Chapter 5: Healed

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"Today is an important day," I told Harry. "Today is the day--" 

"You kiss me?"


"I kiss you?"


"We kiss ea--"

"No! As I was saying, today is the day that we have to either pretend to be enemies or be friends. Choose, oh Golden Potterface Scarhead. Choose."

"Erm...Okay, I guess. Well you're not that bad, and although I am better looking than you, looks shouldn't matter, right? So I guess, for your poor, broken soul, I'll have to say 'friends'. Ha, just kidding, you're better looking than me. What? But you're cool, so...let's do this."

I was actually very happy about this, but I would never tell Potter that. I was really in need of friends at the moment. Blaise was okay, but he always ended up telling everyone my secrets somehow. Crabbe and Goyle were actually pretty decent, but their minds were more set on pretty girls right now than anything else. Pansy and Astoria...Nah. Too prying. Astoria was too...feminine for my taste. My mother and her mother tried to set up our marriage. Ha! We ended it and made both our parents very angry. Imagine dating your sibling. It was like that. We were too close to ever get along without our differences getting in the way. But she still wasn't someone I would hang around with all the time. And Pansy...There is only one word to describe Pansy. Spitfire. And yet, I guess she's too...friendly for me. Not like, I'm so obsessed with you so I'm going to stalk you friendly, but more I don't have any friends either so let's be BFFs friendly. The only real person I could confide in right now was...well...Harry. 

"What do you say we go to Potions? What do you have after that?" I hoped we had a few of the same classes. The first segment of the school year just ended, and I got a few major changes in my schedule.

"Okay, I have double Potions--urgh-- and then Transfiguration with McGonagall and Slytherin, and then Herbology (Slytherin), after that lunch, and then DADA with you (AGAIN!) and after that, last class is Divination it Trelawney or Firenze this term? And... that's with you too," he added. 

Oh, Merlin's most baggy Y-fronts, I had EVERY CLASS with Pot--Harry?! Well, evidently, Dumbledore is some kind of Seer, since he was the one that changed my schedule completely!

Albus Dumbledore sat in his office, watching the map he had recently "borrowed" from young Harry, smiling and popping another lemon drop in his mouth. He was getting quite the stomachache from those. However, that didn't bother him at the moment. He was very proud of himself. You see, Albus had bewitched two things: the first being young Draco' s new schedule. He made it so that it would match itself to Harry's, after he bewitched the second item. The handy dandy Maurader's Map. He actually cast two charms on it: one to direct Harry toward the bathroom where Draco had stood, and the other was so he could watch their progress in the Room of Requirement. (The four founders had a loophole in the map; if you asked the room to show itself on the map, it would.) Then, when he saw that their names were farther apart than usual on that section of the map, he had to intervene by bringing in what else but one of the most powerful magical objects in wizarding history. The Mirror of Erised. He knew full well of Harry's knowledge on it, and he also knew that Draco was very intelligent and inquiring, and that he would want to know all about the mysterious artifact. After he had left the Room, he watched his, or rather, Harry's, map. He saw the two get closer and closer...and chuckled merrily to himself. When Albus had gotten back to his office after visiting the Room, he dumped the whole bag of lemon drops in his mouth. Screw stomachaches. His plan had worked.

"I'll bet you all of those stupid Muggle candies Dumbledore has in his office that that stupid, genius Headmaster did this. I bet he set us up!" I exclaimed as Harry and I trudged to Potions.

"Wouldn't put it past him," Harry said happily. Why he was so happy all the time...wait, I knew. He finally had a life. Nah, I'm just kidding. But he was most likely happy that it was March, and it was already really nice outside. Great weather for quidditch. We rounded the corner of Snape' s classroom and sat down in the front. Today we were testing something: how far Snape's favoritism would stretch. Harry and I were going to sit together and I was going to drop subtle hints to Snape that Harry and I were friends. If Harry was on my good side, why couldn't he be on Snape's, too? Maybe it would work. I hoped so, because Harry really wanted to become an Auror, and he needed an Exceeds Expectations in this class to go on with his training. He currently had an Acceptable. Right as I was thinking this, the dungeon bat himself came gliding into the room, black robe billowing out behind him. 

I liked Snape all right. He was my godfather, after all. He just needed to lighten up. I know, I'm one to talk. But really. He took out his anger on poor, innocent first years. Not even I do that. I wait until they're second years before ruining their lives.

"Today, we will be learning about Amortenia. It is a highly toxic potion to the brain, and must be taken with extreme care. If anyone takes so much as a drop out of this classroom, I will make sure that person never sees any part of Hogwarts again. Do you all understand? Good. Can anyone define Amortenia?" To my great surprise, it was not Beaver Granger who raised her hand, but my own Harry.

"Amortenia is more commonly known as Love Potion. The main ingredients are Ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, and moonstone. And of course, these make the smells that remind the taker of their lives ones or significant other." I whistled. Harry blushed. 

Snape looked ready to take points from Harry, so I quickly high-pitched him and said "nice, Harry, mate," so Snape would get the hint. You could see the slimy gears turning in his head.

"Well, very...adequate, Mister Potter. You were correct with the ingredients, however you did forget to mention that the prefix 'Amor' comes from the Italian word amore, meaning love." His face looked sour. "Amortenia is the most powerful love potions there is. However, Mister Potter, that was...correct. One point...will be awarded to Gryffindor."

Harry looked shocked. So did the other mudbl--Gryffindors. Harry jumped up and yelled, "YES! YES! One point to Gryffindor! In Potions! Yessss!" And high-fived me again.

"Mr. Potter, if you wish to keep that point, you will sit down and be quiet. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," Harry said sadly.

We spent the rest of the time making the toxically lovable potion. I was  partnered guessed it.

At the end, when everyone had finished (and Finnigan's hair was reduced to a smoldering mess...again...) Snape went around inspecting people's potions. Some were orange, some were blue, some were bogey-colored. Ours was pale pink; just like the instructions said.

"Hey, Potter, we work well together," I commented.

"Sure do, Ferret," Harry said. Ugh. Twit. Snape walked over to our potion. "Well, Potter, Malfoy, I am vastly impressed. Five points to both houses. Now Mr. Potter, what do you smell in the potion?"

"Peppermint, moonstone, rose..." Harry trailed off at the look on Snape's face. 

"Smell it, Potter!" He hissed. That man is seriously bitter. Harry obliged. 

" smells like old books, a cool winter night, spearmint, apples?" He finished. The rest of the class was gathered around the door, and they were talking so they didn't hear Harry's response. Snape's eyes widened. So did mine.

That's what I had been told I smelled like.

When the class had left, Severus Snape sighed. Oh, the things he did for that twisted old man...Albus had an odd liking for pairing up his students. Well, at least he got some satisfaction from making Harry happy by giving points to Gryffindor...

"Six points from Gryffindor," Snape muttered, and, for his own happiness, he added, " points."

Or not.

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