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I took hyung and i reached my dorm to see a empty dorm JK was no where to be seen i was a bit worried because his leg is not okay and him roaming here and there will make his condition worse i kept hyungs bag and i looked around but he was no where to be seen 

"hyung i will be back in a bit so make yourself comfortable hyung ?!!"

Joon : where are you going tae ?!! tae ?!! tae .....

i came out of my dorm and i headed straight to JK dorm while calling him his phone was ringing but he did not pick up the call so i opened his dorm to see him and his hyung fighting with each other playfully 

and when i entered they both looked at me 

Jin : ohhh woowowo who is this handsome guy uhn ?

JK : hyung i told na the guy who actually broke Jay's hand for hurting me 

Jin : OMG !! is it he ?

JK : yes hyung 

Jin : wow i am so proud of you my child thankyou for taking care of my brother 

i was shook standing there dumbfounded i thought he will give me a lecture for hurting others and there he goes appreciating me and he just hugged me and i too hugged him back 

JK : hyung you are encouraging him to involve in violence uhn ?!!

Jin : not in violence but in safety for ourselves why did Jay push you down first JK come grow up not all are kind not all are mature understand 

JK : hyung ?!!

Jin : what i said is always said JK so shut up 

i was totally impressed by his brother 

"JK your brother is so cool than you ..."

Jin : *blushes* i know i know .... okay come have some snacks with us Mister ?!!!

" Mister Kim Taehyung ..."

Jin: wow a pretty name 

" thankyou ..."

Jin : then come and have some snacks with us before we head to the Principals office for the evening meeting 

" no no its okay actually i left my hyung and came because JK was staying in my place and when i retuned back he was not there  and he did not pick up his calls nor he informed to me so i was worried so which only i came to check up on him nothing much hyung so i will get going ..."

Jin : ohhh awwwww how sweet of you ... i really like you ...

JK : i called you tae to inform that i going to my dorm because my hyung has come but your phone was out of reach

" maybe  there must have no signal ... okay then i will get going see you later JK ... and hyung i will take my leave *bows down*"

JK : okay take care see you 

Jin : okay sweetie bye take care 

and with that i left JK's dorm i really like JK's brother he is just the opposite of my hyung after few minutes i reached my dorm when i entered inside i saw Jimin and hyung sitting and speaking...

JM : there he comes !!! where did you go ?!!

" hmm to check on JK ..."

Joon : who is JK ?

" hmm my ..... my .... "

i looked at Jimin and he signaled to say the truth 

Joon : your ?!!! 

" hmm my friend hyung ?!!!"

Joon : friend ? you never have friends except Jimin right ?

"uhn but unexpectedly he became my friend ...*smiles awkwardly*"

JM : not only his friend but the person who stole his heart too *says in low voice* 

Joon : what did you say Jimin ?!! 

JM : nothing hyung i just said that its our friend 

Joon : hmm anyways we have a meeting with the principal at 5pm in the evening it almost 4 now lets eat something and then leave 

" hmm okay hyung ..."

Joon : lets go out to eat boys 

with that me hyung and Jimin left the dorm to have some snacks outside time passed by it was almost 5pm hyung was standing in front of the principals office waiting for JK's hyung too 

Joon : people doesnt know punctuality these days 

Jin : who said like that 

and thats when JK's brother entered the hall 

Jin : looks like someone is speaking behind the back 

JK : hyung ?!! 

Joon : i dont need to speak behind your back i can speak in front of you itself mister you are late enough  

"hyung ?!!!"

Jin : tae your hyung is nothing like you he looks idiotic

Joon : who is idiotic ? you stupid ?!

damn the fire between my hyung and JK hyung litted up 

Office assistant : Sir the principal is calling you both inside 

with that my hyung and Jk's hyung went inside 

JK : i am scared now tae 

" for what JK ?!! dont worry nothing will happen to your hyung .."

JK : i am not worried about my hyung i am worried about principal sir

" ya you ... *beats his shoulder *"

JK : i just said the truth *giggles*

(end of tae's pov)



Principal : take your seat mister Kim's 

Jin : what ?!! Kim's 

Principal : yes sir your both name starts with Kim he is Kim Namjoon and you are Kim Seokjin 

Jin : and today i declare that i hate my name because i have Kim as my first name similar to his name damn 

Joon : ohh is my name that bad for you 

Jin : of course is it even a question ?

Principal :  hmm ... like ...

Jin : looking like some lost animal from the jungle 

Joon : who are telling as an animal ?

Jin : cant you see it you i am pointing my fingers towards you only

Joon : *frustrated*

Principal : sir ?!!

Jin : see see you are looking now like a red chilly *laughs*

Joon : what did you say you ....?

Principal : Enough ?!! can we speak 

Jin : yes please for sure you are going to say some useless things only 

Principal : what sir ?!!!

Jin : no no i said you are going to say something important that will really help in my little brother's life please proceed 

*with that the principal began to explain the whole story which happened Jay's side . Tae's side and also JK's side *

Jin : wow i am proud of Kim Taehyung 

Joon : what ?!!

Principal : did you lose your mind ?!

Jin : you called us alone where is Jay's parents looks like they have funded you a much itself

Principal : mind your words mister 

Jin : sir calm down calm down cool easy ... everyone's blood will boil when they hear the truth and not willing to accept it 

Joon : what are you even speaking ? have you gone nuts uhn ?

Jin : you have only lost your mind you Koya 

Joon : koya ?!! me ?!! 

Jin : then what you are dump this dumpling who is siting here must have gotten money didnt you see the board of directors list  Jay's parents are the one of the most important shareholders of this university do you think he must have called his parents shut up and lets go Joon we know to handle our kids we doesn't need anyone's advice

Principal : you are crossing your limits

Jin :is it us or you i did a good background check up of you and only i came here so dont ever try to mess up with me understand 

Principal : *was aww struck* i will suspend your brother 

Jin : so your accept indirectly  you got money  from Jay's parents and because i told you the truth now you are suspending my brother  right ?!

Principal : when did i say like that ?!

Jin : you face tells it all 

Joon : Jin what the hell are you even speaking ?!!! 

Jin : ya Koya shut up you dont know anything ... so tell me mister sweet dumpling am i right *intense stare*

Principal : you both may leave now 

Jin : why so sudden lets have a cup of tea and speak for the whole evening and even night if you want ..for that only na i came all over from Busan and he this gentleman came from his place 

Principal : i told you to leave my office right now 

Jin : its better you behave right or else your mask will be torn off *gets out of the room*

Joon : looks like my brother doesnt have anything to do with and all the blame is on your side mister better be right just as he said we will take care of our brothers *leaves the room *



Me and JK were waiting outside for our hyungs after nearly maybe an hour they both came out first JK's hyung came ..

JK : hyung what happened ?

Jin : all is solved easy peasy lemon squeezy just like that 

JK : hyung no time to joke 

Jin : i am telling the truth only ... and Tae all is fine and i think you will get back to your classes from tomorrow itself 

with that hyung too came out 

Joon : Jin what did you speak inside ?! lost your mind or what ?!

Jin : i spoke what is the truth Koya just open your eyes and look around you dont be innocent 

JK : Koya ?!! 

i was like even i never kept any nick name for my hyung so far 

Jin : ya he is a Koya only see his face carefully he will look like Koya but a innocent Koya 

Joon : who is innocent you lama ?! i am the head of the Daegu University and i know all these stuffs but inside you never let me speak

Jin : ya ya you may be the head but no brain for you Koya you are boring always remember one thing if we are going to keep quite then they will sit in our head and dance those idiots 

Joon : enough i cant with you anyways the problem is over and you will never understand what i speak 

Jin : do you think  i am that dump not to understand anything .. tell me anything i will understand 

i was looking at them blankly while they were having verbal fight with each other and me and JK were standing there blankly 

JK : hyung its enough lets go to the dorm ... tae take your hyung and go 

" uhn ... hyung lets go ..."

with that i took hyung and i left from the place and JK did the same 

Joon : i have never seen someone like him he is literally annoying 

Jin : damn that Koya he is really so dump and immature JK 

JK : okay okay hyung lets go ?!! 

(end of tae's pov)



Its been almost 2 days i met tae because he was always around his hyung and he was not also able to come for music practice because his hyung doesnt know that he is in musical band and things i am now sitting in my room lying down while having my guitar by my side 

Jin : JK lets go to the hospital you have check up today ?

" uhn uhn hyung lets go .."

Jin : why are you dull ?

" nothing hyung lets go ?!!"

with that me and hyung got ready and we went to the hospital i was totally mood off i did not see him for two days and that made me feel empty ya i text him but not much as i was also busy with my recorded lectures after few minutes we reached the hospital 

Jin : lets go inside come on i will help you 

and with that me and hyung entered inside he gave my file to the nurse and the nurse told us to wait and after few minutes of waiting doctor called me and hyung and then we both went inside 

Doctor : so how are you doing Mister Jeon ?!

" ya i am good ?!"

Doctor : ya you having someone like him by your side you should be all fine 

i was confused 

" whom are you talking about doctor?!"

Doctor : i am talking about the guy who took you here on the day you were hurt he was so worried about you he told us not to cause you pain nor he even left us to put an injection for you damn that guy he is so sweet 

Jin : aww that man is melting my heart 

and again here i am hearing about him caring for me a special care for me more than anyone and i dont know i feel something is missing within me and with that the doctor took me inside for check up and after few minutes my check up was over 

Doctor : Jungkook you are recovering well just wear this bandage for one more week dont strain much okay and then you will be perfectly fine 

"hmm yes doctor .... "

Doctor : you may leave now 

Jin : thankyou doctor 

and with that me and hyung left the doctor's room and once when i came outside what i saw made me so surprised i saw him i saw tae waiting in the waiting place

when i saw him my eyes even teared up i felt like something that i lost  finally found its way to me 

Tae : JK ?!! 

i just went and hugged him 

" you are really bad so bad .."

Tae : *smiles and hugs back* why ?! 

" simply just simply you are bad for me ..."

Jin : hey Man how you doing ?

Tae : fine hyung 

i broke the hug 

" what are you doing here ?"

Tae : came to see you ?!

i was a bit shook 

Tae : i know today is your check up i wanted to know how is your leg now !! so tell me what did the doctor say ? finished the check up what did the doctor say ?

" hmm good...."

Jin : the doctor said he doing all good he told that the bandage he is wearing should be there for a week and then it would be fine he would be completely all fine 

Tae : good to hear it *smiles* 

my hyung and Tae were speaking while his eyes were going towards my hyung and towards me and when his eyes met mine and as he was talking and i was just starring at him 

and my hyung interrupted 

Jin : then lets all leave 

Tae : hyung no i have work i have to go 

i just holded his hand 

Jin : having work with your brother ?! 

Tae : uhn yes *smiles*

Jin : what work ?! 

Tae : i told i have a small work and i came to see JK and i told i will be back home so which i can cook him dinner and help him to pack up because he is leaving to Daegu tonight 

Jin : thats it uhn dont worry i will cook dinner for your brother and help him with packing  and leave with him itself because i too have train to Busan tonight so you can spend time with JK 

Tae : but why should i cause trouble its okay no problem 

Jin : ya come on you both go and have some time together go go i will take care 

Tae : but ?! 

Jin : i am telling na go 

and with that jin hyung left leaving me and taehyung alone in the hospital i was wondering what happened to hyung suddenly but i was happy because i could spend time with him

Tae : so where will we go 

" i will take you lets go ..."

after few minutes i took him to our University 

Tae : why are we here ?! 

" for some music dose lets go ..."

with that me and taehyung entered the music room and his face litted up with happiness 

Tae : my guitar 

i saw him all happy 

" i know you can live without anything but not without music and your guitar ..."

Tae : nope wrong and there is also a another thing with which i cannot live without 

" what is that ?!! "

Tae : maybe you will know sooner 

" okay anyways enough of your hidden words now come one play me a song ..."

Tae : what song do you want ?! 

" hmmm any song i ask will be played ?"

Tae : of course if i know the chords 

" okayy .... then wait i will look at my playlist ..."

Tae : okayy 

as i was looking at my playlist i found my favorite song 

" ya i found my favorite song ..."

Tae : what is the song name let me see whether i know it 

" its All of Me by John Legend ..."

Tae : ya i know this song its my favorite song 

" then come on play for me ..."

Tae : give me some time i will just look at the chords and then play for you .

" okayy ....."

(end of JK's POV)


 *after few minutes Jin reached tae's dorm and he knocked the door*

Joon : ya coming 

*and he opened the door to see Jin*

Jin : hey hello !! 

Joon : what are you doing here ?!

Jin : came to cook dinner and to help to pack your things up 

Joon : WHAT ?!!! 

Jin : ya move let me get inside 

Joon : ya ya ya .... 

*with that Jin got inside the dorm *

Joon : where is tae ?

Jin : so where is the kitchen Koya ?

Joon : no no get going now i will take care 

Jin : its okay ya there i found so tell me what you like to have for dinner 

Joon : i told i dont need anything 

Jin : uhn uhn its okay tell me Koya no worries i will

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