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Hi peeps welcome to the next part of the story. This part involves a bit of toxic? behavior so be prepared for that. Anyway on to the chapter enjoy

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Third person POV

It has been awhile since Dabi has been acting a bit differently lately and everyone was starting to question why he was acting the way he was. The league tried to talk to him but to no avail got nothing out of him. Even Keigo couldn't get him to talk and he thought he would've told him what happened or what was even going on in his mind

Dabi, Twice, Shigiraki, Toga, Kurogiri, Spinner and Hawks were all in their normal spots at the bar in the LOV base but looking at Dabi as he was bouncing his leg and drinking like usual but not as much. Everything was quiet until Dabi finally spoke up "what are you all looking at me for?". They all looked away except Hawks cause he was a bit worried for his scarred boyfriend

Why was he being this way? Who knows

Hawks moved close to him and made Dabi look him in the eyes with a hand on his cheek. "Tell me what's wrong. You seem very stressed and I know there's something bothering you" he said as his expression was soft as well as his voice but Dabis was way different than his

His expression was more angry and his tone was strict

"Can you not. There's nothing wrong so drop it" his voice filling with venom towards his boyfriend as he slapped his hand away from his face burning it in the process while walking away. "what the fuck" he whispered as he held his hand where it was burned now and watched as his boyfriend walked away jumping when he heard a door slam

Ok not going near him for awhile he thought as he saw the others come up to him. "Are you ok?" Toga asks as she looks at his hand and he responded with a simple nod. After they took care of his hand Hawks wanted to check on his boyfriend but decided not to

He dragged his talons on his bandaged hand and sighed "I just wanted to know what was wrong" he said quietly but it was so quiet that the league heard him. "I know you did Hawks but give him time to cool off. I'm sure he meant no harm either" Kurogiri stated as Keigo just looked at him. "I guess your right" smiling he got up and went over to Toga as she was messing with her hair

He sat down in front of her smiling "need some help kid?" he said getting a nod from her as she happily handed him a hairbrush and hair ties for him to do her hair. He heard a giggle come out of her as he did her hair making two braids this time. Sooner or later Dabi came out of his room and seen everyone just talking and doing whatever while hanging out

Kurogiri was the first to notice Dabi as he stood there. "Welcome back Dabi care for a drink?" he shook his head and went over to Keigo who was with Toga and Magne. "Hi Dabi!" toga said happily with a wave as it grabbed the other twos attention. "Can I burrow Hawks from you guys for a couple minutes"

The two looked as Keigos face did look a bit worried but he got up anyway after they nodded and went with Dabi to his room. "What do you want Toya?" his voice now cold and quiet as he spoke. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to burn you and I didn't mean to act the way I did either" Toya was quiet but loud enough for Keigo to hear

"it's fine" he says as he walks passed him and walks out. This action just caused Dabi to become a bit mad but yet again he kept himself away from Keigo as to not hurt him anymore

Not knowing what's to come within a small amount of time

Keigo's POV

Seriously that's all he wanted me for? Is to say some half assed apology? I don't know what's been bothering him lately but with how he's been acting he's gonna have to give me more than an apology. I sit back down with Toga and Magne as the two girls look at me

"so what did he say" Toga asked but I stayed quiet for a second "come on tell us what he said we'll keep it between us if we have to" Magne's voice was soft and quiet making me smile just a little bit. So I tell them what he said and they both agreed with me that an apology wasn't enough from him

I can see their worried expressions but I pull them into a hug wrapping my wings around the two of them. "I'll be fine don't worry. Besides he never hurts me. This was a one time thing but I still don't accept his apology" they both chuckled as they hugged back and we soon let go smiling at each other

"I'll see you girls later I'm gonna go home and get some rest. Have a long day ahead of me tomorrow" I got up as I waved goodbye to the league and flapped my wings getting ready for flight and soon taking off to me and Dabis shared apartment

I really wanna know what's going on with him but I gotta find a way to help him out. Get him out of whatever mindset he's in and just make him feel better no matter how long it takes

A few hours later

I was getting ready for bed as I heard the front door open knowing Dabi was home. He didn't text me or even called out to me to let me know he was here. Strange. I think nothing of it though and lay down shutting my eyes and letting sleep consume me

30 minutes later

I was suddenly woken up when I felt Dabi laying down making me look over at him. "Hey sweetheart you ok?" I ask in a tired voice but get no response. I sigh and just get closer to him cuddling him while laying my head down on his chest. "Get off" I hear him say in a cold tone and look at him confused

"why?" I ask but to no avail I got no response. I just did as he asked though and turned the other way grabbing my pillow and holding onto it while a few tears slipped from my eyes. At least I have the blanket over me. After crying silently for a bit I was finally able to fall asleep letting my thoughts consume me

Why are you being like this Toya? What's gotten into you?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Word count: 1171

That does it for this chapter. I hope u enjoyed. Slowly but surely we're gonna be taking a dive into the angsty part of the story and like usual I'll warn you just in case

Anyway if u have any criticism it is welcome

Bye lovelies ✌️🏻❤

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