Your good heart does!

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Authors POV:

Kim SeokJin, Kim Jimin and Jung Hoseok were packing! see eventually Jin had to agree so they're going to Busan.

Of course with them having a decent sum of money they would just take a flight there a private one at that.

They weren't going for long, simply a few days to basically meet Jungkook and let Jin and him get used to each other.

Mina and Jaya wanted their husbands to come to but unfortunately they had a buisness meeting to attend to since they decided to merge their companies together!

If the two agree the wedding would only happen in Seoul so they didn't have to worry too much and Mina said she would FaceTime them so they could speak to Jungkook.

It was Jimin that said "Eomma...can hyung at least see a picture of this kid! What if he's...not his type?"

Jaya hit Jimin on his head and said "Yah Jimin behave! Your hyung doesn't need to see anything until we get there. The kid is a pure soul I'm sure he will like him!"

Jimin only nodded with a pout on his face. Hoseok dragged Jimin upstairs and said "Yah Minnie me and you need to be quiet! Those women are insane! They are getting Hyung married a man who never wanted to commit! Soon enough it will be me and you next!"

It was Jin that hit them both this time and said "Glad to know you guys enjoy my misery! Also they aren't going to find anyone for you! You guys are capable of finding someone! It's me they're worried about because apparently 26 is too old and I don't intend to find anyone!"

Hoseok sighed and said "Look Hyung you're an alpha! We are both you know how difficult it is to find someone who genuinely cares about you when you have somewhat of a status and name? We omegas are treated horribly! Maybe having them arrange someone for us isn't a bad thing since they have motherly instincts but they have to ask first! They can't just expect us to follow them like you are!"

Jin sighed and said "Seokie you are like my brother! In fact you are so I won't let just anyone date you! You have to have him approved by me okay? And this whole arranged thing...if you want them to I'm sure they will happily find someone but you should look yourself first! Don't just give up".

Hoseok nodded as he tackled Jin in a hug but the alpha was so quick to push him off but Hoseok's hold was strong.

It was Jimin that looked at them amusingly before saying "Yah Hoseok Hyung don't you have a crush on Min Taehyung? That famous model?"

Hoseok went bright red and instantly began to deny the accusation but Jin said "You better not have a crush on anyone from the Min side Hoseok! Do you know the reputation those brothers hold? Taehyung has had several flings and he is NOT one to commit. And that Yoongi? Aish don't start me on him. He is a living example of an absolute arrogant human! He can't even show affection to his family never mind to anyone else!"

Hoseok and Jimin both felt a little hurt at their Hyung's words. The media portrays anyone as anything and unlike SeokJin who's throwing defamation charges at everyone not everyone cares.

"But Hyung.." Jimin tried to say but Jin hushed him and said "Jimin don't try and defend anyone please! I have been in this industry longer than you! Trust me Hyung knows! Also your manager? How come he never shows himself? Everyone is so curious about him! At least tell us who he is."

Jimin gulped and stammered out saying "Yah he's very shy, he's a good manager and I don't want to force him if he doesn't want to reveal his identity!"

Jin and Hoseok only hummed as Mina walked in and said "If you three haven't packed in then next ten minutes and gotten your asses down stairs I will personally drag you by your ears in front of the paparazzi at the airport and humiliate you! Love you my children!"

Then she went off shouting "Jaya!" The three boys could only look at each other before bursting out laughing at their Aunty/Eomma.

They ended up downstairs with 30 seconds to spare and Mina was happy that they listened to her.

Jin's outfit

Jimin's outfit

Hoseok's outfit

Then the bodyguards all loaded the vehicles and Jimin and Hoseok pushed Mina and Jaya into one car so the cousins could talk in peace.

Mina and Jaya were suspicious as they said "You best not be talking about us! I bet you have a lot to say because we're dragging you to Busan. But alas we are your mothers you can't get away from us...not really!"

Jin rolled his eyes playfully before saying "Yah you women need to stop being so scary! We are your children why are you so passive aggressive?"

Jaya laughed and said "You are our children hence why we joke this way Jinah. Now please just keep an open mind!"

Jin nodded and they sat in the car ready to go to the airport.

Of course the second they left the car, paparazzi were in their faces, the trio put the sunglasses on practically used to this type of stuff as both Mina and Jaya took their umbrellas out and put it in front of them.

If the sons were used to it then the mothers were masters in this situation. The umbrella meant no flashes in their eyes and also they could very literally knock people out with it.

Let's just say Kim Dantae and Jung Seokhyun have had their fair share of appointments with lawyers to keep their wives away from prison.

The boys followed behind the women as the guards protected them at all costs. Once check in was complete they sat in the lounge waiting for their air craft.

Several minutes later they were all seated and ready for take off. Mina and Jaya sat and gossiped as Hoseok and Jimin sat there annoying SeokJin who tried to take a nap.

"Eomma! Aunty tell these minions to stop annoying me!" Jin spoke out and Jaya dismissed him as Mina said "Yah Jin they're only little let them do what they want!"

Jin looked gobsmacked...little? Fucking Jung Hoseok is 25 and that Jimin is 24! "Yah how are they little in anyway?"

Jaya sighed and said "Look at you...26 year old Ahjussi and then look at them. They're the youngsters!"

Jin was left speechless!

So as Hoseok and Jimin laughed and giggled annoying Jin the alpha just had to take it. A) because no one was on his side and B) because he loved them really.

A very tiring flight later they arrived in Busan. The plan was to rest for the night and meet Jungkook the next day.

Jaya and Mina had already told Jungkook about their arrival and he said that he would be ready to greet them.

Little did the two know how anxious the little boy was.

Jungkook had been pacing all morning, he cleaned his cottage almost 5 times now. He was so anxious to meet this guy.

He even forgot his name!


Ugh he really didn't know and the pacing made him super nauseous.

So Jungkook decided to go out and take a walk! The walk helped him clear his mind a lot and what he was forgetting was that the day the family were gonna come see him is the same day his parents death anniversary was.

But the nerves had kicked in too much for Jungkook to actually remember.

That night he slept a little restlessly and when he woke up he skipped breakfast. Mina and Jaya had said they would come early afternoon around 2 o'clock.

So Jungkook prepared what he could...he didn't really know much about well anything! So he asked his ahjumma that he worked for and she smiled as she said "I'm so glad that you are finally going to have someone who will take care of you of you Jungkookah! When it comes to these types of things just make sure there's snacks and drinks available and wear something nice you should dress up a little! My child I would have come to act as your guardian but I am not available on this day because I need to go to the hospital. But I'm sure you will be fine!"

Jungkook had never felt so grateful.

He made lots of nice snacks and food and even brought drinks and things he thinks they would like. He isn't so sure because they're rich and well he's not.

He hasn't told the women that he is alone and has no family but they will find out everything today when they ask him.

Jungkook doesn't want to start a relationship on lies.

It was currently 1:30 and only half an hour till the guests come. He had readied himself looking absolutely adorable and was now pacing back and forth when he heard the door being knocked on.

His outfit!

Jungkook, thinking they arrived early took a deep breath before plastering a gorgeous smile on his face and opened the door.

He was confused when he saw Yugyeom there. He was about to shut the door very fearful for his life when the alpha said "Yah before you shut the door I just want to say I'm sorry! I shouldn't have been harassing you!"

Jungkook was shocked but he only nodded as he said "Okay I guess! Can you leave now I have guests coming over?"

He nodded before saying "Just quickly can I get some water? I'm not going back home I have to go for some work!"

Jungkook didn't trust him but he didn't want to deprive him of some water if he genuinely needed it so he said "Wait here I will grab you a bottle!"

Yugyeom obediently nodded and as Jungkook went he slipped inside the home and walked up to the omega covering his mouth.

"Yah Jungkook you are a so naive and innocent! This is your only downfall!" He whispered terrifying the omega.

Jungkok tried shaking him off even tried biting him but he couldn't as Yugyeom dragged him to the couch and straddled his waist.

"You called those bitchass women on me, all of my friends have left me because they were thrashed by the stupid guards. Now I'm going to take my revenge. I always wanted you Jungkook but what better way to have you then to fuck you, take away your innocence, leave you with a pup or two, mark you, and watch you struggle knowing no one will ever want you! Then in front of you marry and mate someone else so it hurts you even more!"

Jungkook had tears rolling down his cheeks and he tried so hard to move the man off him. But Yugyeom had started to kiss Jungkook and the omega was crying.

That's when he heard a loud voice, one he's never heard of before. "How dare you talk that way about someone?"

Jungkook couldn't even comprehend what had happened when Yugyeom was picked up from him and thrown on the ground.

Then the said man was punching him relentlessly with no remorse. Jungkook could only thank whoever was listening for saving him.

He looked up from his teary eyes and saw the two women....they asked to call them aunty for now. Jungkook was so embarrassed because wherever the son he is supposed to marry is must have seen this.

So he cried harder but slowly got up and ran to Jaya hugging her tightly. "A...aunty I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen. He came to apologise and then asked for water and then he started harassing me!"

Jaya only held him tighter whispering "It's not your fault!" As Mina covered Jungkook's vision with her body of SeokJin thrashing Yugyeom.

The said alpha had bruises and blood dripping from his nose. He looked unrecognisable. Jin had grabbed him by his hair and thrown him in front of Jungkook.

"Look at him...dead in the eye and tell him how sorry you are for hurting him! If I don't think it's sincere enough I will personally grab you and throw you down that well I saw when I was coming here!" The loud voice sent shivers down Jungkook's spine.

Looking around he noticed three men. Two were stood looking absolutely pissed and the other one was the one hitting Yugyeom. He didn't know who Kim SooJin was, the man he was supposedly supposed to marry.

All three of them looked absolutely perfect, straight out of some kdrama!

Jungkook felt even more small now!

Yugyeom begged on his knees in front of Jungkook and the omega just hid in Jaya's arms again.

"Looks like you aren't sincere enough!" Jin's voice boomed and he turned to the guards as he said "Take this fucker go the well and threaten to throw him down I'm sure he will end up wetting himself!"

The guards had picked him up and Yugyeom was begging saying "No please! I'm sorry I won't do it again!"

Jin only smirked as he said "Yes! Of course you won't do it again! You won't have a dick to even think about doing it! You are sure very cocky for someone who has no ounce of confidence to even speak in another alpha's presence! You target those who are below you and you don't see them as equal! That's a bad mentality and I think you need to learn a lesson or two!" Then he indicated the guards to take him away and this time he nearly cried and begged harder to be released.

Jungkook had somewhat calmed down and he pulled away from Jaya and said "I'm really sorry! This is not how it was supposed to be!"

Mina shook her head as she wiped his tears "No my child! I'm glad we got here at the right time! After last time we shouldn't have let him off! That is the only reason why he was back again!"

Jin looked even more pissed as he said "This isn't the first time? You mean to say that fucker has done this before?"

Jaya sighed as she said "SeokJin! Calm down okay! We will discuss this! Let's all take a seat!"

The Alpha sighed as he grabbed Hoseok and Jimin and sat on the three seater couch. Jungkook too sat down with Mina and Jaya on his sides.

There was occasional sniffling from the omega but Jin took a good look at him and he must say the omega was definitely a beauty. But physical appearance means nothing! Not to Seokjin anyways.

Mina broke the silence as she said "The meeting was definitely not supposed to be like this but it's okay. We can recover from it! Only if Jungkook still wants to continue?"

The omega took a deep breath and said "Y..Yes aunty I'm okay now!"

Jin listened to the soft tone Jungkook used and he was definitely a little impressed.

Jaya spoke up saying "Okay so Jungkook this is my oldest son SeokJin...the one we have chosen for you! The one on his right is my youngest son, Jimin and the one on the left is my nephew and Mina's son, Hoseok!".

Mina smiled and said "Guys this is Jungkook! The adorable boy we met at the flower shop! And child where are your parents? Are they joining us later?"

Jungkook slowly looked up and said "Oh aunty I don't have parents! They died when I was younger, I'm an orphan!" And just like that he remembered his parent's death anniversary and tried really hard not to cry.

"Oh my child! I'm so sorry we didn't know!" Jaya said and Mina nodded saying "We are sorry!" Jungkook took a deep breath and said "It's okay! You learn to live with it I guess!"

Instead of making the atmosphere more tense Jungkook smiled his bunny smile and said "It's nice to meet you all!" Which had Hoseok and Jimin cooing immediately!

"Yah Eomma he's adorable!" Hoseok spoke out and Jimin nodded saying "Yah if Hyung doesn't want him can we still keep him?"

Jaya sighed as she said "Yah Jimin! I get it you have no filter like me but is he an object? Keeping him? I'm sure your brother likes him look at him all quiet and not saying anything!"

Jin went a little red but composed himself "Ahem! Eomma you already know my answer since we have had this conversation! I don't wish to talk more on it!"

The two women sighed as Hoseok spoke up saying "Hyung lighten up a bit! The poor boy doesn't need to see your emotionless side. He just went through something big. Go and speak to him privately! Get to know him! This is why we are here."

Jimin nodded and said "Yeah! You're saying Eomma knows your answer but does Jungkook know what that answer is? Stop acting like some arrogant man and be my hyung!"

Mina and Jaya smiled at the fact that Jimin and Hoseok were understanding a bit better.

Jin looked at Hoseok and Jimin in betrayal but he knew they were right so he said "I'm sorry! Please can we go to a place where you and I could talk?"

Jungkook slowly nodded and looked to Mina and Jaya for approval and when they smiled he said "Please help yourself to some snacks and drinks! I made them myself!"

They only cooed at him as Jungkook led Jin to his bedroom.

Stepping into Jungkook's room Jin loved the vibe so he said "Your room is nice! In fact your whole home is lovely!" Jungkook blushed and said "Thank you! I decorated it myself! It took a long time but I wanted my room to be a place where I feel safe! So it had to be perfect!"

Jin only smiled at his words before he took a seat on the bed with Jungkook joining him. "So Jungkook I don't really know how this works! I'll start off by telling you a few things about myself and then you go next okay?"

Jungkook nodded saying "Okay!"

So Jin started saying "I'm 26...I work as a peon (low ranking worker), my hobbies are fishing, cycling and swimming! My family is rich as you can tell by my Eomma and Aunty but I don't associate with their money so I'm not as rich as them. I get by with my work!"

Jungkook smiled as he said "Your

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