Chapter 20: Beginning of a Happy Ending

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You rushed out of the chaotic city, with angry wizards following close behind. "Jake, can you stretch us out of here?" Finn asked, clearly wanting to get the hell out of there.
"Yup. Hop on you two!" Jake replied while stretching out a bit. You hopped onto the magic dog and barely escaped the wizards.

"Hey Finn, you got the three wizard items?" You asked. Finn nodded.
"Yup! An arrow from Huntress Wizard, Abracandaniel's wand and a sample of Forest Wizard's magic." Your heart skipped. You had all the items!

Jake landed in front of Bubblegum's castle. Some Banana Guards greeted the two heroes, and shot a judgmental stare at you. You rolled your eyes. "We're here princess!" Finn called out. Bonnie came rushing down the hall to greet you.
"Oh great! Do you have the items?" She asked. You showed her the different objects. The princess sighed. "The ring?" She requested.

You hesitantly began to take off the ring. It wouldn't budge. Looks like Simon doesn't want to leave, you thought. "Simon, I have to do this." You muttered. It eventually came off and you handed it to Bonnie.
"Thank you Y/N. Now, you're going to need to bring the Ice King here. Can you do that?" She asked. You nodded.

"Finn and Jake, you stay here. I'm going to do this part by myself." You said. The two nodded.
"Good luck bringing him here..." Bonnie muttered.


You arrived at the Ice Kingdom for what might be the last time, and began walking up the pathway. You repeatedly tripped on your dress, making you extremely frustrated. "I cannot wait to get out of this thing." You said out loud.
"Who wants to get out of this thing?" An obnoxious voice called out. Ice King walked towards you. He looked really weird without his crown. I also can't wait for this weirdo to be back to normal, you thought.

"Hey Simon." You said. At this point, you didn't even bother calling him Ice King. He was going to be Simon soon enough, did it even matter?

"Hey Y/N." Ice King waved. "Did I ever tell you how much that dress suits you?" He asked. You sighed.
"Let me get to the point. Simon, do you want to hang out with me and Princess Bubblegum? I've heard that you're really into her." You said. Ice King looked shocked.
"Of course! What are we waiting for?!" He asked, then took your hand. You were then dragged to the Candy Kingdom.


   "Oh Princess Bubblegum!~" Ice King called out, still grabbing onto your hand. Bonnie came with a frown on her face. "Hello, Ice King." She muttered.

   Ice King let go of you. "So... can you follow me?" Bonnie asked. Ice King nodded. Bonnie signaled for you to come as well. She stopped at a room with a bunch of strange gadgets, and the crown. Around it were the wizard items, Hambo and your ring.

   "Y/N, once the magic of this crown is gone, Ice King will be back to normal. I'm also going to throw in some age reduction so that you both won't die. Does that make sense?" Bonnie asked. You nodded.
"I can't believe I'm going to see him again." You whispered.

   Bonnie hooked up the crown to a complex gadget connected to some sort of funnel. One by one, she placed the objects into the machine. After every object was placed inside, there was a big flash of light. And then... silence.

   Every memory you had of Simon played back to you like a movie. How he was always eager to see you, and the things he did to remember you. You had stayed with him through his darkest days. And now, after a thousand years...

   He stood in front of you.
   Haha cliffhanger! I can't believe how close this is getting to being done. Kind of sad now that I think of it... Anyways see you all in the next chapter!

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