This Isn't Luck, It's Destiny

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"Tell me again how you asked Y/N out." Evy bats her eyelashes as she leans forward. "I just love hearing a good romance story."

Leslie chuckles. "Well, it's not much of a story. We were at Hamilton rehearsal, and I looked over at Y/N and just decided... that I wanted her to be mine."

You give Leslie a weak smile as Evy sighs dreamily.

"I still think it's so sweet," she says, looking at you and Leslie. "I love it when two people that were meant for each other overcome all odds and find each other." Evy squeezes Lin's arm.

Against your will, you glance over at Lin, who was sitting across from you. He meets your gaze, then quickly looks away and takes a sip of his soda.

"So, Leslie, did you know that Y/N teaches art classes?" Evy asks, completely oblivious to the look you and Lin had just shared.

"I did not," Leslie says, turning to you. "That's really cool. What kind of art do you teach?"

"Um, painting," you answer, aware of everyone's eyes on you. "To little kids. And sometimes I do advanced classes."

"Wow. That's awesome." You glance up and see Lin smiling at you. "So you must be a pretty good artist, huh?"

You shrug, unaccustomed to bragging about yourself. "I- I'm okay. I mean, I'm good enough to teach classes, I guess. Well, not 'I guess', I had to be interviewed, of course, like you do at all jobs, but, uh-"

"Yeah. She's really, really good," Evy interrupts, sensing how uncomfortable you are.

You send her a grateful look, relieved that she cut off your rambling.

"She has this little sketch book she brings with her everywhere, and I've seen a few of her drawings. They're amazing," Evy praises, clearly the more eloquent of you two.

"I'd love to see them sometime." Leslie gives you a grin. "I never knew you had so many talents."

You feel heat creep to your cheeks. "Oh, I don't. I'm just kind of good at a few things. At least good enough to get by."

As the waiter set down everyone's food, Lin scoffed. "You're way too modest, Y/N. You're an incredible singer and actress, and artist too, it seems." He gestures to Evy. "You gotta give yourself a little credit."

You poke at your chicken parmesan and let out a laugh to cover how awkward you felt. "Fine, fine, can we move on now?"

The rest of the dinner went surprisingly smooth, with Leslie and Evy carrying the conversation with ease.

You and Lin did contribute as much as you could, but you both didn't feel like talking that much.

After the bill was paid (by Lin and Leslie; they insisted) and everyone started gathering their things, you let out a breath. That was all over. You would get to go home now, and finally relax.

"Aaaaaand now we're off to part two of Lin, Evy, Leslie, and Y/N's Double Date Spectacular!" Evy slung her purse over her shoulder, and you froze.

"There's another part?" you asked, working hard to keep the dread out of your voice.

"Of course! Next, we're off to do some dancing!"

You hold in a sigh as Leslie slips on his jacket.

A waitress walks over and begins clearing off your table. She looks over at you and Lin, who happen to be standing next to each other while Leslie and Evy talk excitedly about the upcoming dancing. "You are a very cute couple," she says with a smile, stacking your plates on a tray.

You and Lin look at each other before turning your attention back to the waitress. "Actually, I'm with-"

"C'mon, slowpokes!" Evy rushes you and Lin out of the restaurant, eager to start the second part of her plan.

You wanted desperately for there to be a camera for you to give a Jim look to, but seeing as there were none, you keep your annoyance inside.

Leslie grabs your hand, and looks at you with an excited grin as you walk towards his car. "I love dancing."

You give him your best smile. Good for you.

The bass was so loud and deep that your whole body could feel the pulse of the music as you wove through the large club crowd.

The normal lights were off, and all they had were spotlights that were constantly changing color.

"Whoooooo!" Evy exclaims as she starts dancing to the beat. "Waiter!" A man holding a tray of drinks turns. "Everyone! Drinks!" She has to yell over the overwhelming volume of the music.

You grab a shot off the tray, and quickly down it. You were going to need the adrenaline boost.

As the evening melted into night, you were able to loosen up a bit- with the help of tequila.

At first, you just awkwardly stepped side to side to the music, but you eventually got to full on dancing, much to Evy's delight.

A song came on that Evy and Leslie apparently adored, so, together, they went on their way to the front of the crowd to dance.

Lin was actually a really good freestyle dancer. You shouldn't be surprised, though, since he seems to be good at everything.

You dance together for a while, before Lin finally lets out a laugh. "You're a really dorky dancer," he says over the loudness.

You laugh, then attempt to do the wave with just yourself many times over. "I know."

With huge grins on your faces, you dance together, him spinning you a few times and dipping you.

You had been dancing together for a long time, when you realize that Leslie and Evy haven't come back yet. Though you're concerned, you're having too much fun with Lin.

"Alright, this is for all you lovers out there!" a loud voice booms.

Suddenly, a slow song comes on, and people immediately get together, happy with the change of pace.

"May I have this dance?" Lin bows and hold out his hand. (He was a little drunk too.)

"I would be honored, sir." You hold his hand, and he pulls you close.

His hands rest a bit possessively on your waist, and you snake your arms up around his neck.

You sway slowly, completely in synch, as you stare into each other's eyes.

By the end of the song, you could barely breathe. The intensity between you. The oh-so-clear longing shining in both of your eyes. Lin's touch.

You both lean in, the future consequences reduced to a dull roar in the back of both of your minds.

All there was was you and him.

Just when your eyes flutter close, you hear, "LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!"

You both pull apart so quickly that you slam into someone.

You're suddenly plucked back into reality: the deafening music, the hundred people, the smell of Axe and alcohol.

You make eye contact with Lin, who looks just like you feel: disappointed. Worried. Unready to face reality.

Evy suddenly appears once again with Leslie, her arm slung over his shoulders.

She bursts out laughing, and you and Lin looked at Leslie in confusion.

He makes a drinking motion with his hand.

Evy was drunk.

Oh, crap.

You begin to feel a little nauseous, already knowing what a drunk Evy entails.

She saunters over to Lin and wraps her arms around him. "Lin, you're sooooo cute."

"Oh, thanks-" He's cut off by Evy pressing her lips to his roughly. She immediately deepens the kiss and pulls him closer.

You look over at Leslie, and he shrugs.

He works his way over to you and gives you a kiss on your cheek. "Sorry we took so long. Evelyn just kept going back to the bar to get another drink. I hope you weren't too bored."

You glance over at Lin, who was still making out with Evy.

"I wasn't."

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