Twenty-Four: Truth or Dare pt.2

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Everyone finally recovers from the sight of Seungkwan grinding on the floor and the game continues by the chubby-cheeked boy spinning the bottle and it landing on Chan "Truth or dare?" the youngest thought for a second and then answered "Truth" Seungkwan thinks for a moment and then looks at Chan with serious eyes that made the youngest nervous "Do you really love Minhyuk?" Chan's heart drops by the sudden mention of his boyfriend that he has been dating for almost a month now. He asked himself this question multiple times and he always ends up thinking if he is truly meant for Minhyuk. Right, they've been on multiple dates together for the past month, but he never felt the real spark that he sees when his friends and their boyfriends are together. The way Seungcheol looks at Jeonghan like he's his entire world. The way Mingyu hugs Wonwoo like it's the last time they'll ever be able to be together. The way Hansol cares for Seungkwan and watches for him like he's a baby. The way Seokmin and Jisoo are gentle towards each other like the other might just break with a simple touch. The way Soonyoung and Jihoon are total opposites yet complete each other like a puzzle. The way Junhui and Minghao are like the sun that lends the moon it's light to keep it bright even in the darkest of nights. He wants to answer the question, but he, himself doesn't know the needed answer for the said question.

Chan opens his mouth and closes it like a fish under the water. He tries to say something, but nothing comes out. It's like he's been silenced and his voice has been stolen. Chan started getting frustrated by the sudden wave of emotions he's feeling, and his eyes started to water, Seungkwan seems to notices and panicking and looks at his boyfriend for help "Hey you don't need to answer Chan" Hansol's deep voice snaps Chan to reality and he realizes that he almost started crying "I-I'm sorry..uh I'll go to bed now..goodnight" Chan finally got the courage to try and escape from the awkward atmosphere he caused and quickly ran to his room. Jeonghan gets up to follow him but Wonwoo stops him and shakes his head "He's still confused with his feelings. We shouldn't interfere in their relationship" Jeonghan sighs and then removes Wonwoo's hand "But we should be with him by his side. For all you know, he's probably going to go cry now and he won't have anyone beside him. I don't want him to feel more alone then he already feels" Jeonghan softly smiles at Wonwoo before following Chan to the room and closing the door behind him.

Wonwoo looks at Seungcheol and he just shrugs with a soft smile on his face. "So can we get food? I'm starving!" Mingyu nodded furiously agreeing with Junhui. Slowly, everyone agreed on ordering take-out from Chan's favorite place to cheer him up and make him feel better.

Half an hour passed, and the food has finally arrived, and Jisoo went to call Jeonghan and Chan. Meanwhile, the others started to get the table ready. Jisoo knocked on the door softly before entering, his eyes softened at the sight of Chan snuggled up against Jeonghan's chest as the older brushed his fingers through his hair, humming softly. "hey, food is ready. We got your favorite channie!" the youngest's eyes lit upbut it still had a hint of sadness in his eyes, Jisoo decided to ignore it and smile back brightly. Jeonghan smiled too at how sweet Chan's reaction was. The three of them left to the dining area to see their friends already eating. Except for Seungcheol and Seokmin, because they were waiting for the three to come, and seemed to have the seats next to them empty for the three, the smile never left Chan's face as he looks at everyone happily devouring the food. Jeonghan sits on the seat that his boyfriend and couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of his boyfriend messily eating "Slow down love, the food won't fly away" the long-haired boy continues to chuckle as he wipes the food off of his boyfriend's precious face, Seungcheol just smiles as a response and feeds his boyfriend some food.

At that moment, Chan realized that what he needs is not a romantic relationship, but a friendship. A friendship that will keep blooming with time and will continue like the planets that never stop revolving around the sun. And by the smile on his face and the happy people that are eating around him, he knows for sure that he finally got what he wanted, the friendship that will continue for infinite.

Sorry for this episode I don't really know what I did but I hope you enjoyed it cause I really put my emotions in this episode (I'm not even kidding I almost cried twice while writing this-)
Anyway as usual
Thanks for reading bootiful hoomans <333

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