It's been 4 years since Y/n gave birth to Taechan. Taechan is a 4 years old adorable child now. Taesan is a very successful lyricist now.Taesan took a lot of care of Taechan as if she's his own daughter. He never behaved as if she wasn't his own blood. Yes whenever he realised it that she wasn't his blood it hurt him a little but he never showed it. He would go to pick her from her play school until I was at hospital doing my doctor's job. He would always give Taechan piggy back ride whenever she came back from her school.
It was a sunny day. I was sitting at my desk glancing some patients reports and woonhak stepped in. He said," Hey bestie! What's up?". I smiled at him and said," Hello bestie! I am good how about you?". He walks forward and sits beside me. He grinned at me and said," I am also doing good. I hope everything is going well now? How's Taechan? I miss playing with her as an uncle. I'll try to come today." She frowned and said,"Awww uncle Woonhakie misses his niece ?". Woonhak nodded while pouting. She chuckled and said," Ah no worries you can come with me today! It's been a while you and I spent time as best friends due to our doctor duty."
Taesan was at home playing hide and seek with Taechan. All of sudden, he heard the bell ringing. He opened the door and found me and Woonhak. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. He grinned and said," Welcome back home darling." Taechan came running into my arms and kissed my cheek. She said while clapping her hands happily," Mumma is back home! Mumma i missed you so much." Y/n kissed her on the cheek back and said," Awww my sweetheart mumma missed you a lot! Did you have fun with dad?". Taechan nodded vigorously. She smiled and said," Also uncle Woonhak is here." Woonhak peeked behind from y/n and said," Surprise Taechannie!". She immediately ran into his arms and said," Uncle uncle Woonhakie! I missed you so much."
She kissed his cheek too and he did it back while pinching her nose playfully. He said," I missed you too my sweet little mischievous niece hmm?". He nuzzles her nose with his. He said," uncle have brought so many chocolates for you." She took the chocolates and ran away. Woonhak chuckled and looked at Taesan, who was wearing glasses, an oversized white shirt over black trousers. His hair being a whole mess. He had a cheerful smile on his face. He hugged Taesan and said," Yo buddy long time no see! I missed you". Taesan hugged him back and buried his face inside his shoulder and said," I missed you so much too bro." She spoke with awe," Aww a bestie reunion".
They both chuckled and nodded," Kind of!". After a while, everyone ate lunch together as y/n served them. Taesan fed Taechan with his own hands. Taechan being a mischievous girl would run before and he would run after. He would shout in a soft yet funny way," Taechan this isn't fine to make papa run after you like this! Come in be a good girl and eat." Taechan would tease him by taking her tongue out, " I won't get caught by you ever papa!" Y/n and woonhak chuckled. Y/n said while pouting,"You're your dad's little angel. Don't tease him like that he'll start crying." Taechan laughed while putting her hands on her mouth. She said,"Okay papa fine ! I will eat like a good girl."
Taesan sighed and said," Yes my good girl. My tiny little angel who always makes her dad happy with her cute smile and innocence." Taechan giggled and ate like a good girl. Taesan patted her head and said," I am so lucky to be your dad Taechan. Papa loves you so much." Taechan kissed his forehead and said," I also love you so much papa." Taesan hugged her and she nuzzled her face into his chest. Y/n and woonhak watched with a pang of affection for the two of them in our hearts.
Taesan's eyes got teary all of sudden and he kissed over her head. He said while his voice breaking a little ,"You're just so precious for me even than the diamond." Y/n squeezed his shoulder and comforted him. Taechan felt his tears on her head. She wiped his tears and said," I don't like it when papa cries. Now smile papa!". He chuckled and said," You're the best daughter a father could ever ask for." She hugged him burying her face into his chest and said," I love you papa! You're my superhero." Woonhak said," Taechannie! Should we play now?". She climbed on woonhak's shoulders. Woonhak said," Ready for Woonhak train?".
Taechan saluted and said," Alright captain!". Woonhak chuckled and ran at his full speed. Taechan gasped in excitement. She shouted," Uncle woonhak I feel like I am flying wow." Taesan and y/n chuckled at the sight of them playing together happily. Y/n cupped his face and said," Why were you crying honey?". Taesan sighed and said," Because some time ago I was all alone in my life but now I have a wife and a small daughter too." Y/n's eyes teared up. She said her voice a slightly breaking," Yeah....and not your child still you take care of her like your everything. I don't know how to thank you and how can I pay you for taking care of me during my pregnancy and hard times...even when I was raped...." Taesan embraced her tightly and said," Shhhh darling you don't need to say those things..past is don't to pay me or anything just stay with me forever. I love you so much y/n". Y/n smiled and said," I love you so much too Taesan". Taechan comes running while holding Woonhak's hand. She said in her adorable voice," Mumma Papa can we play tag with Woonhak uncle together?".
Taesan nodded and said," Of course kiddo!". They all started playing tag together. But all of sudden ther game was interrupted by a call on Taesan's phone. Taesan picked up and said," Woah what? Oh my god? Thank you so much sir!". Y/n, Woonhak and Taechan asked him that what happened. Taesan hugged y/n instantly and lifted her up from her waist and turned her round and round while shouting," I am going to sing a song finally! I am also going to act in the music video of the song darling I am so happy!". Woonhak grinned and said," Congratulations bro I am so happy for you". Y/n kissed his forehead and said ," You deserve so much my love. Congratulations". Taechan clapped her hands while giggling," Wow actor papa! Hehe". Taesan hugged them all together and said," I am so lucky to have you all in my life."
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