Part 5 - Roman

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I woke up, right as my clock struck 8:00 am. The light was shining through my white curtains. It was almost amplifying the light throughout the room. I stood up and stretched, feeling my sleepy bones crack and fully wake up. I began to move around my room. First to my closet, putting on a simple white t-shirt that had a crown on it with ripped blue jeans and mismatched socks. I looked in my full body mirror that hung on my closet's door. I smiled to myself. I brushed my hands over my shirt, getting out some wrinkles when I noticed a hole at the bottom of the shirt. I looked at it intently. The hole kind of That's when it hit me.

After Virgil woke up when we brought him back from the dark mind palace, he slept for about two days straight. We all knew that his body was just recovering and Logan said he probably had a head rush from getting all his powers back at once but we couldn't deny it, the air was thick with all of our nerves about our friend. When he did wake up, the first thing he wanted to do was take a shower. Once he was fully undressed, Patton took his clothes to the wash and Virgil was left with pretty much nothing to wear. Virgil's closet isn't very big, therefore, he doesn't own a lot of clothes.

I managed to find him some sweat pants and I grabbed my white crown shirt to give to him. He came out of his bathroom with a towel wrapped around him, he looked kind of nervous but I showed him my offering of clothes. Then he just looked confused. "Patton washed your clothes so, I brought you these!" I exclaimed. He took the clump of clothing in my hands and walked back into the bathroom. When he came back out, he was only wearing the sweat pants. He threw the shirt back at me, which made me jump as it hit my chest.

"There's a big gray hoodie in my closet, I'll take that instead."

"W-What? Virgil you'll be hot!"

"Yeah, but I'll be covered." He fought back. I looked down at the shirt in my hands then looked back at Virgil's pale chest. I smirked as an idea came across my mind. Virgil watched my eyes very carefully. Then he pupils shrunk. "D-Don't do that!" he said.

Before Virgil could stop me, I put the shirt over his head and fought it get his arms into the arm holes. Even though I was failing, Virgil was doing even worse. I almost had it too when all of the sudden, we both heard a rip. We both stopped dead in our tracks. Virgil pulled his arms down and we both could see that his thumb was sticking through the shirt. Virgil and I looked at each other but I started laughing. I could tell Virgil was holding back his laugh too but he let it out too. We both laughed until we were on the floor and gasping for air.

I sighed in happiness at the memory. That's when it hit me. Virgil. I quickly ran into my bathroom and brushed my hair back. I then, burst out my door and ran over to Virgil's. I knocked on the door, listening for a response. "C-Come in." said my emo nightmare's voice. I released a breath and opened the door.

Virgil's room was dark as normal and he was sitting on his bed. His phone was pretty much falling out of his hand as he looked at me with half asleep eyes. I walked over to his bed and sat next to him. He leaned heavily into me, closing his eyes. I used my thumb and index finger to lift his chin. His eyes were glossy and he was hardly focusing on me.

"Did you sleep at all?" He nodded his head. He swallowed and cleared his throat, using his elbows to hold him up a little bit.

"We're meeting Logan at noon. He's going to try to get to the bottom of my nightmares." I smiled widely at Virgil and he gave me a weak smile in return.

"That's great." I said. I paused for a second. "Did you have another nightmare last night?" Virgil nodded his head again and readjusted his position. He now had his back pressed against his headboard firmly with his head resting on my shoulder.

"I was watching Deceit and Remus talking to some other side." He explained. "I couldn't hear what they were saying but...when they saw me he-"

"They SAW you?" I asked quickly, making Virgil flinch.

"Y-Yeah. It's weird." He said quietly. I grew angry with this new information. Who knows what they could do to him when he's all alone in his dreams. "Anyway" Virgil continued, "When they saw me, he shot a wall of fire at me. I tried to get away but...I-I think I should be dead if I didn't wake up." Virgil's hands and voice grew shaky. I held his hands in mine which seemed to calm him down. I kissed his cheek and let soft sobs escape him.

I was getting lost in my thoughts. Another side? Talking to my brother and Deceit?! That cannot be good. If that other side formed in the dark mind palace, we're all in big trouble. Now I'm worried. If Virgil's our only connection to that without going to the mind palace directly, this could leave life-long scars in Virgil's mind.

Speaking of Virgil, his sobbing stopped. I looked over to watch his chest slowly rise and fall. He was sound asleep. He looked adorable, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I looked over at the clock on the wall, "9:00 am" it read.

Virgil deserves the rest before Logan tires to help him. With my hand still locked with Virgil's, I sat with him, listening to his peaceful breathes and felt myself slowly growing sleepy again. I closed my eyes and drifted away for now.

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