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The most worst one year i have ever seen in my life i have never seen something worse like this in my entire life after that day me and yoongi came back to Daegu yoongi was in his worst behavior we both completed our university and we even got graduated i never thought my graduation would be worse because tae never came and for name sake yoongi was there it was empty after my graduation i was placed in a hospital while yoongi refused to work... after that he began to drink everyday and he was staying in home with his piano i go for work in the morning and come home at night the house would be a mess and yoongi would be another mess he is not listening to me nor to others his health was kept on detoriating and i could not do anything he keeps on blaming himself for the things happened last year i know and marking tomorrow is the first anniversary of Jimin's death and on the other side me and tae were not doing well at all sometimes it feels like he has gone far far away that i could not reach him anymore 

He became very busy with his music very busy he is trying to escape the loss of friend instead of accepting it the same goes for yoongi he is so busy tae never calls nor never texts  and  texts and calls all happens once in a blue moon only i became tired its exhausting for me also but we both still don't know for what we are holding on to each other i don't know whether i can live without him i don't know everything i now so blue very blue i am walking in a path i don't know and Jhope ssi got transferred and came to Daegu last week only he took up the charge of the position of a principal in Daegu university while Mr. Park retired and Jhope ssi is staying in the Universities given house only because suga doesn't want anyone to stay here i don't know what's going to happen next but i am tired of everything so tired with that i got up from my bed freshed up and i got ready and i went down as usual yoongi was sleeping in the couch and tan was playing 

"good morning tan "

Tan : woof woof wooffff....

i ruffled his hair and i went to the kitchen to make breakfast for me and leave for work after few minutes i made some breakfast for me and made some for yoongi too and i went to wake him up 

"yoongi !! yoongi .."

Suga : let me sleep !!!

"yoongi get up its morning and have breakfast ..."

Suga : no i don't want ..

"get up and eat for heaven's sake ... "

Suga : keep the breakfast and leave i will take care 

he would never listen to me i was getting late for work too i must be in the hospital at 9am its already 8.30am and with that i wore my doctor court and i left after ruffling tan's hair after few minutes i reached the hospital

"nurse send my patients all one by one according to their today's appointment "

Nurse : okay doctor 

and with that i went and sat in my cabin and i was waiting for the first patient of the day

and with that i heard a knock in my door 

"please get inside.."

and when i saw who it was i was shook it was tae's manager Mr. Lee 

"Mr. Lee ?!"

Lee : ohh Jungkook ssi ?!!

"what are you doing here ?!!'

Lee : hmm that's a long story 

"but please take your seat first and let me see your records"

and with that i was going through his records 

"so you have heavy muscle pain right ?!"

Lee : ya and its really paining too much

"no worries i will treat you and give you some medicines take it and if you are not okay then come back next week again okay ?!!"

Lee : hmm okay 

and with that i began to treat him it went past few minutes i treated him and as he was about to leave 

"Mr.Lee how is tae ?!"

Lee : tae sir its been months i saw him actually they took me from the manager position of tae because they actually sensed that tae is dating someone and i am helping him 

i was shook 

"but tae did not even say a word to me .... even though he speaks to me once in a blue moon "

Lee : he is given high pressure of work because he has lot of fans and because of him the company ears great profit and he is highly restricted to use phones often and he is always busy our higher officials asked him whether he is dating but he did not say anything so they are still in confusion and someone always keeps an eye son him i tried to help him but it was not possible at all and after they took me from the Job i came back to my hometown itself and i am working here now i worried about tae sir so much Jungkook ssi 

my heart dropped at what and all he said to me 

Lee : okay Jungkook ssi your next patient is waiting see you 

and with that he left my mind was totally on tae now he did not refuse not accept because he knows he doesn't want to lie its because of me he is going through all these uhn and with that the next patient came and my thoughts were diverted




The sun light was bashing through the windows and it was straight in my face 

"oh damn shit why do mornings even come "

and with that i felt a shadow covering the sunshine 

"wowow it feels good "

and suddenly i realized that no one is home and i quickly opened my eyes and it was Jhope with Tan

"what the hell are you doing here ?!!"

Jhope : hmm i came for a visit .. where is JK ?!

"probably gone for work ?"

Jhope : good .. had breakfast ?! 

" what would you do if i say i don't and what would you do if i say i did uhn ?"

Jhope : i would make breakfast if you said no and i would still give you some food to eat even if you say yes because i know you must have not eaten 

i just looked at him 

"please don't need to care for me because i can take care of myself "

Jhope : yep i know you can 

and with that i got up and i went to my room and i freshed up and i came down to see the table filled with food 

Jhope : you came 

"of course"

Jhope : now sit and eat and then you can go wherever you want okay 

"but i don't want to eat "

Jhope : then you cant leave though 

"why are you doing this to me "

Jhope : no i did not do anything 

" damn .. do you think i cannot leave the house .."

i took my court and i went near the door and i tried to unlock it with the password but the door was not opening and it was showing the password is wrong 

Jhope : its better if you come and sit and eat then i would tell you the password so you can leave or else the whole day inside this house with me so the decision is yours yoongi

he was literally getting in my nerves i have no other go so i went to the dining table and i sat 

Jhope : that's good 

and with that he served the food for me and i began to eat 

Jhope : so planning on doing something 

"nothing ..."

and i finished the breakfast and went near the door 

"so tell me the password now ..."

Jhope : Jimin 

my hands stopped i want to forget i am trying to escape and there it comes again and all the memories flashed back again and my eyes teared up 

Jhope : hurt unless you never get hurt again yoongi accept but don't escape if you try to escape you will never come out of it 

i don't know what to say i just closed the door harsh and i left the house marking tomorrow its going to one year Jimin left me but nothing has changed every day feels like hell it feels like something is drowning me down but i am hopeless and helpless and my only escape from all these is alcohol and music nothing more than that and with that i left 



It was almost lunch time i though of calling tae but i was worried what if someone other picks up the call so i decided to go the phone booth and call him and after few minutes i reached to the near by phone booth and i dialed his number the phone was kept on ringing but no one picked up the call i tried for another time the same the phone was kept on ringing and at the last ring he picked up 



*i was lost tears were already streaming down my face when i hear his voice*

hello whose this ?

tae !?

*and there was absolute silence the other side also*

JK ?!

how are you ?

i am good and you 

and with that i heard someone talking to him and the call got disconnected i am sure someone was shouting at him damn he has to go through so much because of me and with that i went back to my cabin



I was on my way home today 

i did not even drink a bit i know Jimin doesn't like me drinking but what to do to escape all the pain and suffering i have to do so because its my only escape and with that i sat on the bench on the near by place all the memories of the last year was flashing in my mind everything feels like it happened yesterday while already a year has been passed by i was just sitting in the bench while closing my eyes i really wish i holded his hand that day while he drifted away memories were playing in my mind while i heard someone's voice 

??? : this what i told that day itself and i knew you would end up miserable like this 

i opened my eyes and i was shook 


S/F : I told na you will fail in your life i told na you can never succeed if you be like this see what has happened now 

he was getting on my nerves i was becoming weak in his words 

S/F : see i think you killed him .. you killed your so called boyfriend you told me that you will live but look at you in the name of being alive you are dying daily where is your so called hyung Jin uhn  he challenged me that day he will make you live like there is no tomorrow and the most happiest person on this earth but looks like you are dying daily 

my eyes teared up and i clenched my fist

S/F : a son like you a disrespect to the family a huge burden to the society and moreover be ashamed to be born like this and you are a sinner and you a devil's child so which only your life is so miserable its better you die rather than to live 

tears were streaming down my face and he left like that my heart felt heavy in pain of his words no matter what he is my dad and hearing him telling me to die its hurting so bad i have put down Jin hyung too today as he said i am no worth to live in this world and then suddenly it began to rain and my phone began to buzz and it was Jungkook i picked up the call 


hello yoongi are you safe its raining 

don't go anywhere outside be in home 

okay and i will be home soon once the rain stops okay 

take care

i did not say anything i hunged up the call and after that i reached home tan was not there probably Jhope took him and once i entered all i fell on the ground ......

"Jimin uh i am sorry for killing you its all my fault if i have never came into your life you must have been alive if i never came into your life your father must have not spoke to you like that if i have never came into your life you friend must have not lost you if i have never came into your life your family must have not lost you i am sorry i was selfish its all because of me i am sorry like my father said i am always a burden only i am sorry ..........*crying*"



After two hours the rain stopped it was almost midnight and i reached home i opened the house to see a mess all the things were broken and it was on the floor i was worried about yoongi 

"yoongi ?!!!! where are youuuu ?!!! yoongiiiiiiiiii "

i shouted his name but no answer but i heard breaking sounds of things everywhere and it came from the room he and Jimin stayed before he was breaking everything 

"yoongiiii what are you doing ?!!!"

i went near him and tried to stop him he was bleeding badly from all those glass pieces which were piercing his hand 

"yoongi stop !!!!!"


i just went and hugged him 

"yoongi stop nothing like that at all ........ yoongi listen "

but he did not listen to me at all he just pushed me away 

i was helpless he was behaving odd he was crying i was not able to bear the pain of hearing him say he wants to die looks like only Jimin is important for him and he doesn't care about me the friend who stayed with him through everything the friend who was there with him even before Jimin came looks like i was not enough looks like i was not good that's why he is behaving like and that's why i know he lost his love i know the pain but i am too his friend right a friend who was there with him through his everything but he is just pushing me away how more should i try i felt so weak i felt so broken i left his room and wore my hoodie and i left the house 

on my way i called Jhope ssi after few rings he picked up the call 


Hello ?!!!

Hello *sniffs* 

is all good JK ?

no Jhope ssi can you please go home and take care 

of yoongi he is behaving so weird i cant control him 

why ? what happened ?

i don't know maybe i was never a good friend

so i dont know please take care 


and with that i hunged up the call my heart was in absolute a pain a devasting pain i felt like someone was clenching my heart it was paining so bad on one side tae is going through so much and he did not even say or share anything to me and on the other side yoongi he is just not letting out and he is not listening i don't know what happened to both and i am tried so much maybe i was never a good lover never a good friend or never a good brother i am lost today feels like my world is falling apart but all i can do is just see my world falling apart and with that rain began to pour and my tears mixed with the rain i think the sky too is crying with me today its enough i am tried i am so tried 


(Yoongi's POV)

I don't deserve to live i break everyone's heart i have never been a good friend a good lover a good brother nor even a good human to the society i cant die because i promised hyung that  i would live but its too much to handle now i cant anymore sorry hyung for not keeping up with the promise i am going now for forever please don't miss me hyung because i am not worth all your love i don't deserve to be loved goodbye everyone and with that i lighted the room



When Jk called me in the next few minutes i was in the house i felt something strange i saw smoke coming from the top room 


I quickly dialed 911 and asked them help while i knocked down the

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