Where Did You Go? Chapter 1

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This is continued from the oneshot hope you enjoy

Chapter 1

I lay on my couch constantly looking at my phone, hoping and praying that Jake will send me a message. But that message never comes my hope is slowly fading away I feel the tears fall from my eyes. I try too put myself together but I can't I go too wash my face and calm down. As I walk back into the living room I hear my phone ring. My heart stops I feel a lump in my throat I rush over too the phone and my heart just sinks when I see it's Jessy calling. Picking up the phone Jessy is as cheerful as ever asking me a million questions. I can't bring myself too tell her over the phone so I ask her too come over which she does.
Half an hour later Jessy arrives at MCs apartment, when MC opens the door Jessy's smile turns too concern wrapping her arms around MC.

Jessy: MC, what's happened? Where's Jake? Why isn't he with you?
MC: he left, we were at this abandoned wearhouse and he left me in the middle of the night.
Jessy: what the hell? Why did he do that?

MC grabbed the letter from the table and handed it too Jessy.

Jessy: I can't believe he's done this I'm so sorry MC is there anything I can do?
MC: there is nothing anyone can do
Jessy: well your not staying here by your self, your coming back too my place
MC: Jessy you don't have too do that I'll be fine
Jessy: MC, I won't leave you here alone
MC: but what about Richy?
Jessy: oh he won't mind, plus he doesn't get a say either come on let's pack you a bag.

Jessy took MCs hand leading her into the bedroom so Jessy could pack MC's bag, once Jessy had finished they made their way too jessys car.

MC: are you sure Richy isn't going too mind?
Jessy: of course not, he cares for you just like I do and so do the others.
MC: I don't think I can face the others not yet
Jessy: don't worry about it MC let's get you back too mine, we can figure the rest out later.

Jessy started the car making their way back too Jessy's apartment, once they arrived Jessy got MC's bag from the back seat and made their way inside.

MC: Jessy, I..I don't know if I can do this

Jessy: everything will be okay, I promise I won't leave you

Jessy pulled out her keys opening the door she put the bag down and went too look for Richy. MC was still stood near the door not really sure what she should be doing everything just felt so numb.

Jessy: hey sweetie
Richy: hey, how's MC and Jake?
Jessy: that's the thing, Jake left MC in the middle of the night in an abandoned wearhouse
Richy: what!? Why the hell did he do that? Is she okay?
Jessy: she's trying too put a brave face on things but she's hurting, I brought her back with me. I said she could stay with us for awhile
Richy: that's a really good idea Jessy, I'll go make up the spare bed, btw where is MC?
Jessy: oh she's...where is she?

Jessy left the kitchen and saw MC still stood near the door, she walked over too her pulling her in for a tight hug.

Jessy: come on let's go sit down Richy's making up the spare bed, I've got a bottle of wine in the fridge with our names on it.
MC: thanks Jessy
Jessy: no need too thank me, it's what best friends do.

After Richy had finished making up the bed he came out of the room and instantly wrapped his arms around MC. Jessy looked on with a warm smile on her face Richy cared alot about MC.

MC: thanks Richy
Richy: no thanks needed, we are your friends and we are always there for you no matter what.
Jessy: let's order takeout and have that bottle of wine
Richy: we also have a bottle of whiskey in the cupboard
Jessy: I forgot about that, better make sure we still have some when Dan finds out but not tonight tho tonight is just us 3 noone else

MC looked on at her two friends she felt a warm feeling spread across her body, she couldn't believe how kind they where being it's not something she had much experience of. Her thoughts drifted back too Jake wondering where he was and if he was safe had he been caught? A tear rolled down her check at the thought of Jake her heart broke into a million pieces the night he left her.

I find myself sat in Jessy and Richy's apartment not really knowing what too say or do. They are busy in the kitchen Jessy's getting the wine and Richy is grabbing the plates. I keep looking at my phone hoping there is some kind of sign from Jake. I want too send him a message I need too know why he's done this I just need him.

I open and close the message app trying too fight sending him a message why should I? Why the hell should I chase after him when he's the one who left me i feel the anger building up inside. I start digging my nails into my arm not really taking notice of anything around me. As I look down I can see the skin as already broken. I quickly pull my sleeve down I just can't handle more questions from Jessy tonight.

I sit watching Jessy and Richy in the kitchen they are so in love with each other Richy has liked Jessy ever since she started working at the junkyard. He finally admitted too her a few years ago how much he liked her. She had always liked him but on some level didn't want too ruin the friendship. They tried just being friends but it wasn't working and finally became a couple.
Jessy: right I've got the wine food is on the way, I've got some very cheesy music ready too play.
MC: I really need this drink, here's too not being on the run with a stupid hacker!!

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