Abducted ~ Shot

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As Leonardo worked on his laptop, his thoughts kept wandering to Lyric.

He missed her so much already, and he couldn't wait to see her after finishing up.

Just then, his phone buzzed with a text message from Pierce.


He read and raised his eyebrows. Why is he being so serious and what is this about? He thought.


He replied and dropped his phone and turned back to his laptop.



Starr and Pearl stood in front of the school, huddled close together to ward off the chill of the autumn air. They kept glancing down the street, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Lyric's car.

"Do you think mom will let us get pizza for dinner?" Starr asked.

"I hope so!" Pearl exclaimed.

"I'm starving!"she pouted.

"Me too, Maybe we could get some soda, too?"Starr smiled.

"That would be awesome,but I bet mom won't allow us to have dinner without doing our homework" Pearl said, her eyes lighting up.

Starr groaned.

Just then,A car suddenly pulled up in front of them. They watched as the driver's door opened, and a woman stepped out. It's Davina,she approached them, a smile on her face.

"Hello kids!!" Davina smiled..

Starr and Pearl looked at each other, confused. They had never seen this woman before, and they had no idea who she was.

"Who are you?" They both shrugged

"I'm Davina" Davina smile faltered.

"I'm not a stranger. I'm your daddy's secretary, and he sent me to pick you up because he and your mommy had and mportant meeting and she couldn't come himself.

"But Mom said we have to listen to her, She didn't tell us this. We can't go with you" Starr shook his head.

"You're still a stranger,, We've never seen your picture with mom before too" Pearl also said.

"Here I taught you're easy kids, I'll have to do this with force then!" Davina smirked and the kids eyes widened. They made to took another part but Davina blocked them.

Davina's man got down from the car. He walked up to them,a handkerchief in his hand. Davina moved closer to them, blocking their escape.

"What do you want from us?" Starr asked, his voice high-pitched with fear.

"What are you going to do to us?" Pearl broke into tears shaking.

"Shh!" Davina hushed angrily.

But before Starr could say anything else, the man covered her nose and mouth with the handkerchief. The world began to spin, and she felt herself slipping into darkness.

As Starr and Pearl drifted into unconsciousness, the guy lifted them into the car and secured them with seatbelts. Davina got into the driver's seat and started the engine, and the car pulled away from the curb.



Starr was the first to open his eyes.They were lying on a hard floor, and it took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dim light. As his vision cleared, they realized they were in a room they didn't recognize

And next to her was her sister, who was still unconscious.

"Pearl? Can you hear me? she whispered.

Pearl remained unmoved.

Panic rose within Starr.

"Wake up!" she said, a little louder this time. She shook her sister gently. "Please wake up!"

A few moments passed, and then Pearl's eyes fluttered open

"Where are we?" Pearl whispered, her voice shaking.

"I don't know," Starr replied. She sat up and took in their surroundings

The room was small, with no windows and only a single door. There was a table and two chairs, and a small lightbulb hung from the ceiling. The walls were bare and painted a dull gray.

"I knew that woman is bad. What should we do Starr? Mom must be worried sick, We need to get out of here and find a way to call her." Pearl said, her voice quavering

Starr nodded in agreement but before they can make a move-

The door opened, and Davina stepped into the room. Two large men followed her, and they both looked menacing. Davina was holding a bowl of dog food, and she held it out towards them.

"You must be hungry," she said, her voice dripping with mockery.

"You're really lucky,I'm nice enough to give you something to eat after what your wrenched mother did to me!!" Davina hissed.

"Don't talk bad about mommy! What has she ever done to you!" Pearl shouts and Davina turned to her.

"Your mom made my life miserable,you little w*tch! Stop talking or I'll blow your head off, now eat.. Tiny freaks!" She yelled.

"No! I'm not going to eat that!"

Davina's eyes narrowed, and her face darkened with anger. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a gun.

"I said eat it," she snarled, pointing the gun at Pearl.

Pearl's eyes went wide, and she froze in terror. Starr started to cry, his tears streaming down her face.

"You have to do what she says!" He pleaded with her sister.

Pearl's resolve didn't waver.

"No! I won't,dog foods are not meant for human being!!" she said, her voice shaking but firm.

Davina let out a growl of frustration, and her grip on the gun tightened. She grabbed Pearl by the hair and yanked her to her feet.

"You will do as I say!" she shouted, her face red with anger.

Pearl cried out in pain, but she didn't give in.

"Please, let her go!" Starr pleaded. "You're hurting her!"

Davina threw her back to the floor and she aim the gun at her again. Pearl cried out as she hurt her kneel.

"Now eat!!!" She ordered angrily and one of the men grabbed her hand.

"You shouldn't be doing this..." He said but Davina pushed her off.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? If you can't stand what I'm gonna do to them, then you might as well lead the way to hell first before she joined you now!" Davina growled and shot the guy twice.

He went flat on the floor and died at spot. She then turned to Pearl.

Starr heart began beating first.

"I didn't plan to kill you tiny freak just yet, but you went too far and your blabbering mouth remind me or your b*tch of a mother! I badly want to see her weep blood when she learn you're dead, nitwit!"

The gunshots rang out thrice echoing in the small room. Pearl crumpled to the floor. Blood oozing from her tummy,her eyes shut at once,she stopped breathing immediately.

"Now you'll do what I say"she smirked,turning to face Starr.

"Pearl!!!!!!!" Starr broke down in tears.

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