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He walked back into the room, his shoulders slumped and his eyes bloodshot. He'd had a sleepless night, filled with nightmares about his old friend. He switched the recorder on.

Xotik's death shook us. After that day, I took an unpaid leave for an indefinite period from the Army, to console my friends. They were devastated by the death of a comrade they had come to look at as someone even closer than a brother, and so was I. Moving on was going to be a difficult task, and since I was the least affected of the three, I made it my responsibility to help them move on. 

I pulled some strings, using the contacts I now had in the Army, to temporarily return me to my squad of four (now three) and soon, we managed to push our way back into Category A, and regained our elitist status. 

On one of our missions (which involved a lot of rogue Neutrinons, a small but irritating species that never ceased to create trouble for our Galaxy), Blemat got a neutrino stuck in his helmet. Watching him struggle to get it out, actually yelping loudly, even Morfus couldn't resist the laughter that overcame him. Once the two of us helped Blemat get the Neutrinon out, all three of us sat down and laughed hard, tears of laughter streaming down our cheeks. It was the first time any of us had laughed since his death, and the emotion seemed foreign for a while, but lightened our young hearts, burdened with a sadness that those far older than us would find hard to bear.

6 months later, the squad was back to its cheerful self, but there was a new problem now. We'd managed so long without Xotik, to honour his memory, but we really needed a fourth member. Who would he be?


"Shigran, Lord Melsur", Lord Tafos bowed his head for a brief second, acknowledging me and reminding me that I was still the General of the Magna-Galaxian Army, albeit on a leave, "Officer Blemat. Officer Evgenomorfus", acknowledging them too. 

We were at the Time Center, in a room very similar to the one we had been in during our first briefing. However, this one was more secure due to the seniority of our positions now. Blemat and Morfus looked strangely at me, puzzled why Tafos was referring to me as a Lord. I realised I had never explained my absence to them, and as I sensed Blemat, entering my mind, I blocked him, transmitting back, This is not the time, my friend. All will be explained soon.

When is soon? It's been 6 months since you've arrived, by the sun! I never pushed to know, but it's getting ridiculous at this point. I want to know!

Saying this, he pushed past my defenses before I had a chance to block him, and let out a small gasp. Morfus and Tafos looked at Blemat quizzically. Tafos continued.

"When you were assigned Category F missions, I knew the three of you were capable of executing them with ease. However, now that you have pushed your way back into Category A, and may very soon start carrying out the Emperor's personal missions belonging to another Category you probably haven't even heard of yet- Category Alpha, I believe you need a fourth person to complete the Quad. Now, I personally wanted to assign this fourth member myself, because I have more experience than you-" There was some grumbling at this. "-but my esteemed colleagues disagreed and overruled my decision, claiming that the three of you were intelligent and responsible and experienced enough to choose a partner wisely so that he stands by you through the greatest of challenges, so here we are. I will be presenting you with five of the best that our Center has to offer, and you may make the choice after deliberation. I should add, of course, that the decision has to be unanimous. Therefore, if even one person does not approve, the candidate will not be allowed entry into the Quad. Presenting the five..." 

He clapped his hands once, and a hologram appeared at the center of the room. It portrayed a short and stout man with a walrus moustache that extended till his knees, wearing a Time Warrior uniform in the traditional style, and his hands were zigzagging in the Shigran Salute. It also portrayed some stats next to him. Tafos began the introduction,

"Officer Polmich, leader of Squad A-773. He's led over 300 successful missions, out of which 48 have been Category A missions. He's a native of the Odorosmar planet, whose citizens are famed across the galaxy for their loyalty and courage, and level-headedness during times of crisis. He will indeed prove to be a valuable asset to your team, should you choose to include him."

The next hologram portrayed a shark-man. I instantly shook my head violently, and Tafos sighed, moving on to the next hologram. 

This one portrayed a Diavolokian. I flinched, and looked at my comrades to see their reactions. They had also averted their faces. I made a sign to dismiss this candidate too, and the next hologram appeared.

"Officer X-58, the lone member of Squad A-50. He has singlehandedly succeeded in missions where no squad, except perhaps yours, would have had a chance. He belongs to a planet that was destroyed in a skirmish with the Machites. He is intelligent, athletic and an excellent potential member of the Quad. He is also a shapeshifter. The only drawback in his case is that he is not an excellent team player."

"Officer Memorn, one of our latest recruits, leader of Squad A-1086. He's resourceful, cunning and a ferocious fighter. He graduated to Category A with his Squad faster than any other Squad in the history of the Time Center, except, of course, Lord Amedeo Pascal's squad. He would be a fantastic fourth member of the Quad."

Tafos clapped his hands once more, and the holograms disappeared. We began conferring telepathically. 

What's your decision, General Melsur?

Oh, come on, Blemat. At least you understand why I couldn't have told you sooner, but if you read my mind now, you'll know I was going to tell you after this meeting anyway.

What are you guys talking about?  transmitted Morfus.

Oh, nothing much, replied Blemat, I just discovered the reason for Melsur's absence.

What is it?

He is the General of the Magna-Galaxian Army, and is one of the Emperor's closest friends now.

Morfus also gasped. Tafos again looked at us in a puzzled manner, and I said, "They just discovered that I'm the General, Tafos."

"I understand. Well, Lord Melsur, I'll take your leave and will return in 10 minutes to take your decision." Saying so, he walked out of the room.

Morfus spoke up first. 

"Clearly, the first guy- what's his name? Platypus, Politon, what was it?"

"Polmich" I told him, a smile curling my lips.

"Yes, that guy. He's obviously out."

"Agreed" I and Blemat said in unison.

Memorn and X-58 are both extremely suitable candidates, and I will support whoever you two agree on.

"Well, for me, the choice is clear. I'll go with X-58." I said.

"Memorn is also quite talented, my friend. However, since I don't have any marked preference for him, I will support your decision."

"It is decided, then? X-58 will be the new member of the Quad?"



"Blemat, could you tell Tafos to come back? Tell him we've made our decision"

Of course.

5 seconds later, Tafos entered the room.

"Well, gentlemen? What is your choice going to be?"

"X-58." I boomed.

Tafos nodded his head approvingly. 

"He is currently at his rooms in the Quentalorion. I will summon-"

Suddenly, the lights in the room went out. We heard a whistling sound that grew progressively louder. Something seemed to be heading towards us, and that something sounded like a storm. I instantly pulled my torch out (what, you expected a fancy futuristic device? Yeah, no, we still use good old-fashioned torches for light), and shone a light all around us. It disappeared after travelling a metre in front of us, fading into the darkness. 

Morfus sighed, and breathed deeply. "Guys, be prepared to see something epic. It's a little something I've been working on recently."

In front of our eyes, he dissolved into a storm that emanated a blinding and piercing light, lighting up the entire room. As we looked around, we realised that half the room was flooded with a white and pure light, and the other half was darker than a collapsing black hole. Both storms condensed at the same time- one revealing Morfus, and the other revealing someone who was to have a massive impact on our lives from this point on.....

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