A/N: Yup, two chapters back to back. This story is just really fun to write ok??
You waited outside the shop with Marcy. Why did Simon need to look in a jewelry shop? It's not like he needs to pay for anything anymore. By the sound of his voice, you could tell he had found what he was looking for. There was the sound of something freezing, and Simon screamed in rage. Whatever he was doing, it was hilarious to listen to.
He stepped out of the shop and put a frozen item in his bag. "Sorry about that, Y/N... and Marcy. We can go now." He declared. Marcy gave you a confused look. You shrugged, and took her hand. "Okay, lets go. Marcy, how about we find you some chicken soup?" You suggested. Marcy nodded.
As the three of you searched, you couldn't help but notice Simon check to see that he had the item multiple times. What was so important about it?
You approached a soup store. "Huh, didn't even know we had a Soupery around here." You said. Simon tugged at the door, but it wouldn't budge. He then smashed the window and hopped inside. You did the same and so did Marcy.
Nothing was left except soup-related greeting cards. Simon picked up one and read it aloud.
"Hey old man!
Have a SOUP-er BROTH-day!"
He sighed. You patted him on the shoulder. "You're not old Simon. It's the crown, remember?" You reminded him. A low growl spread throughout the shop. You knew what Simon was going to do. He threw the card to the ground and reached for the awful crown.
Marcy begged him to not put it on. You even tried to grab for it. Simon only replied with "I have to, to protect us." The hideous beast emerged from one of the aisles and slowly moved towards Simon. He raised the crown up and smacked the monster with it, leaving it dead on the floor. You sighed in relief.
"Let's get out of here." Simon said. He checked for the item one more time before putting the crown back. You left the shop and continued your search.
You found yourselves walking near a bridge. Simon stopped and reached for the item in his bag. The one you had been thinking about all day. "Y/N... I've been wanting to say-" Marcy cut him off. "Look, a food truck! Maybe there's some chicken soup there!"
Simon looked and the ground, clearly disappointed. What did he want to say? He put the object back without you getting a glimpse of what it was. You heard him mutter "Later." Something told you that you weren't supposed to hear him say that.
"Alright. Let's check that food truck." Simon said sadly. What he was going to do had to be important, if he was that sad that Marcy interrupted.
He lifted Marcy onto his shoulders and began to climb up a strange pink substance. You hesitantly followed, your mind completely focused on what Simon wanted to do.
You finally reached the truck. Simon opened the door to reveal...
Nothing but clams.
This was the maddest you had ever seen Simon. He looked at the truck label. "The Clambulance?! Marcy, cover your ears!" He yelled. After Marcy did, Simon began to curse while kicking the door to the truck furiously. The same low groaning sound was heard, and your heart sank.
You were surrounded by monsters. Simon kept cursing while slowly backing up. Monsters emerged from the truck as well. Simon grabbed your hand and booked it.
His backpack got caught in some loose boards and tore off. The item tumbled out. It was a box, clearly frozen by Simon's magic. You gasped.
No... it can't be...
Simon quickly picked it up and stuffed the box in his pocket. He grabbed a pillow from a truck and kept running. Eventually, the monsters had backed you three into a corner. Another broken car lay there. Simon opened the door to it and ushered both you and Marcy into the vehicle. Simon hugged you.
"If I can't take off the crown myself, princess, please take it off for me. I do not want to lose my sanity, especially not today." He said, then closed the car door.
The monsters closed in on Simon and he placed the crown above his head. He began to sing, and your jaw dropped.
"Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot!
Wouldn't it be nice to get away,
where everybody knows your name?-"
He floated down, surrounded by snow. "-where everybody..." Simon yanked the crown off and his hair and nose shortened again. You ran out of the car and hugged him tightly. He slowly pulled away.
A can fell on his head. Chicken soup. Simon quickly passed it to you and you gave it to Marcy. Simon walked next to you. "Do you feel awesome?" He asked Marcy. She nodded with a mouth full of food.
"I need to speak to Y/N for a second, ok Gunter?"
Marcy gave him a confused look, surprised by the new and strange nickname. Then she nodded.
Simon looked at you, the nervousness in his eyes making you wonder what he was going to say. You thought about it. Jewelry shop, box, nervousness; those words echoing through your mind. He began talking, and you realized what this was.
"Y/N, I know that this whole crown situation is insane. I'm sorry about that. And I know that I look different than the man you met at a museum, but I promise you... it's still me. Umm... actually, you don't really care do you? Anyways, there's been something I've been wanting to ask for so long..."
He took out the box and bent down. You were right.
"Y/N, my princess, will you marry me?"
You couldn't move. You heard Marcy yell "Wait what?!" from inside the car. You immediately nodded. "Of course!"
"I... may have accidentally frozen the ring... sorry." He admitted. You didn't care. You were going to be married to the kindest and bravest man you have ever met.
1,044 words oh my god. Yes... a LOT happened in this chapter. And don't worry, this story is nowhere near being finished 😉
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