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Date this book was started/finished: April 5th, 2020 - July 5th, 2020

Date this chapter was written: October 2nd, 2020


Hello! This is just a little author's note of a few things you may want to know before reading this fic.

First of all, a disclaimer: When I wrote this, I had pretty much no knowledge of what goes in a person's head when they have an eating disorder, which is why this may be inaccurate and why I never specified which type of eating disorder Clyde actually had. So I'm sorry if I said anything insensitive or offensive.

This book is currently under editing as well, because there are some things that I wrote that I don't really like, find cringy, or that aged like milk. [this part will be deleted when I've finished editing]

Also, if you came for the Craig/Creek portion of the story, that part was canceled and the fic became fully focused on Clyde/Tyde. It will still have parts where it's focused on Craig in the first few chapters, but I found it difficult to try and carry two stories in one book if that makes sense. There's still going to be Creek in here, it's just not the main focus anymore.

And lastly, something that isn't hard to notice in quite a few chapters, especially more towards the end, is the fact that some parts were just very lazily written and unthought out, so I'm sorry if you read something and think, "damn, was she even trying?"

Well, I think that's it for disclaimers. Thank you for taking the time to read this, enjoy! :)



Future edit August 20th, 2021


I changed my mind, I have not edited a single chapter and I don't plan to. Sorry, but I'm just gonna leave this dumpster fire be and I don't recommend reading it. Literally the only reason I'm keeping it up is because of how much attention it's gotten.


September 16th, 2023

u guys im gonna kms like actually

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