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Author: Thank you Evee872 for the idea for Izukus last memories! It helped me a lot! I also wanted to apologize for my terrible posting times.

Izuku: My past name was Nagisa. I was an assassin teacher who killed a government experiment gone wrong. I had a best friend named Karma.

Dummy: Yes, also your friend reencarnated too. Well good luck because my time is almost out for talking to you.

Izuku: Wait you said you know who my friend Karma was! Who is he!

Dummy: The only thing I will say is that he is closer to you than you think. Well goodbye in, 3

Izuku: Wait!

Dummy: 2

Izuku: No!

Dummy: 1

Izuku: Who is he?!

Dummy: Bye!

*After he woke up from the dream world Dummi was already gone, just like her orderly posting schedule*

Izuku: Mother trucker. I can't believe that Dummi ran before I could talk to her about my past life or her quirk, well I should go home and go through the new memories to figure out who my friend was and what new things I can do.

*On his way home he bumped in to CATzawa so he looked down to try and avoid suspicion, that would not work though*

Aizawa: Wait aren't you the bloody runaway kid?

Izuku: Emm, no who are you talking about?

Aizawa: I will give you a hint, bloody, green, black. Do you see it now, and I can legally take you in for hacking so kid come with me. I just want to help. I will drop charges against you if you do.

Izuku: Ok, can I go home first, I just need to tell my mom I will be out for longer than expected.

Aizawa: That's ok but I will follow you to make sure you don't bolt on me.

Izuku: Okay

*When they got to Izukus house Aizawa stayed outside to not raise any suspicion with Izukus mom, also he wanted to check for any abuse.*

*When he looked through the window he saw something even more traumatic.*

Izuku: Mom, no, MOM you can't be dead, this is all a lie. It can't be true. IF YOU DONT HELP ME THAN WHO WILL. MOM

*Aizawa just stood by not knowing what to do, Inko was in a puddle of her own blood*

*Aizawa looked into the kids eyes han Izukus eyes look deader than ever*

Izuku: Eraserhead, I know you are there. Please just come in.

Aizawa: 'What the hell am I supposed to do.'

Izuku: 'Is there anything I can do from my past life to save my mom, it's a stab wound so something to help that.'

*He remembers when Koro Sensei saved Keade (I don't know if I am spelling it right) from having a big whole through her stomach*

Izuku: 'I could try to replicate that... It probably won't work so let's not get my hopes up.'

Izuku: Aizawa, bring me a syringe needle, tweezers and needles, also some rubbing alcohol, everything should be in the bathroom.

Aizawa: 'Why does he want that stuff? Well I might as well.'

*Aizawa brings all of the thing Izuku asked for. After that Izuku went to work trying to fix everything.*

Aizawa: 'Wow, this kids got some real medical skills, too bad I don't think it will or can save his mom.'

*A few minutes later and Inkos stomach looks as good as new*

Inko: -hurr- (Waking up after getting stabbed noise)

Aizawa: 'Did that kid just bring back the dead with 4 medical supplies?!'

Izuku: Mom, mom, your ok. I thought I lost you!

Inko: I'm ok now sweetie, did this man help you save me?

Inko: 'No offence to him but he looks homeless, he seems nice though'

Izuku: Yes! He did!

Aizawa: 'What when did I help? He might want to cover it up.' Yes and I'm so glad you are ok, also you look confused, I'm Shota Aizawa, an underground hero. I will have to take Izuku in to the police station to see if he knows anything about what happened, don't worry he will be back in 30 minutes.

Inko: Ok but if he comes back hurt, I hurt you. OK!

Aizawa: ...ok... (Shrinks back a little)

Izuku: Well let's go!

And scene. Thank you Evee872 for the idea and I think it will be a good one! Sorry I did not do too much about it in this chapter but he still needs to figure out who Karma is! Also if you want to pick ideas for who Karma will be go all out! Thank you so much for reading, this is my longest chapter and have a great day!

Words: 785

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