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I dashed towards the table where Jenette is as I sat down in front of her. She pushed a plate of cake in front of me as I slammed my face on the table.

"What's wrong?" Jenette asked me as I placed the book on the table. I looked up to face her as I shook my head.

"No, nothing's wrong." I sighed as she furrowed her eyebrows. She gave me a panicked look.

"Where did you get that?" She mumbled

"What? Speak louder, Jenette."

"No, nothing. Here. Eat up." She handed me a fork and I munched down the cake that she handed me.

"Jenette, do you believe in reincarnation?" I asked her out of the blue as she choked on the water she was drinking. I immediately patted her back and gave her tissues.

"W-what? What are you saying, Athy? That's just fantasy stuff. Something that you read..." She gazed behind me. "...In a book." I glanced at the book that Lucas gave to me as the school bell rang.

"C'mon, Athy, break's over."

A few moments later we were back to our classroom. I saw Lucas grinning at me as I glared at him.

School was over before I realized it. I immediately ran towards the gates so I can go home when I noticed that the book that I was supposed to read was not with me.

I walked back to the classroom and saw the book lying on my desk as Jenette who was also there, kept staring at the book.

"Hey." I said as she jumped back in shock.

"A-Athy! I thought you're leaving?" I nodded as I took the book.

"I was about to but I forgot this." I held up the book to let her see.

"O-oh." She looked down and after talking a bit about random things, I decided to bid her good bye.

Once I was back home, Lily popped out of nowhere

"My lady, I'll have a slice of chocolate cake served upon your room." She said as Felix, who just came back walked up to us.

"Sir Claude has told me to get something from his office." He said as he sighed. He glanced at me and back at the book that I was holding as he forcefully took it out of grasp with an angry look.

"Felix!" I said as I tried to reach the book that he was holding up.

"Where did you get this, My Lady?" He said with a chilly voice

"From the school's library." I lied. His angry look slowly disappeared as he handed the book back to me.

"Good. Sorry for being too forward." He smiled at me and went to my father's office. Lily gave me a confused look as I nodded at her and went up towards my room.

I pushed myself on the bed as I opened the book.

"The lovely princess." I murmured as I started reading the book that was bestowed upon me.

"So Papa was the kingdom's emperor...Obelia?" Wow, this story's interesting. I have the same name as the baby in the book. Apparently, I'll die when I turn 18, I'll get hanged.

"What?! Jenette was my sister?!" I gasped and sat up. I knew that jewel eyes would greatly suit her!

"And, from the baby's world...I was the mistreated princess while Jenette was loved by everyone." I murmured as I continued reading. Well, Jenette is really lovely. No wonder.

It was already night time but I only finished a few parts. Like, how I met Papa at 5 instead of 9. How Raven (Blackie) appeared in my life as well as Lucas. How my mom appeared. How Jenette appeared and how Ijekiel appeared.

In this book, where the princess who was reincarnated that was supposed to be mistreated, was the one who was loved greatly by the Emperor. But, how about Jenette? She was originally the one who's loved.

The cake that Lily brought for me was still sitting still on my table as I took it and started to eat.

"So where's the original book? Jenette was the main character for the first one. Then now I'm the one who's loved in this one." I said as I tried remembering my dream about the person that looks like Ijekiel. I sighed as I stood up and started to prepare for bed. This is giving me a headache.

The next day, I felt the breeze of the school's backyard garden as I let out a sigh. I finished the story in the morning. Apparently,  I feel like, things were missing, I feel like I was supposed to remember after reading, but I just don't have it within me.

I opened the book and looked at the ending. It said that I lived a happy life. However, the book is missing a few pages near the ending.

The original book is the one that I need.

"The weather is nice, isn't it?" A fluffy voice from behind me said as I turned around to search for it's owner. Ijekiel Alpheus.

I unconsciously  nodded as I snapped back to reality. He approached me.

"That literature, is it good?" He asked me as I hid the book.

"Yeah, it was missing a few pages though." 

"Really? Then, can I take a look to determine what may be missing?"
I tilted my head as I wondered if he knew something about my past. Maybe, he can give me answers. Maybe he's talking to me like this because he remembers about my past.

I took the book out and handed it to him. As he was about to reach the book, a hand grasped my wrist. 

"What's your problem now?" I asked Lucas as he glared at me. That deep look in his eyes makes me feel like I'll drown into it.

He pulled me away from Ijekiel as I felt another hand grasp my arm.

"I believe I was the one conversing with her."
Ijekiel snapped at Lucas

"Really? On whose permission? What right do you have?" Lucas pulled me again as Ijekiel's hand was out of reach.

"What the heck, Lucas?" I said as we were walking towards an empty hallway.

"I told you right? To not tell anyone about it?"

"But I didn't tell Ijekiel about it! He's just going to read it because someone tore off a few pages from the book!" 

"So, what if there were a few pages missing? So what? Those aren't important."

"But maybe they are! I can't even remember anything at all! Maybe you're just messing with me and you made me hallucinate everything."
I said as I turned away.

"Tch." He said as he snapped his fingers and magically disappeared.

Okay I don't really think I was hallucinating but... I don't know... why can't remember anything? It's annoying.

It was time for everyone to go home when I received a call from my father.

"Athanasia, wait for company and don't do anything useless. I heard that there're peasants walking around the area."
My dad, Claude said as I followed what he said and sat on a nearby bench.

"Yes, father." I said in a cheery voice as he ended the call. 

I listened to a few lectures for my school after our conversation as a man walking in a black coat with black hair and a few traces of gold sat beside me. I kept my composure as I ignored him.

"What an unpleasant surprise." I heard him say as I took a glimpse from his side. I saw a familiar car approach me as I stood up. As I was about to enter the car, I heard him say something again.

"My dear...niece."

I felt shivers down my spine as I closed the door. As the car zoomed, I thought of something.

His black eyes looked crystallized blue for a second.



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