Peter Sunjata Essien

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Peter Sunjata Essien- Black American (Ghanaian ancestry); An honors student at the middle school, Peter is a young black boy of Ghanaian ancestry who is often described as being very optimistic and enthusiastic, as well as sociable and talkative with his peers. He is known to enjoy entertaining conversation with anybody about his love for Japanese anime and culture. Peter is an outgoing and lighthearted boy who can frequently be found grinning or laughing easily at just about anything, with a love of sharing jokes to make his loved ones smile. He enjoys humor, helping others, and spending quality time with the ones he cares about the most. An amateur comedian, he loves to playfully tease those around him and often tries to use his natural charm to impress his classmates, namely his love interest Gracie Poitier. He is a fan and consistent follower of Tyna Weaver's gaming channel and shares her sense of humor, leading him to develop a fondness for her. Despite his attraction to her, his advances are repeatedly dismissed by and misconstrued by her as being "annoying" and "bothersome". He still doesn't give up hope that one day, she will return his affections. Peter is also a gifted student who readily excels in his classes, being good in his English courses due to his hidden talent to write poetry and rhymes. He curates a great Instagram feed of street art and likes to write free-verse poetry. He tends to make quick, spontaneous rhymes while eating lunch at the school cafeteria and is considered a talented rapper as well. Despite his love for J-Pop, Peter also enjoys Old School Rap, being a big fan of Tupac, Jay-Z, and LL Cool J. He is a lover of music and often mixed beats as a hobby with his uncle when he was younger. 

He is a fan of a diverse genre of music and periodically listens to alternative hip-hop and experimental rock music as well, considering the band Gorillaz to be among his favorites. Peter is sociable around crowds, as he would often start conversations with those he came across on the street even as he struggled to fit in after moving to the city. Though many of his acts are selfless, he is partly driven by his fluctuating self-esteem, which causes him to feel smaller than he truly is. Peter generally sits with the more popular kids at the lunch table, who enjoy his company due to his vibrant, comical personality. His wisecracking nature can cause him to appear unprofessional or childish, with his humor also extending itself to his tormentors as he inadvertently provokes annoyance or irritation in them. An amateur entrepreneur, Peter aspires to become a Music producer or go into Music marketing when in college if comedy doesn't prove effective for him. Peter serves as the class president at his high school in later years, providing him with an ego boast as many of his peers begin considering him "very cool" by contrast to some of his other classmates. He could have a slight jealous streak when others tried to steal his spotlight, potentially stemming from him home life, where he is the often picked on middle child. Peter's increased social status also causes him to develop a weaker sense of morality, as he becomes less open to helping others and more likely to doubt people or antagonize those he believes have wronged him. Peter can also be very prideful and had a habit of keeping photos of his ex-girlfriends up on his social media long after they'd broken up as a means of spiting them, often twisting the truth about his romantic encounters and refusing to accept defeat. 

Despite behaving somewhat selfishly, his close friend Reggie Cox, an African American student from Detroit, often served as a realistic counterbalance to his arrogant attitude and humbles him down over time, providing him the wake-up call he needed to get his act together. He becomes less pretentious by then and demonstrates his compassionate side once more when taking the initiative in telling his older brother Zantis that his girlfriend was manipulating him to get benefits from him, showing him to still have good intentions despite his previously proud behavior. Born and raised in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Peter is described as a tall, handsome boy with a somewhat urban appearance. He has coarse, tightly kinked black hair that is styled in shoulder-length dreads, a dark, mocha-colored complexion, and prominent dark brown eyes. Like Tyna, who attends the same church as him, Peter has strong Methodist roots from his family's native Ghana and plays percussion for his church's band every Sunday. Although his relationship with her ultimately does not work out, he goes on to date Sheridan Jones, a pretty and popular female student with whom he forms one of the school's power couples. Peter later works as a DJ in London for several years in his adulthood and marries a British woman of mixed English and Nigerian ancestry named Stephanie, who works as an event planner for a large corporation. The pair tour France together, vacationing in a remote chateau in the French Alps and enjoying the diverse Parisian culture throughout their honeymoon. He ultimately has four kids with his wife and is recognized as a funny dad whom everyone adores. He gets a job in real estate and continues to do standup comedy on the side, leading a happy life overall as he moves his family to Los Angeles. ENTP 7w8

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