Twelve: "He's 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮...?"

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"One, two, three...ten, eleven, two are missing. Where are Hansol and Seungkwan?" Seungcheol asked as everyone was eating breakfast, "I think they're still sleeping, I'll go wake them up" Jeonghan answered giving the oldest in the room a sweet smile, in which he returned, Jeonghan stood up from his seat and went to the pair's room. At first, he knocked on the door "Seungkwan? Hansol? Are you up?" no answer "I'm coming in" with that, he opened the door and entered the dark room, he turned on the lights and saw that the two were cuddling in their sleep, Jeonghan cooed at the sight and snapshotted a quick picture then shook the two in attempt to wake them up, "Kwan, sol wake up, breakfast is ready" Hansol opened his eyes and saw Seungkwan sleeping peacefully and involuntary smiled "Okay I'll wake him up Hyung you can go eat" he said with a husky morning voice "Okay" Jeonghan smiled and returned back to eating his breakfast

The thirteen boys were on their way back to school on the bus, Wonwoo seemed very happy and was smiling from ear to ear and Mingyu obviously noticed and was very curious to what made the older that happy "Someone's happy today, did something happen?" Wonwoo looked at Mingyu with a big smile on his face "I have a date with my girlfriend!" "Is it your first date?" Mingyu asked trying to not show how upset he was at the fact that his crush was going on a date that wasn't with him, "No of course not! But I'm still really excited!" "I can tell" Mingyu mumbled to himself clearly upset, "You said something?" "No nothing sir I said absolutely nothing," Mingyu said getting from his seat as the bus stopped in front of their dorm's building "You coming?" Chan asked Wonwoo who was still sitting on his seat on the bus "No I have an appointment with someone" "oK-ay?"

"What's taking him so long?!" Mingyu asked loudly pacing back and forth through the living room, "Mingyu stop worrying he's older than you, he can take care of himself" "How can I not?! He's my best friend!" suddenly the door opened revealing a drunk Wonwoo walking inside with his hair all messed up "Wonwoo hyung! What happened to you?!" Mingyu ran to Wonwoo that about to fall "Mingyu~ that slut cheated on me so I broke up with her~" Wonwoo chimed happily "And why are you so happy?" "Cause I don't even like her~" a sad frown appeared on his face as if he remembered something, he then smiled drunkenly again "Do you want to know who's the guy I like?~" wonwoo happily teased Mingyu, as the younger beamed excitedly "Who is it?" "It's..." Mingyu suddenly heard soft snores, he looked at his arms to see Wonwoo sleeping soundly in his arms still standing up "He must've been tired" Mingyu smiled and carried him to the his bed, he tucked the older in and left to the living room "What happened to him?" "His 'girlfriend' cheated on him and he broke up with her, then I assume he went to a bar and got drunk and now here we are"

"I saw him smiling, are you sure he broke up with her?" "He said he didn't even like her, he was about to tel, me who's the guy he likes but he fell my arms" Mingyu said smiling to himself causing Jeonghan to smile too "Well now that's over, we should go to sleep, it's already 2am" Seungcheol nodded and held Jeonghan's hand smiling at him "Let's go"

Okay now I'm sorry for the short episode =/
But you'll be getting more meanie, jeongcheol, and verkwan after this episode so I hope you're as excited as me! =D
Thanks for reading~

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