Chapter 2

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Kenma's POV

I just arrived at Miyagi from Tokyo in our school's volleyball bus. Just as I thought I was still with my teammates, I realised I was alone and lost.

"Ah...." I stand in the same position thinking about whether to find my teammates.

"... Maybe not...." I simply find a place beside a empty house to sit at, playing the new game Kuroo just bought for me.

Kuroo is just gonna find me when he realises that I'm missing from the group so might as well save my energy to play my game. Just as I was playing my game, I heard a person shouting and a running footsteps coming from behind me.

The boy stopped after his tracks, seemingly to be lost. He walked up to me, "Hi! I'm Hinata Shoyo! What's your name?" he said in a cheerful voice.

Hesistant to answer, I answered in a quiet tone, "Kozume.... Kozume Kenma...." with my head still looking down at my game.

Seemingly happy that I replied him, he walked and stood beside me watching me while I played my game.

He asked: "Is that game fun?"

"mhm...." I replied as I slightly nod my  head.

"OHH! Do you like volleyball??"

"Huh?"  I got shocked by his sudden excitement in question.

"I mean, those are volleyball shoes aren't they?" as he point to my volleyball shoes in my bag.

I looked at him as he eagerly wait for my reply with sparkles in his eyes.

As much as I felt lazy to reply him, his eagerness somehow led me to reply him.

"... Uhh... It's not that I like volleyball... I'm just playing it just because..."

After that, he kept asking me question about my position in my volleyball team and started to talk about himself. In the meantime, I had already took my eyes off my game and have been watching him instead.

" Kenma!" after talking for a while, I heard Kuroo calling my name.

I walked up to Kuroo and turn around, "See you later, Shoyo..." with a tiny unnoticeable smile.

Hinata looked me with a confused face and just stood there while watching me and Kuroo walked off.

"Hmm? You seem to like that chibi-chan, Kenma," says Kuroo while trying to tease me.

"mhm... a new friend... I guess..." I replied as I give off a tiny smile.

Kuroo looked a bit shocked as I rarely smile but I decide to ignore him. Then, I kept my game inside my bag while walking back to the hostel with Kuroo, thinking about the match tomorrow with Hinata.

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