Ch. 5: Grounded

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{Laura's POV~}

The next morning I was unwilling to get up to go to school. My mom kept knocking on the door and yelling at me to come out and go to school. Unfortunately for me, my dad found the key to my room and came in.

"Laura, you have to go to school. Now get up and get dressed." He demanded. Why is my family so cruel!

"I'm too depressed to get up." I complained.

"You know, school is the only place you'll be able to see your boyfriend." He said and I frowned at him.

"I thought I wasn't allowed to be around him?" I mocked. Maybe I am acting like I'm twelve...

"I guess there's no way for me to stop you in school." He answered.

I smiled and finally got up. I knew dad felt bad. He does have a heart, he does understand love to an certain extent.


"Hey Laura." Ross greets me by my locker.

"Hi." I replied and hugged my books against my chest, still a bit upset.

"You okay?" He asked.

I shake my head, "My dad won't let me see you, only in school." I explained, giving him a hug.

He gave me a hug in return, "Doesn't he know that it's impossible to stop love?"

I shook my head in his chest and I could hear his heart beat, along with every breath he took.

"Don't feel bad, I got in big trouble too. I'm grounded for two weeks." He says.

"We can't even text each other...and we have spring break this weekend." I sighed, hugging him. This is so upsetting. Spring break is one whole week without any contact with Ross. How am I supposed to do that?

"We'll find a way, I promise." He assured me.

"I know we will." I smiled.


{Ross' POV~}

I sat down in my desk. I was tired, angry, and depressed. In no mood to talk to anyone. Except Laura, but I don't have this class with her. Just another reason to be sad.

"Ross, ready for the game tonight?" Randy asked, bumping me with his boney elbow.

"Ow..." I groaned rubbing my shoulder where he had hit me, "Not really." I muttered.

"Dude, what's your problem. Your like this way to often." Randy says rolling his eyes. God he's annoying.

"Randy can you just leave me alone. I'm not in the mood." I grumbled.

Randy chuckles, "Ross, sometimes you make me wonder if you're a girl on their period." A couple guys behind him laugh at his ridiculous comment.

"Haha...Randy your so funny." I said with full sarcasm while rolling my eyes.

Just then I saw Laura walk into the classroom. She walked over to the teachers desk. They were talking. What were they talking about? I don't know. I just took the chance to see a rose appear in the middle of a thorn patch.

A minute passes and Laura and the teacher had finished the conversation she waved to me before she walked out of the room. I wonder what she was doing in here?

"Alright class, I'd like to introduce a new student." The teacher, Mrs. Mone announces.

Everyone had to whisper something in their neighbors ear.

"Please welcome Rosie Loumen." Mrs. Mone says as a beautiful girl steps into the room. She had long, beautiful, dark red hair, it looked more brown. Her eyes were a sparkling blue and she looks tall, probably only a couple inches or so shorter than me. Rosie shyly waves at everyone and hugs her books to her chest like Laura does when she's feeling shy or scared. She's stunning.

"Rosie, you can take a seat anywhere you'd like." Mrs. Mone says to her.

Rosie nods her head and quietly walked down the row, she sits in the desk directly in front of me. She smells like a rose. But I can't have two roses in a thorn patch...what the hell am I doing?

Randy throws a piece of paper at me and it hits me in the head, landing on the ground beside my foot. I leaned down to grab it and unfolded the crumbled up ball of notebook paper. I didn't really appreciate what I read:

If you dump Laura for that babe Rosie, Laura's mine. ;)

P.S: Is Laura still a virgin??

I glanced back at him and frowned. He just smirks at me. I'm not going to dump Laura for Rosie. So what if she's beautiful, smells good, tall, cute, and has the same initials as me. I have Laura she's beautiful, smells good, adorably tiny, smart, and I love her. There's no way I could love anyone more than Laura.


Finally the lunch bell rang and everyone jumped from their desks and darted for the cafeteria to be first in line. I waited for Laura by the door, like a real gentlemen.

When she finally came she was with Rosie.

"Hey Ross, have you met Rosie?" Laura asked gesturing to Rosie who was right beside her.

"Yeah, Mrs. Mone introduced her in Chemistry." I replied.

"Cool. You two have the same initials, cool right." Laura giggles.

I nodded and Rosie starred at me, "Whats your name?" She asked.

"Ross...Ross Lynch." I answered with a smile.

"Wow we do have the same initials. My name is Rosie Loumen." Rosie says, "But you probably already knew that."

I laughed, "Why don't we get in line for lunch. I would take you guys out, but I don't even have a car for two weeks." I sighed.

"Why what happened?" Rosie asks.

"I'm grounded for ditching school. Along with Laura." I chuckled and Laura blushes.

"Yeah...I can't believe I actually did that. All to make out with that!" Laura laughs looking at me, but I know she's joking.

"Make out, wait are you two like dating?" Rosie asks, confused.

"Yes." Laura and I said in unison.

Rosie laughs, "Well now that makes sense. You two look really cute together."

Laura and I both blushed. I don't know's not like something we should be ashamed of. We should be proud.

The three of us all got our lunches and took a seat at a table along with Ashley. I'm the only guy...oh well. Laura and I always sit together.

"Hey Laur, how does my makeup look?" Ashley asked Laura.

"It looks fine." Laura answered. I sat there quietly, not really interested in the conversation.

Eventually Laura and Ashley were just blabbing over something, I have no idea what. Rosie and I just ate quietly.

"So do you play any sports?" I asked Rosie as I picked at my food.

"No." She replied shaking her head, "I'm not very good at sports. Where as my older sister plays tennis really well in college." Rosie says. "What about you?"

"Football, hockey, surfing, I like it all." I replied.

Laura nudges me, "I need to tell you something." She whispers in my ear, gesturing me to get up and follow her.

She led me outside, where everyone went when they finished eating. We went around the school so there was no one around.

Laura seemed kind of upset.

"So what's up?" I asked awkwardly.

She looked down and mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"Speak up sweetie." I said lifting up her chin.

She sighed, "The whole school thinks I'm pregnant."

"Why?" I asked, shocked. Why does everyone need to pick on Laura.

"Because rumors are getting spread. Apparently people know that I got grounded for ditching school with you and they think we..." She trails off. "At least this is what Ashley just told me."

I wrapped my arms around and pulled her close, "Then we need to do something to convince them your not." I said into her hair. She pushes me away and wriggles out of my arms.

"Yeah...umm thats why I think we need to ermm break up." Laura choked out and my heart shatters, stabbing me everywhere throughout my body.

"W-what?" I stuttered in disbelief.

Laura looked down as tears flooded her eyes and ran down her cheeks, "R-Ross, I don't want them to think that." Laura stopped to cry in between, "And they won't if we break up."

"Laura...there's got to be a better way. I love you too much to let you go like this." I said, tears were threatening my eyes.

"How!" She shouted, running her hand through her hair. "Ross, I can't have people thinking of me like this!"

"And they won't. Laur, we can prove to them-"

"No Ross, it's too hard...I'm sorry." She sobbed covering her face in her hands.

"Laura..." I mumbled stepping closer to her. I reached out to her but she moved away.

"Please don't touch me." She cried, "S-stay away from me, p-please."


{Laura's POV~}

I fell to the ground and hid my face into my knees. Sobbing, there's no way to stop it. This hurts me just as much as it's hurting him. I wish I could tell him that...but my throat is swollen from all my crying. I don't want to speak.

I didn't want to do this. I really didn't. But it was the only way to erase these rumors. I actually allowed my reputation to become more important than my relationship. I love Ross, why did I let him go all because of a stupid rumor. I have so many questions for myself. But I can't answer any of them. I'm just an idiot. I'm stupid...


A/N: Okay so I get that the end was kind of unexpected but I'm gonna give you guys a little hint. This is not the nasty breakup that really throws the plot around. This is just a little bump in the road. You'll probably like the next chapter...there's more to this little incident. I'll try and update within a day or two!

Please comment and vote! Maybe you can predict what will happen...


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