'll see. Good night" "Yes, night" Algería ended the call and turned off the light.

//I'll get better, I promise//

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