Fake it till you make it.

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~ Some time earlier ~

Jungkook POV:
After last night I had woken up with a start, Mina aunty had mentioned that they would set off mid afternoon and I was missing them already!

I woke up with no intention to go to work so I called the ahjumma to let her know. She said it was fine and I managed to make myself something to eat but I couldn't sit and stomach it.

I felt like something bad was going to happen, and I was missing Jin Hyung already.

Setting my thoughts aside and pushing breakfast away I sat on my bed holding RJ. I even pulled out the shirt I had worn when Hyung scented me and put my whole face in that shirt.

Then nesting a little bit I fell asleep on my bed, crying a little and missing the warmth I had felt for two days.

The next time I woke up I heard banging on my door, then the window of my house shattering. Then loud bangs and even louder voices, one I recognised well.

"Jungkook....come to daddy! Finally I am going to take my fucking revenge!" Yugyeom said.

I ran out of my bedroom door, yes very silly of me because my room was the only one with bars on the windows so he couldn't get in.

I wanted to see where he was, so I looked out and there he stood with a few other alphas, gun in hand trying to get in.

Non of the neighbours, who are usually so nosy decided to help me and instead I was alone. So I went back into the room locking the door and running to my phone.

I called Hyung who tried to talk but I cut him off and instantly and said "Hyung please tell me you haven't left Busan yet!!! HYUNG HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!"

Jin Hyung asked me to calm down but I could hear his panic as he said "Tell me what's happening!" I could only stutter out after a deep breath "H...he's going to r...rape me then k...kill me! He's g..got a g...gun!"

Before I could hear Hyung's response my bedroom door was banged upon and I heard a shooting sound. The phone fell from my hand and cracked and I could only hyperventilate as I realised that I might potentially die.

I decided to grab my shirt to comfort me and lock myself in the cupboard.

I kept hearing scary sounds and I couldn't breathe properly. Covering my ears and putting my face in the shirt I just cried.

When the door began to unlock of my bedroom I tried not to make any sound. I knew that Yugyeom had a way to pick locks and that's what he did to my room.

Slowly he whistled as he fired his gun to scare me, still I made no sound. "Where are you Jungkookie! Come on baby play with daddy then I'll send you to your real one! You bloody orphan. I don't know what that stupid rich alpha saw in you, you're nothing but a toy! But I want the first taste of you!"

His words made me cringe but I held strong as I heard his footsteps approach the cupboard.

I knew this was the end so I took a deep breath and waited for him. The door began to open and I refused to look up. He laughed maniacally as he saw me then he grabbed my arm and I didn't say or do anything.

This was all happening in broad day light, no one cared for me that's why this was allowed to happen.

He pulled me out and pushed me to the bed, he unbuckled his pants and his member lay there no hardness as he made me stroke him.

I choked back a sob as I tried pulling away he laughed as he got hard and he tried pulling my clothes off.

I saw RJ and Cooky next to me and I could only look at them and pray for Jin Hyung.

One second I was being pulled apart by him to get me naked and the next I had no pants on. He began touching me everywhere and I cried feeling sick.

Then all of a sudden he was pulled away from me, I opened my eyes to see my saviour and of course it was Jin Hyung.

I sighed in relief despite my tears as he took his blazer off and covered my bottom.

Then he began beating Yugyeom up, Jimin and Hoseok both running to me holding me tightly.

I let my head fall on Hoseok Hyung's shoulder and cried feeling sick.

The police had come and they instantly took Yugyeom away and even the few companions he brought with him.

I saw Jin Hyung and he was only fuming as Mina and Jaya aunty fretted over me. I felt so embarrassed.

They all left the room as I changed into my pants again and this time I walked inside my living space as they all sat and waited for me.

Jin hyung was stood outside and in this moment I felt so weak and vulnerable. I knew that after today they wouldn't want to hold any relations with me.

I braced myself for the worst as I wiped my tears and pretended to be strong! I am not strong, I will never be strong!

I just have to pretend...fake it till you make it right?

"I'm so sorry! I'm sorry for wasting your time, that you had to come here to save me. I can understand if you don't want to do this marriage. I am basically tainted although he didn't get far thanking you guys he did kiss me and make these awful marks. I'm so sorry!"

Then I sobbed covering my mouth feeling disgusted with myself.

Instantly all of them began to shake their heads as Jaya aunty said "No Jungkook! What is this nonsense you're talking about? Did you ask for this? No nah my child so you don't have to apologise! No one is calling off anything. Jin chose you and you chose him! Right Jin?"

Jin hyung who had been listening from the door turned to me and walked over as he took my hand and led me inside my room.

The others followed as he said "You were scared right?" I slowly nodded then he said "During your most vulnerable moment you looked for me right? You called me?" I nodded not understanding what he was trying to get at.

Then he said "I noticed the shirt, it's the shirt I scented you in right? You were holding RJ the same stuffed toy I brought you and I scented that too."

I only nodded as he continued "You sought me out in your most vulnerable moments, then you were nesting, an omega only nests when they're on their heat...which you clearly aren't, when they had a bad day, or they're missing someone. With the way the nest has clothes covered in my scent I'm assuming you missed me?"

I went beat red and didn't know what to say as he said "It's okay Jungkook it's okay to feel this way! Don't be embarrassed!"

I just nodded as he held my hand "I am trying to say that you see me as your protection, your guardian and let's face it your mate...your omega has accepted me. So why on earth do you think that after all of this just because the same man who I failed to protect you from, several times tired to rape you I would leave you? I admit I am not the best at this and I look cold but I agreed to marry you right? I'm not a coward that I would back out and leave you alone! Once I set my eyes on something it is always mine! You're not a possession Jungkook but I still want to be the only one you call yours!"

Then he kissed my knuckles and if I wasn't already ugly crying then I was now. The others were crying behind us and I pushed myself into Jin Hyung's arms. I sobbed heavily as I said "He said he is my daddy! I don't know what he means but it was sexual I know...then he said after he f..fucks me he's going to send me to my real daddy! He was going to kill me! Sometimes I want to die and go to Eomma and Apa but the thought of dying and not seeing you for the last time made me not want to die. You've given me a reason to live again thank you for saving me!"

I assume the others were shocked at my revelation but Jin Hyung only held me tighter afraid that if he let go I might disappear.

Authors POV:
Jin pulled out of the hug and took Jungkook's hand and led him outside to all the neighbours who came to watch the show but not help.

Then he authoritvely said "Every single one of you cowards watched on whilst a young omega was about to be killed and raped! Shame on you! Secondly, he is going to be my husband, stop accusing him of being some sort of prostitute! He was never and will never be with that Yugyeom guy! He has been harassing Jungkook! You want to see drama right? I will show you drama when each and every single one of you is charged for being compliant in the execution of the rape of an omega and following Yugyeom's orders!"

A random woman spoke out "You are all talk boy! No one here has any responsibility to help anyone! It may work differently where you are city boy but here we do as we please!"

Jin got angrier as Jungkook tried stopping him "Listen ahjumma I'm going to be respectful since you are like my grandmothers age but even in Busan, just like Seoul there is a Samaritan rule! You have to help someone if they're in danger or it's against the law! I could have you all arrested!"

They all gasped in shock as another man said "We can have you arrested too! You aren't going to marry this omega, you will leave for Seoul and never return after fake promising him. Many alphas do that, they have swings and then go back and never return!"

Jin went even more red as he guided Jungkook to Mina and crossed his arms saying "He isn't a fling, I haven't touched him yet and I don't plan to until he is married to me and feels safe with me! Who are you to judge me based on what others have done?"

Another youngster only a year older than Jin said "No offence but go away with your big talks, no one believes you! Have you seen that omega? He is all alone! Everyone talks about him and you're telling me...you? Someone who looks like they belong in Kdrama's has fallen for this plain and simple omega who has no qualifications and works at a flower shop earning absolutely nothing? Don't make me laugh! All of this happens in the fancy story books he reads not in real life!"

Then he came to Jungkook and said "If you want a wedding that badly then marry someone of your status, I'm just as unqualified as you I'm sure we would make a great match!"

Seokjin had enough as he pulled the alpha away "fuck you all with your backwards thinking Jungkook doesn't need qualifications to have a good heart and be a good husband! I have chosen him nah so you all don't need to concern yourself with him! And you..." He said glaring at the alpha "You just want him don't you? Guess what buddy he isn't yours, he is going to be MY husband, MY mate and MY fucking everything! I will spoil him and give him what he wants. Now since you think you're so high and mighty telling me I'm all talk in front of you all I'm going to marry him that too fucking tomorrow!"

There were gasps and murmurs of:

"He won't, he's only bluffing!"

"Mum that alpha is so dreamy I want him!"

"What is wrong with me that I don't attract such men?"

"Let's see if he even stays till tomorrow!"

Jin had taken Jungkook's hand and guided him into the car. The others followed suit confused with Jin's statement,

Jungkook was shaken up and he was sobbing again hearing all the horrible things about him, he didn't even hear the marriage part.

Jin told some of his guards to clear up Jungkook's home and pack his things up, then lock the little cottage up after clearing it up for any damages.

In the car Jungkook had held onto Jin so tightly and when they reached he refused to let go of Jin so the alpha walked with a clingy Jungkook.

Once in their Busan home again Jin let Jungkook hold him as Mina said "You want to get married in front of all of them tomorrow? Your Apa and uncle can't make it Jin! We have to marry in Seoul! It's too early no? Plus you don't need to justify yourself to anyone!"

Jin shook his head as he said "It's not about me, it's about Jungkook's reputation! No one gets away with saying such things to a near rape victim, an innocent soul. Also we will marry here to show I'm serious, then in Seoul we will have the grand wedding you wanted! But no media coverage you know how I am with that. That way Apa and uncle don't miss out!"

Jaya and Mina sighed as Jaya asked "Are you sure about this Jin? Maybe think about it?"

Jin smiled in a determined manner as he said "I already thought on it!"

Hoseok and Jimin looked at each other a little worried, Jimin's phone was blowing up with Yoongi's messages and calls since they were supposed to be in Seoul by now.

He ignored it mentally telling himself he will beg Yoongi to forgive him since the alpha is probably worried sick.

Hoseok spoke up saying "Jungkook doesn't deserve all this harsh stuff, he also seems to be really out of it! Hyung do you think he knows about the wedding thing?"

They all looked at Jungkook and indeed he was there but his mind was elsewhere.

Mina sighed and said "Take him to your room Hoseok and you and Jimin sleep with him tonight! Once he's calms a little explain the wedding ceremony to him."

Hoseok nodded but as he tried to take Jungkook alongside Jimin, the omega whined and cried saying "No only Jin Hyung!" And Jin didn't know how to feel...happy? Jungkook wanted him so much or sad because he couldn't give that to him back?

Jimin sat down in front of Jungkook and said "Kook listen, you're going to get married tomorrow to Hyung! We're all going to be there and after your marriage we're going to go to Seoul. Then a big wedding can happen there but to prove to these people who are hurting you Hyung wants go show that he's going to keep his promise and take care of you!"

Jungkook attentively listened and turned to Jin, "You don't need to prove anything to anyone! Let's just leave this place! I hate it here!"

Jin nodded at Jungkook but said "They didn't help you at all, some said you deserved it...you really don't Jungkook! I want to show that you deserve to have someone treat you right!"

Jungkook didn't say anything and instead turned to Jaya and Mina before brokenly saying "Can you both hug me? I want to feel the warmth of a mother!"

The two were instantly engulfing him in a hug as Hoseok said to Jin "Hyung you will need to sort clothes out for tomorrow and you'll need to make a set up so all the villagers can see the wedding take place!"

Jimin piped in and said "Yah and I've already told Apa and uncle they want us to FaceTime during the wedding and would like to speak to Jungkook before hand too".

Everyone just nodded as they planned out for tomorrow, Jin made a few phone calls, Hoseok and Jimin chose everyone's outfits as Mina, Jaya and Jungkook cuddled.

They had eventually managed to get Jungkook to fall asleep, the omega cried a lot and he was devastated by the fact that they had to cancel everything to be with him. He felt like a burden and Yugyeom's words kept playing in his head.

When the morning had come Jin had gone to the room Jungkook was staying in, at first the omega wanted to be next to Jin but when he had fallen asleep Jin had carried him to Hoseok's room. Jimin and Hoseok both slept with him after that cuddling him and creating the nest since that would help him.

The older two omegas had gotten up early to get ready because they are after all actors and by any chance they are spotted they need to be looking their best.

Jin was creating a big fiasco here getting married and wanting to keep it a secret in Seoul but Jungkook's village in Busan was so closed off that no one even knew who they were so they were fine for now.

Jin found Jungkook curling in on himself in the nest, he was looking far better than yesterday but still upset and weak.

When Jin had walked in Jungkook noticed his scent instantly and got up. He weakly smiled trying to not act clingy.

Yet Jin despite hating all these lovey dovey stuff opened his arms out and Jungkook instantly crawled into him.

It was pure silence until Jungkook broke it saying "W...why does your touch not feel bad but his does? Why do I feel safe with you but scared around him? Why is it that the thought of any other alpha besides you touching me makes me want to cry and pull my hair out?"

Jin didn't have a response but Jaya and Mina did who walked in as Jaya said "Because Jungkook our wolves have a connection to good and compatible mates! You two are clearly compatible so your omega years for Jin. The same way with his alpha I assume!"

Then Mina continued saying "Plus good and bad touches are universal! What may be a good touch from Jin is a bad touch from Yugyeom only because of WHO it is. Jin is your alpha so his "bad" touches can be good for you but because Yugyeom isn't any of his touches may seem bad even if it was a friendly hug!"

Jungkook nodded as he looked up at Jin who was lost in thought "Will you teach me how a bad touch can feel good coming from you?" Jin choked on his saliva and Mina and Jaya tried not to snicker because Jungkook was so innocent. "Yah Jungkook what are you saying?" Jin said and the omega looked back with bambi eyes saying "I want to feel your good touches!"

Jin sighed and said "I am not having this conversation right now! Get changed Jungkook we have a wedding to celebrate and show all of those idiotic neighbours that we are happy."

Then he went as he placed the suit on the bed.

Jungkook looked at the bag the suit was in then back at Mina snd Jaya before saying "Do you think he's being forced? He has to marry me because of their words nah? I swear aunty tell him not to ruin his life, I'll bare their taunts they will stop after a while when new news hits them!"

Mina shook her head saying "Trust me Jungkook he wants you just as much as you do!"

Before Jungkook could asked they kissed his forehead and left the room telling him to get ready and that Hoseok and Jimin would come to doll him up more.

And just like that Jimin and Hoseok did an amazing job because Jungkook looked ethereal.

He took a deep breath before saying "I'm officially going to be a husband!"

Jungkook's look!!!!

Ahhhh I'm so sorry I literally wanted to upload this soon but Im still getting writers block! Hence why the other story isn't updated yet!

I have started writing the one-shot so if I do update it then please do support me!

I hope you liked this chapter and I can't wait for the next one, it will be slightly angsty but we love that around here!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and as always eat healthy drink plenty and stay safe my lovelies

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