Nineteen - Consequences

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The weight of your confession came crashing down on you in an instant. I have fallen in love with Loki. It was like you were confessing to yourself, too.

Rogers gave a short, surprised laugh, like you had just told him the worst joke he'd ever heard in his life. Natasha furrowed her eyebrows, giving you a woah-are-you-sure look mixed with a Thor-is-right-here look. Overall, it just felt like her way of telling you how bad your taste in men was. Thor had his arms crossed over his chest still. His face was a mix of shock and confusion, but his eyes glittered with pride.

He definitely cared for Loki, a lot more than the trickster god gave him credit for.

The silence was quickly broken by a new guest in the room. "Updates on Loki," started a brunette woman with a sleek tablet as she entered. She paused just after getting through the doorway. "... I'm sensing that I missed something."

"Agent Hill," Rogers moved over to her, "Tony made sure L/N wasn't being mind-controlled or anything, right?"

Agent Hill raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "According to all known laws of Barton, as he has dubbed his very scientific method, no. Everything seems to be normal. No signs of manipulation."

"I'm right here," you cut in, "and I am not being mind controlled. That was all true."

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly did they say?" Hill tucked the tablet under her arm. Thor moved over this time, his eyes flickering to you before he leaned in and whispered something in the Agent's ear. Hill seemed pretty unfazed. "Not the weirdest thing I've heard at this job."

"What are the updates?" Natasha called, straightening herself up in her chair. Hill pulled the tablet out again.

"Right. The whole thing has been interesting to say the very least, but in a quick summary, Loki has volunteered to go back to Asgard and fill out his punishment."

"What?!" You protested, shooting up from you chair. "That's insane!"

"Therefore, it's not unlike him." Romanoff grumbled.

"Did he say why he was surrendering?" Thor asked.

"He called it a compromise," Hill tapped the metallic screen, "everyone is safe, everyone is happy."

"Except him." You muttered, falling back into your chair in defeat.

"Whatever the case, he still won't say why he came here in the first place, so we aren't letting him go that easily." The agent finished off.

You leaned forward, giving the captain your best puppy eyes. If they would let themselves go and let you explain, the whole thing would be over. But he gave you a tired look before turning to hill. "Keep him going. There's a lot we still have to figure out."


Steve had left to talk with Stark, and Nat had gone out shortly after to try and get more out of Loki. That left you and Thor alone.

You were still in the same spot at one side of the desk, while Thor was positioned at the other. You'd think you would be freaking out in the presence of the god, but under the circumstances, you found yourself avoiding eye contact with him. You still wanted to scream. You still wanted to cry.

You still wanted to see Loki.

"What was he like?" The thunder god broke the heavy silence, capturing your attention.

"What?" You asked, lifting your head to meet his gaze.

"When you were together, in your house," Thor repeated, "What was he like."

You leaned back in your chair, piecing memories together. "He was kind of scary at first, and then just annoying," you started, "But he warmed up to me eventually. Actually, he was kind of the best company i've had in a while."

Thor nodded, eyes trailing away from yours. "Why do you ask?" You said.

He looked back up at you, and then to the door leading out of the room. "I lost Loki for a while," he said, "And when I finally got him back, he wasn't the same. At first, I thought it was because of arguments, but I realized it was far worse than that. He just wasn't himself." 

He turned back to you, his electric blue eyes cutting through your soul. "I want to know if I have my brother back."

You met his gaze, almost matching his intensity. "I don't think he was lying," you admitted, "About the mind control thing."

Thor fell back in his chair, softening his gaze. You thought you could catch traces of a smile coming to the edges of his lips. "I don't either." He whispered.

After the agreement, the silence continued for a minute. "Was it true, what you said?" Thor said after a moment. "Are you really in love with my brother?"

You nodded, choking back your embarrassment. "...yes."

Thor stood up, almost throwing the table over. "Good," he held out his hand to you, "then you'll help me get him out of here."

You gave him a quick look of suspicion, but still grinned and took his hand, letting him pull you up and towards the door.

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