Chapter Four

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Clyde was sitting in his Art classroom, waiting to hear the ring of the bell. He was near three hours into the school day, and it was lunchtime next. He sighed at the sound of the bell and left the classroom. As he walked down the hall he thought about how happy he used to be about lunchtime. 

He got to go into a large room with many people; he got to sit down with all his friends and chit-chat with them; he got to eat. He used to love eating. He used to be a big foodie, always trying new things and "experimenting" with different flavour combinations.

Now many things had changed since then. Since high school had started.

He was such a confident little Ladies' Man when he was in elementary and middle school, hitting on whoever girl crossed his path and praising himself for every chick he picked up.

Except he had that little voice in the back of his head that told him what he needed to know: He didn't care for any of the girls he got. Sure they were cute, and sure they liked him, but he knew he only cared for popularity and attention from others. He craved it.

It wasn't long before that little voice became too loud to ignore, and he finally came to the realization that he didn't truly love the ladies, he just wanted to be loved himself. But all the love he was receiving was the wrong kind of love. They wanted him for his kisses and shoes, not for his personality and compassion. He also realized that he enjoyed their love less and less as the voice got louder and louder. It took much too long for him to register that he had never been in love before, not with a girl, that is. It hit him around halfway through eighth grade that he was bisexual, and that discovery destroyed him.

He knew that the entire school and his father all thought he was straight, he had been seeing girls since the third grade for crying out loud. He knew nobody would accept him for who he knew he was, which hurt him. But he pulled through and kept his secret safe, he continued to be the outgoing happy boy everyone knew him as.

He could only fake it for so long, though. Once eighth grade ended and ninth grade started, he went in as a freshman to his new school. It was an unfamiliar building with a lot of unfamiliar people, some nice and some not. He had his friends, sure, but sadly the not-so-nice people paid him very much unwanted attention.

The things they would say to Clyde hurt him. Some things hurt more than others. He could ignore them for the most part, like when they would simply insult his intelligence levels, which weren't very high. But then it came down to something he couldn't ignore very well. That thing was his weight. Now, Clyde was never a very slim child. He wasn't a slim teenager either. He was well aware of his weight and grew more self-conscious as the verbal abuse continued.

The things he was told just got to him. He was very bothered by many words that were spoken to him. He always had been quite sensitive, which wasn't something he hid very well. He tried to keep his happy act up, but he always ended up getting pushed right back down. The school year had only started a month or so ago, and Clyde had been acting differently ever since. He was much more insecure and quiet then he used to be, and his friends had noticed.

He got sick of feeling how he had been feeling. So rather than wallowing in sadness, he decided to do something about it. He decided it would make him happiest if he lowered his weight, the teasing of it would decrease and therefore he would be happier again. This decision led to what happened in the bathroom, the scenario which took place when this story started.

Okay, the thought/flashback thingie is over now. Back to Clyde walkin to lunch.

Clyde entered the lunchroom relatively fast, arriving earlier then he had the past few days. He sat down before the gang got there, and took a look inside his bag, where he forgot his lunch. "What a shame," He muttered as he stared into the empty bag.

"Clyde?" Clyde looked up from his lunchless bag to be met with Token's gaze. He jumped slightly, startled by his sudden appearance.

"Oh. Hey, guys," Clyde responded. He glanced behind Token at Craig, Tweek, and Jimmy. He waved to the four of them, offering a weak smile.

Tweek was the only one to wave back as he and the other three sat down. Token sat next to Clyde and eyed his bag suspiciously. "No lunch again today, Clyde? I thought you were feeling better."

Clyde gulped. "I forgot my lunch." This technically wasn't a lie, he did plan on bringing a small lunch today. But he wasn't too disappointed about forgetting.

"Okay, well, I have some lunch money you can use." Token slid Clyde five dollars. "Use it this time."

Clyde half smiled and accepted the money. He thanked Token and stood up, slowly making his way to the serving counter. Once he got to it, he scanned his options. Not to his surprise, nothing looked very appealing. He looked the lunch lady in the eye and cringed slightly.

"What can I get for five dollars?" He asked timidly.

The lunch lady stared at him with a salty look in her eyes. "Meatloaf." She scooped up a lump of meatloaf before Clyde could protest and put it on a tray. No plate, no napkin, just on a tray.

This time Clyde full-on cringed as the tray was placed on the counter in front of him. "Can't I get anything else?"


"There's nothing better than meatloaf. There are no other options."

"That's correct."

"Why does it smell so weird?"

"Just take the food, kid."

"What's that grey thing-"

"Take the damn meatloaf and go!" Lunch Lady snapped.

Clyde jumped and threw her the money before speed-walking back to his table. He heard a few kids snicker behind him. "I don't think this is edible," He announced as he sat back down.

Token examined the food and gave a small nod in agreement. "Yeah, I wouldn't recommend trying it. For safety purposes."

Jimmy rolled his eyes. "J-just eat it, Clyde," He said. "You've eaten worse. Don't be such a p-puh-p-pussy."

"Shut up, Jimmy. If it were up to me I wouldn't be eating anything right now," Is what Clyde would've said if he wasn't so nice. But he's a decent human being and knew better, so instead, he said "Fine, I'll eat it." He picked up the little plastic fork that was also on the tray and shoved a bit of the meatloaf (or whatever it was) into his mouth and nearly choked. Despite the fact that it was near flavourless and the part he could taste tasted like bullshit, he was able to force it down anyways. As soon as he swallowed he immediately regretted it.

Craig choked on his ramen noodles and Jimmy gagged at the sight.

"No, Clyde, no- aw, come on, gross." Token face palmed as Clyde did exactly what he just told him not to.

Tweek spat his coffee all over himself and the table. "Fucking sickening!" He exclaimed in disgust.

"Wow, that was a l-lot grosser to w-w-witness then I im-imagined it would be," Jimmy said.

"Clyde, for the love of God, throw that shit away," Craig said once he recovered from choking.

Clyde stood up and walked to the garbage can. He tossed the whole thing, tray and all. He sat back down and frowned apologetically to Token. "Sorry for wasting your money," He said.

Token gave him a small smile in return and patted him on the back. "Hey, no worries, man. You seem so upset about it, geez." He chuckled. He took an unopened bag of potato chips from in front of him and handed it to Clyde. "Here, you can have these."

Clyde couldn't help but be grateful, whether or not he wanted them. "Thanks."

"No problem, anytime."

Clyde ate the chips very slowly and was able to make the small bag last him throughout the rest of lunchtime, finishing it just as the bell rang. The boys got up and exited the cafeteria. Clyde playfully elbowed Tweek in the arm as they got to the hallway. "Ready for Spanish, Tweek-o?"

Tweek rolled his eyes. "Ngh- don't remind me," He mumbled. He waved goodbye to Craig and he and Clyde walked down to the Spanish classroom. "Ugh, I don't wanna go to Spanish," He complained as they walked up to the classroom door.

"Why don't you just ditch?" Clyde suggested. "I would totally do it with you, but if I ditch Spanish one more time, I'm almost certainly failing."

Tweek gulped. "Ditch?" He repeated nervously. He glanced around at the other people walking around. "Won't I get in trouble?"

"Nah. Ask Craig to do it with you, he totally will."

Tweek gulped and pulled out his phone to text Craig.

11:32 am 

Tweek: 'Craid, I dont wann a= go to spanifdh cladwss, wijl you ditch wuht me?'

Author's Note:

Translation: 'Craig, I don't wanna go to Spanish class, will you ditch with me?'

Sorry this chapter ended on a bit of a weird note, but I don't wanna just jump into Craig/Tweek, so I'm gonna continue in the next chapter. 

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