Chapter 8- I love you

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Jamie's PoV

The last few weeks have been good and bad, with the press finding out about Dakota and me there were a few nasty rumours going round but they were soon put to bed by not just mine but Amelia's PR too, we are officially divorced as we got a quickie divorce with no fighting in court. Everybody on set knows and they are happy for us, as for me I am just enjoying this new relationship with Dakota. Today will be hard on set as we are filming the scene where Christian hits Ana with the belt, I was never looking forward to this scene and even less now that Dakota is my girlfriend.
'What's up Jamie' Dakota asks bringing me from my thoughts and pecking me on the cheek
'Just worried about today's scene' I admit to her 'Jamie it will be fine I trust you' she grabs my hand and we go to get ready.
Thank god that is over, just seeing Dakota like that broke me, I take my place in the room for the final scene where Ana leaves Christian, we both deliver our lines and she walks to the elevator I follow her like I am supposed to as Christian 'stop' she shouts I step forward 'no' she has tears in her eyes as Ana and it suddenly hits me like a bolt of lightening I love Dakota, this here how I am feeling as Christian about Ana leaving is how I would feel if Dakota left me 'Ana' I deliver my line 'Christian' Dakota say hers and the door closes.
The director shouts cut the door opens and I pull Dakota into a hug and comfort her after such a difficult scene, while I hug her I whisper
in her ear 'I love you Dakota,please don't leave me like Ana does Christian' she stares back at me oh god have I said it too soon have I just messed things up.

Dakota's PoV

When the elevator door opens Jamie is pulling me into his arms to hug me, he leans down to my ear and I hear him whisper 'I love you Dakota please don't leave me like Ana does Christian' I just stare back at him not really sure I heard him right, he has a very worried look on his face but I finally find my voice and reply ' love me?' I stutter out in a whisper. 'Yes Dakota, I really do this scene made me see how I would feel if you ever left me' he says looking me straight in the eye. I think then I realise that how I felt as Ana was how I would feel without Jamie 'I love you too Jamie' I say and beam  back at him and it's only now I realise everyone has left the set.
I feel Jamie put his arms round my waist, he picks me up and spins me round 'I LOVE YOU DAKOTA JOHNSON' he shouts while spinning me round 'Jamie put me down' I laugh he puts me down laughing and asks me I want to go back to his place, I agree and we make our way there.
After having something to eat we are sat on the sofa watching a film and kissing at the same time 'stay the night' Jamie suddenly says,despite being together and Jamie already being divorced,we have yet to sleep together well apart from pretending on set. 'Jamie I would love to but I'm' I don't know what to say I look down at the floor Jamie lifts my chin up 'Dakota listen to me, I only want you to do what you want,we don't have to do anything if you just want to cuddle we can do that,I just want my girlfriend close to me' he says looking at me with his amazing eyes I can see he means it 'ok, I will need to go and grab some stuff' I say. We go back to my flat and I pack an overnight bag and we head back to Jamie's after spending a bit more time on the sofa watching tv we decide to calls it a night I am nervous but push it to the back of my head.
We are in bed cuddling and kissing Jamie is stroking the bare skin on my arm,things start to get a bit heated when Jamie pushes me onto my back 'your so gorgeous' he whispers and strokes my cheek I decide to show Jamie that I want to take things further 'are you sure?' Jamie asks while still stroking my cheek I just nod and let Jamie make sweet love to me, when we have both reached our release Jamie pulls me into his arms 'I love you Dakota, I will always love you' 'I love you too Jamie I say back with a yawn he chuckles 'sleep beautiful' he pulls me even closer to him and I fall into a deep sleep with Jamie's arms wrapped around me.

Here is the other update I said I would do today. I am overwhelmed by the response and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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