Twenty-six: Autumn Day

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Seokmin and Jisoo were strolling in the park as their hands softly brushing against each other. It was a calm autumn day. The couple loved autumn a lot since winter was too cold and the summer was too hot, autumn was perfect for them. The warmth of the sun on their skin and the soft breeze of the wind, the leaves softly being carried by the wind, and then hitting the ground making a crunching sound, it was calming to the two. Jisoo inhaled the sweet cinnamon scent coming from the café nearby and smiled gently tapping on his boyfriend's shoulder making him look at him "Minnie?" the younger hummed in response as he fixed the older's bangs that got messed up by the soft wind "Can we go get the pumpkin spice latte that I like?" Seokmin chuckled and nodded as the older smiled brightly and pulled him to the café.

The two were welcomed by a familiar person standing behind the cashier. Once Jisoo looked closer, he realized it was... "Jeonghan? What are you doing here?" the boy behind the cashier looked up with wide eyes "oh hi I'm working here" he chuckled nervously "Since when were you working here? We come here every week, we never saw you" Seokmin asked curiously "Well I and Cheol wanted to try something new, so we started working here two days ago" Jisoo smiled widely, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't proud of his best friend for getting a job. "what do you want to order?" "We'll take two pumpkin spice latte and one carrot cake please" Jeonghan nodded with a smile and the two paid before going to sit at a random table next to the glass that showed the beautiful scenery of the park. Jisoo stared outside and admired how gorgeous autumn was "It's so beautiful, right?" Seokmin stared at Jisoo and secretly snapped a pic before continuing to stare at his amazing boyfriend "You're beautiful" Jisoo looked at Seokmin and found him staring at him lovingly as he started blushing like a tomato. Even though the two have been dating for almost two years, they never got tired of how amazing the other was.

Seokmin chuckled at the blushing boy in front of him and then put his hand on top of the other's "I love you~" the older of the two smiled widely and was about to reply before someone cleared their throat and interrupted the two, both of them looked at the direction of the sound and saw Seungcheol wearing his job's uniform and carrying their orders "Sorry to interrupt your um moment, but here's your order. Two pumpkin spice lattes and one carrot cake" Seungcheol placed their drinks neatly in front of them and the cake slice on the center of the table and bowed before turning around and walking to the kitchen. "That hyung is too serious" Jisoo laughed at the younger's comment and started eating from the cake, moaning in pleasure from the amount of flavor in the cake "Is it good?" Jisoo furiously nodded "Here open your mouth" Seokmin shook his head "I don't like carrot cake." Jisoo pouted and pleaded with puppy eyes that he knows is Seokmin's weakness, the younger sighed and gave in "Fine!" Jisoo smiled brightly before feeding the younger some cake, "Mm~ it's really good" "Told you" Jisoo said with a smirk then continued eating. Seokmin occasionally took some sips from his latte his eyes never leaving the person in front of him as he kept staring at him eat, Jisoo seemed to notice and asked "Is there something on my face?" Seokmin nodded his head and Jisoo began to wipe his face "Is it gone now?" he asked, "Here, let me wipe it for you" Seokmin stood up a little bit and pecked the older's lips before sitting back down with a smirk plastered on his face as he started at Jisoo's red face. The younger noticed that Jisoo was stuffing his with cake and his face was still red, Seokmin laughed at the sight and grabbed Jisoo's hand gently "eat slowly. The food won't fly" Jisoo glared at him and brushed his hand away from the younger before going back to stuff his face with carrot cake "Hyung are you mad?" Jisoo ignored the younger making him pout "I'm sorry~ please don't be mad" he said cutely as Jisoo continued ignoring him. "Shua hyung I'm sorry. I just wanted a kith" the younger called Jisoo with the special nickname he made for the older, he knew how much the older loved the name so he decided to call him that to make sure he replies. Just as Seokmin thought, Jisoo looked up and sighed "Fine! I forgive you but don't do it again" Seokmin smiled widely but then frowned in confusion "Why though?" Jisoo didn't answer the younger, he just looked at Jeonghan and Seungcheol who were busy talking behind the counter. Seokmin got the hint and started laughing "Are you serious? You don't want me to kiss you just because Jeonghan hyung and Seungcheol hyung would tease you about it?" Seokmin said between laughs as Jisoo's face flushed in red "S-Stop! They might hear you"

The two finished from their weekly stroll in the park and went back to the dorm. Jisoo and Seokmin walked inside the dorm hand in hand and saw the two Chinese boys arguing about something in a foreign language neither of them can understand
"Jun hyung I told you not to eat my burger!" "I didn't know it was yours!" Jisoo approached the two and put his hand on Junhui's shoulder "You two good?" "Ah! Hyung finally! He keeps saying I ate his burger but I didn't know it was his and now he's acting like a moody girlfriend on her period!" Seokmin covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing as Minghao gasped while looking offended "Now I'm the moody girlfriend in this relationship?! Fine! You're sleeping on the couch tonight, don't even try and talk to me" Minghao ran to his shared room with Junhui and locked the door. Junhui sighed "I hate when he's like this"

I was supposed to upload this yesterday but I had to to make some last second changes and deleted half of the episode so I wasn't able to finish yetserday
Anyways it's here now so thats all that matters :)
thanks for reading bootiful hoomans <333

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