Chapter 1-The first meeting

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Dakota's POV

I arrive at the studio ready to start filming Fifty shades, I am meeting Charlie's replacement for the first time. After finding out his name was Jamie Dornan I looked him up and found out that he was Irish and had done a few films and t.v roles and that he was married with a baby daughter called Dulcie.
I hope that his wife is going to be ok with him shooting this movie, Matt was a bit weary but soon warmed up to it, after all it's only acting no real feelings are involved
'Morning Sam' I say as I walk in
'Morning Dakota, Jamie is on his way so we should be able to start soon' she says as she looks at the schedule that has been set up.
There is a knock at the door,and in walks a tall dark haired guy, from the pictures I saw online I recognise it to be Jamie, he is going to be a popular choice with the ladies, I mean I may have a boyfriend but I can appreciate a good looking guy when I see one.
'Morning Jamie, this is Dakota, she is playing Anastasia' Sam says as she introduces me to him
'Hi Jamie, it's a pleasure to meet you' I say and hold out my hand out to shake his
'It's a pleasure to meet you too Dakota' he replies in a deep Irish accent and accepts the hand I offer and shakes it.
Sparks fly up my arm, wow what was that I think to myself and I wonder if he felt it too, I doubt it I probably just imagined it.
We sit down to talk about the filming schedule but I just can't shake off how I felt when I shook Jamie's hand.
Oh just get it together Dakota he is just your co star and he is married and I am with Matt. I carry on listening to what Sam is saying and try to push the thoughts to the back of my head, I am sure they will go once I meet Matt for lunch.

Jamie's POV

I arrive at the studio, I still can't believe that I am playing Christian Grey, Amelia encouraged me to go for it and she was right. I am going to miss her and Dulcie until they get here in a week or so's time, but it will give me the opportunity to get to know the cast better, as being a last minute replacement I haven't met them yet.
I knock on the door I was told to go to and I am told to come in. Sam introduces me to Dakota,
'Hi Jamie it's a pleasure to meet you' Dakota says as she holds out her hand for me to shake and like the gentleman I hope I am go to shake her hand back.
'It's a pleasure to meet you too Dakota' I reply as I shake her hand, wow what was that spark going up my arm did she feel it too I wonder to myself. Sam asks us to sit at the table so that we can go over the filming schedule. It can't have been anything as when Dakota and myself sit down with Sam she doesn't seem affected by it. Before we start talking about the schedule Sam says that everyone is meeting up for drinks tonight so I can meet everyone and that partners are welcome if they want.
'Great I will let Matt know' Dakota pipes up and with the smile that she has on her face when she says his name I am guessing that it's her boyfriend, which for some reason bothers me, why am I bothered she has a boyfriend I am married, don't get me wrong Dakota is a very attractive woman, any guy can see that. I am clearly just missing my wife and daughter that's all.
We carry on talking about the schedule and agree to leave the red room scenes until the end so Dakota can build up trust in me, I am pleased about this as these are the scenes that worry me the last thing I want to do is hurt Dakota, even if it's just by accident.
I invite Dakota to lunch after we have finished taking to Sam, just saying that we can use the time to get to know each other a bit better, she politely declines saying that she is meeting her boyfriend, again this bothers me she says her goodbyes to everyone and tell me she will see me on set tomorrow.
Get it together Jamie, she has a boyfriend and your married you love Amelia, Dakota is just your co star.
I decide to put everything to the back of my mind and go back to my flat that I am staying in while filming to get ready for drinks tonight, but at the back of my mind I know I will be meeting Dakota's boyfriend and I can't help but wonder what he is like.

This is the first chapter of my first Damie story I hope you enjoy it

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