Part 11 - Roman

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Logan stood up, leaving to go get a first aid kit and, knowing him, find Patton. Virgil started shaking in my lap, tears still falling down his face. I rubbed his hair softly, watching him try to calm down. "It's okay, Virgil darling. You're okay now, Wrath can't hurt you anymore." I said quietly.

"H-He..." Virgil started, looking up at me. I was looking deeply into his almost black eyes, I've never seen him so scared yet so happy to be back in my arms. "He said he was p-planning something...b-big." Virgil's voice shook with nerves as he swallowed.

Planning something? What could that mean? Wrath hasn't been back in such a long time, does he still remember what happened? Is that why he's angry? Well, angrier than normal?

Virgil let out a small whimper which snapped me away from my thoughts. I realized my hand had accidentally slid down onto the burn mark on Virgil's arm. I quickly moved my hand off of it, "Sorry, Virge. I didn't mean to." I said quickly.

"I-I know." He replied, his eyes drooping and his breathing starting to slow. I smiled sweetly, taking my arms underneath his legs and his back, lifting into the air bridal style. He looked at me sleepily before he kind of looked around, "W-where's Logan a-and...Patton?" I kissed his precious forehead.

"I'll find them back in the mind palace but first, you need sleep." Virgil seemed to know he couldn't argue with me as he weekly nodded, setting his head against my chest, slowly nodding off. I smiled softly again and started to walk back towards the mind palace.

My mind was trying to configure why Logan didn't come back. He knew the damage of the situation. He couldn't have forgotten. So what was going on?

I could see the door in the distance, just now walking past the bench that Remus destroyed. It filled me with anger just by looking at it but I also didn't have the heart to get rid of it. It's like getting rid of it is getting rid of a bit of me and Remus' history. 

I sighed and reached out to the mind palace's door, opening it quietly and shutting it softly, not wanting to wake a peacefully sleeping Virgil. I took small and slow steps towards his room, opening his door with a creak. The room looked well which was good, that meant Virgil was okay as well. I walked inside and set in gently down on his bed. I put some blankets over him which he grabbed onto and began to cuddle with. I felt like Patton, wanting badly to take a picture but also wanting to respect my boyfriend's privacy.

Speaking of Patton, where could he and Logan be?

I stepped out of Virgil's room and left the door open a small crack just in case he wakes up. Both Logan and Patton's doors were shut. Odd. I walked over to Logan's door and stood in front of it. I don't know why, but I've always been afraid to knock on Logan's door. Logan is intimidating and not very vocal when it comes to his emotions. Maybe because we're opposites in many ways. Whatever the reason, I pushed it past me and knock on the door. "Logan? It's Roman...I just wanted to know why you didn't-"

"Thomas, what the hell!" I was cut off by the sounds of the control room playing audio from Thomas' current interactions. Maybe that's where they are, with Thomas or at the very least, in the control room. I ran down the hall and carefully ran down the stairs. While Patton and Logan weren't there, I could clearly see Thomas talking to one of his friends in his house. Thomas' friend was crying and Thomas was...laughing?!

"That can't be right," I said to myself, taking a step forward to the controls, starting to press buttons to control the outcome. "This should work..." I said, pressing the command button and turning my attention to the screen. Nothing happened. Thomas just continued to laugh and make fun of his friend. That's not the command I ordered.

I frantically started to input a new command. Trying to think of anything that would change what was happening right now. I pressed the command button again, this time, a notice came onto the screen. I read it carefully, "Please note: The Morality function is no longer active."

The Morality function? Thomas' sense of right and wrong...not active? Then that can only mean...


Seeing now that my command for Thomas to help his friend wasn't going to work, I did the next best thing I could think of. Pressing a few more buttons, I hit command and ran back up the stairs, hearing Thomas' voice in the distance, "Did you like that? I was practicing a monologue. You didn't think I was actually being mean to you, do you?"

I stopped in front of Patton's door, hands sweaty and heart pounding. I knocked on the door, "Patton?" I asked tentatively.

"R-Roman?" Came an uneven voice from Logan. My eyes widened a little in shock. I opened the door and gasped, putting a hand over my mouth quickly afterward. Logan was crumpled on the ground holding a limp Patton's hand. The room's walls were a faded blue and his posters were slowly dropping and peeling off the walls.

Logan looked like he had been crying for hours even though he left to come back here about 20 minutes ago. Logan sniffled and looked at me, "W-Where's Virgil?"

"He's sleeping in his room but that not the matter at hand." I slid down next to Logan, putting my hand on his shoulder, "What happened?"

"I-I don't know...I got the first aid kit a-and was looking for Patton. I d-didn't think I'd find him like this." Logan muffled another quick sob before his head jerked up as if something clicked in his head. He cleared his throat straightened his tie and cleaned off his glasses. He handed me the first aid kit and stiffly stood up. He put his hands neatly away, behind his back, and walked out of the room. I followed behind him, watching him walk to his room.

"Logan, where are you going?"

"To my room, Creativity. I need to get some work done." And with that, he slammed his door. I clutched the first aid kit in my hands. Shivering at the name he called me,


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