Chapter Twenty five

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She confidently trusts the Lord to take care of her. -Psalm 112:7


A few days later, Lord Elrond sends Elrohir to Lothlorien in hopes that he can figure out what is delaying Celebrian and her parents' arrival. He comes to check on me every morning and every night, and everyday I notice that tell-tale signs of grief etched upon his face. Elladan says that he has foreseen something but refuses to share it with his sons, and by the look upon the elf lord's face, I know it must be dreadful. I cannot help but worry for Lady Celebrian since she is one of the kindest people I know.

Elladan sits at the window, gazing out of it distantly. He looks like a beautiful statue with his ebony hair falling down his shoulders like black silk, and he wears his favorite gray tunic, the small ties at the top left undone. He does not move, seemingly lost in his own bleak thoughts. I just wish I could cheer him up somehow, but nothing seems to work, especially now that my condition has worsened.

"'Dan?" I whisper, and he turns his head to look at me, "Do you want to talk about what is on your mind?"

He stares at me for a moment, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips. "Not really, but I am willing to discuss a different topic, if you so desire," he says, standing and walking over to the bed. He sits down beside me, and I look up at him through heavy eyelids.

"What is your favorite color?" I ask him randomly, loving the way his eyes crinkle up at their corners as he laughs.

He thinks for a moment before replying. "Green."

I smile slightly. "Why green? I thought you favored gray."

He chuckles, and he reaches out to brush his fingers over my cheek. "Green is the color of your eyes which I love more than anything in all of Arda," he says softly.

"Surely you cannot love my eyes more than strawberry pie," I reply, my heart fluttering in my chest, and he bursts into laughter.

"Strawberry pie is a close second after you," he says amusedly.

"I am glad to know that I mean more to you than food," I say as he leans down and kisses my forehead, "'Tis very reassuring."

"You mean more to me than anything, Taenya," he says.

He opens his mouth to continue, but a sudden cough works its way up my throat, and I struggle to keep from breaking into a coughing fit. At the sound, Elladan's eyes are immediately trained on me, watching me carefully. I turn my head, hiding from his searching gaze.

"Taenya, are you alright?" he asks quietly.

Unable to speak through the sudden burning in my chest and throat, I do not answer. My eye begin to water as I gasp sharply in pain, and sudden fear plagues me as I find that I cannot catch my breath. Tears begin to flow freely down my cheeks as I force my chest to rise and fall, and I feel as if only tiny puffs of air are entering my lungs each time. I cough again, and it is the first of many as I try to regain my breath. Elladan runs to the door, shouting at a nearby maid to get his father, and he is then by my side once again.

"'Twill be alright, Taenya," he tells me, holding my hand in his tightly as I struggle to breathe, and tears begin to collect in his own eyes as he looks at me, not knowing how to help me. "Ada will be here in a moment, Meleth nin (my love). Do not fret."
I shut my eyes, trying to focus on his words as he continues to speak instead of focusing on my intense fear, but I cannot help but wonder if this is the end. Could my life be taken from me so quickly, so randomly? I have not had a chance to say goodbye.

As I gasp again, I am overcome by a coughing fit, and blood trickles down my chin. The pain in my chest is almost unbearable as I squeeze my eyes shut, and 'Dan holds my hand tightly as I groan in pain.

The door bursts open, and Lord Elrond rushes to my bedside along with several other healers. He takes one look at me, and then he is ordering the others around, speaking of herbs I have never heard of. My chest feels like it is getting tighter and tighter until I am not breathing at all, and panic wells up inside of me. He sits down beside me, taking my free hand in his own, and he closes his eyes. He begins to speak in elvish, using his power to save me. A bright, golden glow surrounds me as he speaks, and warmth floods my chest in a thick wave. I gasp sharply, my lungs finally filling with air, and the feeling is so wondrous and indescribable that I burst into relieved tears. Lord Elrond opens his eyes, staring at me sadly as I sob. I cannot help it, though.

Elladan helps me to sit up and wraps his arms around me, and he comforts me as I cry. I hear Lord Elrond instruct him to help me drink the medicine that the healers prepared, claiming that it will help me breathe easier, and then they all leave us.

I still cling to him, burying my face in his chest.

"Shh, you must calm down," he whispers, rubbing my back comfortingly, "I am here. You are going to be fine, Taenya. I promise."

"'Dan," I sob, holding onto him desperately, "'Dan, I am scared. I do not want to die."

"You are not going to die," he states firmly, and I hear the way his voice is shaking with suppressed tears, "You are going to get better. I promise."

"I was so scared," I tell him, my body shaking with fear and weakness. "If I had died, I would not be able to tell you-," I stop, sobbing harder as I try to form the words.

"Taenya, please, you must stop crying. You will only make yourself feel worse," he tells me softly.

I nod, trying to calm down. It takes many long minutes, but eventually my crying is reduced to small hiccups every now and then. I do not let go of him, though, and I bury my face deeper in his neck. He kisses my head, rubbing my arms with his warm and comforting hands.

"Will you drink the medicine Ada left for you?" he asks, and I shake my head tiredly. "It will make you feel better."

I rest in his arms for a few moments longer before giving in. "Okay, I will drink it," I say, my hoarse voice barely a whisper.

He pulls me away from him a little bit, holding me upright since I am too weak to do so on my own. He reaches for the cup on the nightstand, and he holds it up to my lips. I sip from it slowly, the taste surprisingly sweet and fresh. I drain it quickly, causing Elladan to chuckle, and he places the empty cup back on the nightstand.

"Elladan," I whisper, searching his beautiful eyes as he looks at me, "I have to tell you something in case I am not able to later on."

He shakes his head, his eyes pained. "Do not speak like that, Taenya."

"I must. It is a reality that I will die if Lady Galadriel cannot reach me in time. Hear me out," I tell him, tears stinging my eyes again.

He nods reluctantly after several long moments of agonizing silence. "I am listening," is all he says.

"I had hoped to tell you this weeks, maybe months, from now when I was sure of your affections for me," I say, sucking in a ragged breath nervously, my chest still very sore and aching, "I... am not sure how to say this, actually. 'Twas easier for me earlier when I was in hysterics and not thinking straight."

He brings my hand up to his lips, kissing my feverish skin. "You can tell me anything, Meleth (love). You have me most anxious, now," he admits, furrowing his eyebrows.

I look into his eyes once again, this time feeling incredibly shy. "Well... I want you to know incase something happens to me that I-I love you, 'Dan," the words once out of my mouth seem easier to admit now, and fresh tears pour into my eyes. "I love you," I whisper so lowly, I am practically just mouthing the exquisite words, "I have loved you since the first moment we met back in our secret clearing." A small, nervous laugh escapes my lips.

I watch as a tear trails down his cheek slowly, and he stares at me in disbelief. "You... love me?" he questions as if it the most unrealistic possibility in all of Arda.

I laugh breathlessly, the action sending shooting pain throughout my chest, but I no longer care. I nod, using all of my energy to reach up and touch his tear-stained cheek. "Yes. I love you so, so much," I tell him as I begin to cry, too, "Even if I am not destined to live out my life by your side, I will love you now and forever. If I die, I will continue to love you, even when my spirit has passed from the Halls into Valinor. I will wait for you, 'Dan; forever, if I must."

His hands travel to my cheeks, and he looks into my eyes intensely. "You do not know how those words coming from your lips make me feel, Taenya. I, too, have loved you since the first moment I laid eyes on you. I have wanted to tell you so many times, but I thought it was too early to admit such a thing. I did not want to scare you off with such passionate declarations," he says lowly, and he rests his forehead against mine, his hands traveling to my arms, "You will live, Mell nín (my beloved). Promise me you will fight this." He finally breaks down, allowing himself to cry, and I hold him close.

"I promise, 'Dan. I promise," I say to him, my throat hurting terribly, and I run my fingers over his soft, silky hair.

"Will you promise me one more thing?" he asks after a while, touching my face as if he does not believe any of this is real.

I nod. "Anything for you."

"When you are healed, promise me that you will be my wife," he says seriously, gazing into my eyes as he awaits my answer, "Promise that you will marry me and put up with my teasing for the rest of our lives."

I do not hesitate in my answer, despite my surprise. "I love you," I say as he peppers kisses across my wet cheeks, placing one at the corner of my lips as I speak.

"I promise."


Elladan falls asleep beside me after a while, both of us exhausted from my brush with death, and his presence is a relief. I do not feel afraid when he is near, and even though I feel as if I could drop dead at any moment, I cannot force the smile off of my chapped lips.

I am to marry him. I can barely believe that he proposed to me. Even though my condition and future are uncertain, I feel that my chances of survival have tripled now that I have our marriage to look forward to. I never believed I would get married. I did not think anyone could ever love me romantically, but Elladan has proved me wrong. Just watching the way his eyes flutter in his sleep, signalling that he must be terribly fatigued, my heart melts in my chest. He is so utterly handsome, even when he is sleeping, and I cannot believe that he loves me.

The door bursts open, and 'Dan jumps, waking instantly. We both turn to see Elrohir standing at the door, and his eyes are red and swollen, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"'Ro, what is the matter?" Elladan asks worriedly.

"'Tis Naneth," he says, his voice echoing with grief, "She has been captured by orcs."


A/N: Sorry, y'all, but it had to happen sometime :( Thanks for all of the incredibly sweet comments and support! Love y'all so, so much! God bless!


Josie <3

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