~ shes the boss ~

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~ David's not dead, yep, that's your quote ~

Anger was all I could see. I had never seen Dani so angry. She never slammed an unsub into a wall faster, "You tell me what I need to know and maybe I'll spare a leg." She growled out lowly into his ear. I stood with my arms crossed watching her from the other side of the room but said nothing about her interaction with the suspect. I had no authority over her at work, technically she was my boss.

"You can't treat me like this." He declared.

"No." She slams him into the wall again, pointing at me; "No, he can't treat you like this. I could skin you alive and send it to your grandmother and get away with it, trust me, I've don't it before."

"This is the FBI." He growls out.

"Yes, well I guess that's true. Why don't we sit down. I could be more civilized I suppose." Though her actions were a direct conflict to her words, because she slammed him harshly into his seat. I pulled out Dani's chair so she could sit and she thanked me quietly.

She rests her well manicured hands on the table, "So you know all about the FBI?" She questions, tapping her nails on the table.

"Of course." He states cockily.

"Do you know what kind of agent Aaron is?"

"He works for the BAU." He was proud of that information. Dani wanted to sock him. Derek said that was unprofessional, Emily said at least throw him up against the wall. She did. Did she feel better? No. Not in the slightest. I could see it on her face.

She nods, "Little history lesson for you Terry, the BAU was founded by two men a couple decades ago. Jason Gideon and David Rossi. Do you know who David Rossi is?"

"An author?" The man shrugged.

She nods again, "An author. An author who you shot. A federal agent that you shot. So you are going to tell me what I want to know or so help me god not even your ghost will be able to find your body."

He gulps, "I never shot no one."

She hums, "Yeah? Are you sure?" He nods aggressively, "Aaron, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She states, not taking her eyes off of him.

I don't hesitate, meeting with the other agents behind the two way glass.

"You want to know something Terry? The FBI, though they try not to be, can be very sexist..." she trails her hand across the table, standing up, "Now most would think that would work against my favor..." she stops behind him, "But I've learned that people who underestimate me don't truly perceive me as a threat. I think that works against their favor," Her fingers grip his pressure point, "Who do you work for?"

The man shook his head causing me to shake mine. He was underestimating her just like she warned him not to. Stupid really.

Spencer joined us behind the glass two seconds later, shoving his phone into his work pants, "Rossi's stable."

I nod, "Is he talking?" My question was clipped as I watched Dani slam the unsubs head into the metal table again and again.

Spencer nodded, "I had to call Joy to force him to stay in the hospital. He called me a-" Spencer cleared his throat and lowered his voice, "Assclown for not letting him leave or filling him in on the case-" he cut himself off when his eyes finally studied the scene in the interrogation room.

"I— is she allowed to do that?" His voice was on a higher octave and Derek clapped him on the shoulder in amusement.

"yes." I mutter, shocked though I hide it when Dani straddles the man with her hands around his throat. I couldn't hear what she was whispering to him but in a couple she slapped him across the face.

"Bad boy. We only give honest answers here. Do you understand?"

If Rossi was here I know he'd make a smart remark about "Is that how she talks to you?" very well knowing Dani was about as submissive as they come. Off work at least. Right now she was scaring me.

Derek studied her as she gripped the man's chin, shouting at him, "Should we pull her out?" He questions, glancing towards me.

I shrug, "She's the boss."

And it was a good thing I didn't pull her out, because after two more minutes, Dani had a name.

One she didn't want to hear.

Robert Valentino.

Her father.

I'm pretty sure the last slam of Terry's head into the metal table stemmed from a different anger.

"Danielle..." I trail off as she storms out of the interrogation room.

She turned towards me with a blank face, an eyebrow raised, "Yes Aaron?" It was clear she wasn't in a mood to try and talk anything through. She wants to fight, I don't blame her.

I sigh, walking her towards my office. Once the oak door is shut behind me I turn towards her, "Are you okay?"


"Dani I-" she cut me off with a kiss. One I wasn't expecting. I wanted to claim there was fireworks but it was better than that. A tingle that grew with intensity the longer her lips captured mine.

Her hands were in my hair. Mine gripped her waist to me. I knew this was her way of avoiding the entire situation but I'd bring that up after she was done deflecting.

Dani finally pulled back from list of breath but I didn't let up. Trialing kidding down her jaw, peppering then on her neck, "god I've missed you." I mutter, leaning my forehead against hers. Dani smiled, burrowing into me quite cutely for a hug. I figured that would be the moment to finally move to sit on the couch.

I held her close to my chest as she sat on my lap. We stayed quite. I could feel her stare in my face but I didn't dare look towards her. I didn't want this moment to end, I felt peaceful.

"Aaron?" My eyes meet hers, "Do you-" she cleared her throat, "When you say I love you, do you- I mean, you mean it right?" Her eyes were hug as they stared at me for an answer. It broke my heart a little the longer I stared at her calm facade. She was terrified I'd say no.

"With all that I am Francesca." It silent for a moment and she lays her head back against my chest.

It was my turn, "And you Dani? Do you love me?" Her hands fiddled with my fingers as she tried to find a way to phrase her answer.

I felt her nod her head, "I'm still learning what love is supposed to feel like. I love Jack and Eve but what I feel for you is different then that." She looks up towards me once again, "What I feel for you is so abrasive. I can't control it and it's daunting but even the idea of loosing that feeling  sounds even more terrifying."

I smile down at her "I-" A knock sounded on my office door and Dani went to stand up. I held my arm heavy around her waist to keep her from moving away from me and with a sigh she gave up. "Come in."

It was Derik , "Hey kiddo, Aaron." He acknowledges me though I knew it was nothing more than a formality, Dani was their priority currently, "Spencer thinks he might have something. Do you wanna come check it out?" His eyebrows were raised as he waited for an answer but Dani just stared at him.

"Danielle." I mumble, kissing the side of her head, "Come on. Let's go see what's going on hmm..." she looked towards me then to Derik before resting her gaze on our hands.

"Will you- I'm not sure if I'm ready for that."

"Hey." I glance down at her, "I'm here. Everyone is. I know you're hurt and I know you want to be angry about it. And I know you're scared. But Danielle you are still the boss. And I know when this is all over and done you'll beat my ass if I didn't make you do this."

Dani sighed, her hands not leaving mine, "You'll come with me though?" I nod, still holding her close to me.

"Always darling, now let's go before Reid gets distracted."

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