Ring... Ring... Ring...
"I swear to God, if I have to -ngh!- call him one more time," Tweek said, holding his phone out in front of him, the phone set on speaker.
"Maybe he's sleeping," Token suggested.
Then, the ringing stopped. They heard a voice coming from the other line. "Mm..." Clyde grumbled into the phone. "Tweek... I'm trying to fucking sleep."
Craig leaned over Tweek to speak into the phone. "Come over."
"What?" Clyde said. "Craig? Wait, who called me?"
Token rolled his eyes. "Craig, don't confuse him, he's half-asleep. Clyde, this is Token speaking now. Me, Jimmy, Craig, and Tweek are all at Craig's house right now and want you to join us. Please?"
Clyde pondered his response for a moment. He really didn't want to go over, but Token said please. He couldn't possibly say no to that. Plus, he had been blowing them off a hell of a lot recently, so he figured this time could make up for it. "I guess," He agreed. "I gotta get ready though."
"Okay, that's fine," Token said. "See you soon."
Tweek hung up the phone and Token smiled widely. "I can't believe he actually agreed!"
"I know," Jimmy said, smiling as well.
"Okay, we need some questions to ask him," Token said. "But they need to be good questions. Or at least questions that could inform us enough to bring us closer to whatever answer we're looking for. Let's see... What do we already know about him?"
"He likes tacos," Craig pointed out.
Token facepalmed. "No, I mean, what do we already know about that could be bothering him?"
Craig thought for a second. "...He gets sad easily?"
"Yes, we know that too. But why?"
"He's sensitive?"
"No, I mean what's making him sad?"
"I'm afraid C-C-Craig isn't smart enough for this," Jimmy said before Craig could answer. "You'd be surprised how even asking the simplest of questions could get him th-thinking for hours."
Craig gave Jimmy a light kick. "Okay, you come up with an answer then, Einstein."
"Let's see, w-what makes Clyde sad..." Jimmy thought for a second. "Clyde gets s-suh-sad over a lot of things. Like when he can't z-zip up his backpack p-p-properly. That gets him sulking for days."
"Okay, forget whatever makes him sad then," Token said. "Questions."
"As far as questions go we could ask him the basics. Such as random shit about school. Like his thoughts on different subjects. Maybe it's as simple as a bad teacher that's upsetting him," Craig said.
"No, God damnit, a bad teacher wouldn't stunt his eating!" Token snapped. "That's the fucking issue here. Hell, maybe you're the problem, Craig."
"Me? What'd I do?"
"Oh, please. You're always so damn mean to him."
"Craig's m-m-mean to everyone though," Jimmy put in. "It's k-kinda his thing."
"That's no excuse," Token said. "Clyde takes things to heart and you know that very well, Craig."
"Hey, it's not my fault Clyde's an oversensitive baby," Craig said, getting a bit agitated.
"See? That's exactly the type of thing you say that you don't realize could hurt someone like him!" Token exclaimed.
"Someone like him," Craig repeated. "So an oversensitive baby."
Token opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by Tweek. "Before you say anything else, in Craig's defense, he's not the only one who's mean to Clyde."
"Excuse me?" Token said; thinking Tweek meant himself.
Tweek scoffed. "Ever heard the name Connor Hansen?"
"Connor Hansen... Clyde..." Token put two and two together and stared at Tweek. He knew very well who Connor was. "Now, I'm not usually one to resort to violence, but Tweek, and maybe Craig, I will personally pay you both 30 dollars to beat the absolute shit out of Connor and whatever little minions he's got."
Tweek grinned. "Ooh, deal!"
"30 bucks? Hell yeah," Craig agreed as well.
"Okay, cool. He'll also be someone we can ask Clyde about." Token said. "Anyways, I heard a knock at the door like a minute and a half ago, so if you don't mind I'm going to get that." He stood up and left the room. He went downstairs and opened the door, letting Clyde in. Clyde was shivering, and he looked like he had just woken up, which Token figured was exactly the case. But sleepy Clyde is better than no Clyde, and at that moment, Token was just happy to see him. "Clyde!"
He gave Clyde a bright smile and a quick hug. Clyde just sort of stood there as Token hugged him, not exactly registering everything happening at that moment. When he let go, Clyde left his shoes at the door and followed the other upstairs. Clyde entered Craig's room, where Tweek and Craig were arguing about something and Jimmy was trying to make them stop. Clyde pulled a blanket off of Craig's bed, wrapping himself up in it and sitting on the floor.
"Why did it take you so long to answer the door? It's freezing outside," Clyde said with a yawn, getting Tweek, Craig, and Jimmy's attention.
Craig rolled his eyes. "It's literally only like 39 degrees (about 4° C) outside."
"Only?!" Clyde protested, suddenly much more awake. "It's snowing. Which means it's like, really fucking cold."
"Not necessarily," Craig shrugged.
"Anyways, what were you guys talking about before I came in?" Clyde asked.
Tweek groaned. "Craig brought up the fucking hotdog thing again, so I had to put him in his place."
"Hey, the readers agree with me," Craig claimed.
"That argument uses a logical fallacy and you know it," Tweek muttered. "Mob appeal. It is not valid. Anyways, I'm done with this conversation now."
"Fine," Craig agreed. "So Clyde, why haven't you been hanging out with us recently?" he bluntly asked, changing the subject.
Clyde, caught off guard by the sudden question, didn't exactly know how to respond. "I... I dunno, I just haven't felt up to it I guess."
Craig raised an eyebrow. "Not up to what? Seeing your bestest and closest friends? Wo~ow, okay, then."
Clyde bit his lip, feeling tears brim his eyes. "I didn't mean... It's not like that, Craig. I-I just-"
"I'm just teasing, man," Craig said, knowing that Clyde would've most definitely started crying if he didn't. "It was sarcasm."
"Oh," Clyde said quietly. The five of them sat quietly for a few seconds, no one really knowing what else to say. Until Clyde spoke up. "Hey, guys?" He asked timidly, quite obviously nervous. "I... I gotta tell you something."
"Yes?" Token said with a supportive smile. "Anything."
Clyde took a deep breath and wrapped the blanket tighter around himself. "I honest to God think I'm gay. But like, I've been going out with girls my whole life, and if I say I'm gay now, people might be mad or judge me or something and I... I don't know. I'm just confused I guess, but I wanted to get that off my chest real quick."
Token stood up from the chair and walked over to where Clyde was sitting. He leaned down and gave him a nice hug. "Aw, Clyde, is that why you've been acting different lately? Because you were scared of how people would react?" He asked calmly. He felt Clyde nod against his shoulder, and heard his breath hitch. Of course, Clyde had started crying. Token gave him a couple of light pats on the back and internally celebrated his newfound knowledge of possibly having a shot with Clyde, and the fact that Clyde had actually admitted something secretive to them. He let go of Clyde and sat on the floor next to him. "Don't worry, we all support you here. I'd say to just go with your heart, as cheesy as that sounds, and when the right person comes along, you'll know. Regardless of gender"
"Yeah, C-Clyde," Jimmy added. "We'll support you no matter what." Tweek nodded in agreement to this.
Clyde smiled through his tears at his friends' acceptance towards him. "Thanks, guys."
"Oh, this is a surprise," Craig said sarcastically. "It's not like I saw this coming from six miles away or anything. Not at all."
Clyde looked up to him. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I mean you act gay as shit, man."
"Oh, like you're one to talk," Tweek piped up.
"Says you," Craig shot back.
"Why yes, I did in fact -gh!- say that."
Craig smiled softly and booped Tweek's nose lightly with his pointer finger. "You're so cute when you say stuff."
Tweek giggled and leaned into Craig's side. "Was that meant to be a compliment?"
"Jesus c-c-christ, get a room already," Jimmy groaned for the second time that day.
"Yeah, I understand some people like Creek fluff, but stop please," Token backed up Jimmy's complaint.
Craig scoffed and pulled Tweek closer. "Fuck you, ya' jealous single bitches," He remarked.
Token smiled, ignoring Craig's immature ways. He was happy that he thought he finally figured out what had been bothering Clyde, little did he know he was wrong. He figured that since that was the supposed issue, Clyde would be fine from then on. So he did the only logical thing he could think of and have Craig give them food. "Can we have something to eat?"
"Oh my God, yes," Tweek said. "Lunch was like, four hours ago, I'm starving."
"Yeah, sure," Craig said.
Token looked hopefully to Clyde, expecting him to say something. But he just sighed quietly and buried his face in the blanket. God, Token thought. Was that not the problem? But I thought for sure... God damnit. Well, maybe I could at least get him to eat a little something while he's here.
Craig stood up and motioned with his hand for everyone to follow him downstairs. He opened the pantry and stepped aside for the others to look through the options. "We have nothing good, my mom hasn't gone shopping in like, two weeks."
Token shrugged. "Cheez-its are good." He took the box of Cheez-its off the pantry shelf.
"If you say so," Craig said. "We probably have some carrots in the fridge or something. Other then that, I got nothing else to offer."
"These are all we need, I'd say." Token shook the box of Cheez-its.
"Okay then," Craig hummed. He turned on his heel swiftly and walked back upstairs, the others trailing behind him. They all sat back in their previous spots and snacked on Cheez-its as they talked about things such as hotdogs and what sexuality eating them makes you, because that discussion was never really going to end.
Token reached for the bag of Cheez-its and looked to where Clyde was sitting. He frowned, knowing for a fact that Clyde hadn't had any yet. He sighed and took a handful of snacks back to his seat. He picked up a single cracker and tossed it at Clyde. "Clyde, have some."
Craig watched Token do this and threw a Cheez-it of his own at Clyde. "Yeah, you haven't had any." Jimmy and Tweek followed along and both threw a couple of crackers at him as well.
Clyde collected each of the crackers that were thrown and ate them slowly, one by one. Four Cheez-its won't hurt, He thought as he chewed. But four turned to six, and six turned to ten. Before he knew it, he had eaten two handfuls at least.
The time flew by, and soon enough each person had left. Except for Tweek, who stuck around to have alone time with Craig.
As Token walked home, he thought about that day. He thought about how overjoyed he was to have witnessed Clyde eating that day. It was a refreshing sight, as Clyde did not hesitate or make up some excuse to not eat. Maybe that thing earlier was the problem. Maybe Clyde will be okay.
Author's Note
This chapter was kinda long, hoped ya liked it. Also, next week's update may or may not be a bit late; my cousin is visiting so I will be too busy living it up with her to spend time writing a shitty fanfic.
Okie bye, luv ya <3
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