Get up.
"I don't wanna."
You have to.
Your friends will worry.
"Fuck my friends."
You don't mean that.
"Yes I do," Clyde argued with himself. Get up, ya lazy ass, He thought to himself once again. He sighed, agreed with his mind, and lazily sat up. He stayed seated on the edge of his bed for some time, working up the courage to get up and go. He looked over to where a clock was set on his bedside table and read the time: 7:24, I can still catch the bus if I hurry.
He hopped out of bed and walked to the bathroom, where he did his business and brushed his teeth. He then hurried down the stairs and into the mudroom, avoiding his father making breakfast in the kitchen. He put on his shoes and slipped into his letterman jacket before leaving the house. He made it to the bus stop in record time, where the rest of the gang was waiting. He stood next to Craig and leaned his hands on his knees, panting.
"Clyde, you actually made it in time for the bus!" Token said, a bit surprised.
"I ran.... so... mother fucking fast," Clyde said in between breaths.
"And you got here just in time," Craig said, pointing out the bus pulling up. "Bus just got here."
"Oh, thank God," Clyde breathed as he boarded the bus and sat down. He closed his eyes and leaned back on the seat, finally able to catch his breath as Token sat next to him.
"So, how was your weekend?" Token asked.
"It was alright, I guess," Clyde answered. "But Phil (Phil is now the baby's name btw, thanks @Kaylaquake) wouldn't stop fucking screaming all night; he kept the house up and I barely slept."
"Tough," Token simply said in response.
Clyde nodded in agreement and turned back towards the window. He watched the trees and passing cars go by and smiled softly. Something about the view was mesmerizing; he couldn't take his eyes off. But soon enough his state of peace came to an end, as do all things, when the bus arrived at the school.
He waited for the bus to come to a complete stop before standing and lifting his bag from underneath the seat. He followed Craig into the building, the rest of the gang trailing behind. The five of them all went to their usual meeting spot before classes: Clyde's locker. Clyde leaned against it with the other four just sort of standing around.
"I fucking hate science," Clyde broke the silence. The others turned to him and hummed their agreements.
"Same," Token said. "Speaking of which, Mr. Galambos said we'd get detention if we were tardy again, so we should probably get going. C'mon, Clyde."
"Oh yeah, that's right," Clyde murmured. He looked over his shoulder as they walked off and did a little wave to the others. The two entered the near-empty classroom and sat down in a pair of seats next to each other, just as usual. The teacher paid no mind to any students coming in, he simply stared at his computer screen. Clyde realized that the teacher seemed to be lost in thought, so he decided then would be an okay time to talk.
He turned to Token and tapped his shoulder, getting the other boys' attention. "Hey, Token, do you remember what we did last class?"
Token thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, we were taking notes."
"Oh... That's right. And what was it that we were taking notes of?"
Token sighed and rolled his eyes. "Clyde, do you need to copy my notes?"
"Here." Token reached into his bag and pulled out three sheets of filled out notebook paper, then placed them on Clyde's desk.
"Thank you," Clyde said quietly and took out some blank paper and a pencil.
Time Skip: Lunchie Munchies
Clyde walked down the hallway at a normal pace, not avoiding Token this time. They had left their class and had just finished talking with the group at Clyde's locker, and were now heading to the cafeteria. Clyde sat in his usual seat at their usual table and set his bag on his lap. He stared into it and gulped. Why did I bring food today? He thought. I already ate so much during the weekend... He felt guilty tears pooling in his eyes.
Token noticed Clyde's expression and gave him a little nudge to get his attention. "Hey, you okay?"
Clyde bit his lip. "Um... yeah. I have to go to the bathroom." He hopped up off the seat and walked off quickly, bringing his bag with him.
Once he was out of sight, Token turned to the rest of the gang with a bit of a nervous look. "Hey, guys? Could I tell you something?" He asked.
"Yeah, man," Craig said. "Why'd you even ask? Like, we're your friends, just tell us, dude."
Token gulped. "Well, I... um." He looked away nervously, then back up at the others.
"J-just spit it out," Jimmy said.
Token bit his lip. "I may or may not have a thing for Clyde," He admitted quickly, looking away again and closing his eyes, anxious for their response.
"Really?" Tweek said.
Token looked back up and nodded.
Tweek grinned. "Tell him."
"No!" Token exclaimed, covering his mouth when he realized how loud he had spoken. "Clyde is straight, we all know this. He's had like, seven different girlfriends."
Craig started laughing. "Clyde? Straight? Aw hell to the naw, no dude that feminine is straight. Those girlfriends were obviously fake."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean straight guys don't scream when they see an ant on their shoe. And straight guys don't care about getting a little dirt on their hands. And straight guys don't file their nails to make sure they look 'nice and pretty'. And straight guys-"
"I get it," Token interrupted. "Okay, now that we've discussed that topic, there's another I've been meaning to bring up for a while."
"Which is...?" Tweek questioned.
Token sighed. "Hasn't Clyde seemed a little... off to you guys lately?"
Tweek and Craig exchanged glances, while Jimmy just shrugged. "Not really," Craig spoke. "Why? You've noticed something?"
Token nodded. "For sure. There's no doubt."
"Think back to when we all went to your house the other day. Wasn't he acting different?"
Craig thought for a moment, then shook his head. "No, not really. He blew Stripe a kiss as usual and got hyped about dares as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary there."
"Right," Token agreed. "But think about afterward, though. Think about how quickly his mood dropped... specifically when the pizza got there."
Craig raised an eyebrow. "Actually, yeah. You're kinda right."
"Notice how he didn't have any pizza either."
"He didn't?" Jimmy piped up, a bit surprised. "G-goddamn, you're right, Token. Something is d-definitely off."
"Gh! Maybe he's just sick or something?" Twwek suggested.
"Possibly," Token said. "But have you guys noticed how often he's been 'forgetting' to bring lunch or lunch money?"
Tweek looked down, realizing where Token was getting at. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"It depends. What do you think I'm saying?"
Craig gave Token a strange look. "Dude, Clyde isn't some insecure teenage girl. If that is what you're saying."
Token sighed and rested his head in his palm. "Boys can have eating disorders too, Craig. And yeah, that is what I'm saying."
Jimmy nearly choked on his food. "Eating d-disorder?" He repeated. "Impossible. Clyde loves f-fuh-food."
Token sighed yet again and began packing up. "Lunch is almost over," He said. "And even though this seems highly unlikely, I'm pretty damn sure of it. And we're gonna figure out how to help him."
The rest of them began to pack up as well, nodding in agreement to Token's words.
Author's Note
Okay, this chapter took longer to write then I wanted. But Mr. Beast made a new video, and then I started watching Spongebob for some reason. So yeah, I have valid excuses.
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