B(Y/N POINT OF VIEW) Leon and I both get out of the old building quickly and spot a pathway up ahead, with some angry villagers. We both make are way up noticing some explosive traps up on trees, we slide between and hear a villager say "Un forastero!" meaning "A foreigner or an outsider!" which can't be good. I notice a villager with a pitchfork walking to us, I nudge Leon to notice what was happening and he just aimed his gun right at him. I say "don't waste your bullets, its not worth it" after saying that I pull out my knife and charge at the villager. The villager tried to stab me with the pitchfork but couldn't hit me, so I just grabbed on to the pitchfork and kicked him in the stomach to lose his balance. After he lost his balance I tugged the pitchfork and threw it to the ground, that resulted in me stabbing him it the head. I turned around to see Leon impressed but shocked, he says "Kinda extra don't you think?"
I responded with an annoyed "You're talking about me being extra but don't you notice the villager with the pitchfork living in the 1800's" I smirked at the thought of me being "too much". I continued to say "At least I don't pull a gun out for everything", which left Leon irritated. We both headed up to the entrance of the village to see a lot of villagers walking around, "get behind me" Leon says while he takes out a pair of binoculars to look from afar. While waiting for another response I notice a dog stuck in a bear trap, I walk over to see the dog injured but not badly that it couldn't walk. I look back at Leon still looking at village, I whisper "Hey!" and gesture him to come over. Leon comes over to the other side of the dog and opens the trap a little for him to escape, I gently lift the dogs leg out. The dog hops out, walking a few steps forward and then running off. Leon gestures with his head to go back to the entrance, we both walk over to the entrance and give each other a glance, pretty much knowing what's about to go down. Before walking ahead I sarcastically say "now pull out your gun", I chuckle and pull out my two Uzi's and walk in. At the same time we both notice that there is too many villagers to fight at once, while the villagers chase us and speak Spanish we both notice a empty house and bolt toward it. We walk inside and Leon slams the door saying "Damn! Why these people", I walk over to a window and see the villagers planning something, "Hmm, what are they planning?"
Not long after we hear a chainsaw start running, Leon looks over to me and says "Oh great, a chainsaw". We both see bookshelves and dressers, we both instantly get an idea. Leon and I get on the sides of the dresser and push it to block the front door. After that we hear a glass window break on the second floor, with some additional Spanish being yelled. I notice a window and a bookshelf so I push the bookshelf to the window to block the villagers. Leon heads upstairs to check the window that broke, to his surprise he found a shotgun with some ammo. While he was searching for anything else he notices villagers are climbing up a ladder to get to the second floor, so he pushes the ladder down and makes his way back to me. "Find anything?" I say while looking around non-stop, "Just a shotgun with little ammo, want it?"
"I'm good, just be prepared", We both go back to back waiting for them to break in. Just silence until a bookshelf falls to the floor. After the bookshelf falls we start spraying are guns, killing anything that comes in. Five minutes pass and we see the chainsaw guy appear in the window, Leon quickly grabs his shotgun and blasts him more than 3 times, once he was finally on the floor I quickly blast my Uzi guns at his head. He was finally dead so Leon went upstairs to stop more villagers, although I noticed something...strange. After killing the chainsaw villager he dissolved with bubbles. I was shocked at the thought of what was happening to the villager, but I quickly snapped out of my thought and realized it wasn't over, five more minutes go by and everything comes to a abrupt stop. Everything stops when we all hear church bells, all the angry villagers stop and stare at a gigantic church that's up on a hill. The villagers drop their weapons and head inside a building, Leon and I run into the middle wondering what happened. Leon sarcastically says "Where's everyone going? Bingo?" with me replying "I'm guessing it's two for one today".
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